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Everything posted by Angus

  1. What makes a black belt? hmmm.. A person who has more pride in their abilities than they do in that rag they have around their waist... A person who doesn't exercise their techniques in public unless they are in a fight... A person who never starts a fight, but never walks away from one... A person who acts chivalrously, protects virtues and morals etc... A person who is ever willing to teach those who are willing to learn. Angus
  2. I've never broken a board in my life and doubt whether i could do it. I have had boards broken over my stomach, however. I know exactly what hitting a face is like, but i still reckon the ridge-hand is pretty good if u'r fast enough with it. 'g' said a very excellent little piece of info there before too... They will probably want to stop fighting after u hit them. Angus
  3. So i'll just stick to the stuff i'm already doing... i might start running a bit more... Angus
  4. I second that opinion - good advice.. Angus
  5. Heh, don't fear for my safety dude... i'm a machine NO PHEAR!!! Angus
  6. Hi peoples. I've been dying to ask this question for a long LONG time. I've been losing a lot of body fat lately, all of it useless. I know it's good to have some fat on the body but this stuff is just the crap that makes u heavier and slows you down. I've only got about 2 kg of it left and it is the hardest amount to get off. I was wondering, therefore, if anyone knew the 'secrets' to shedding those extra bits off more quickly. Take for example: I have a 6 pack, i can feel the muscles, but there is a tiny layer of fat over the top which i need to get off. It's annoying and it slows me down. Any help would be appreciated. Angus
  7. Heh... this should be a good site... Angus
  8. I use the hand-weights to work the chest, biceps, triceps, and i think the trapezius muscle (one's in between the shoulder and the neck)... I do squats and puchups and various forms of crunches (leg-lifts, crunches, etc)... I find that the weights help with my power a hell of a lot - even though i don't strictly train in all of them. Angus
  9. I had a muck around full contact with one of my buddies. he kicked me really hard in the ribs as i came in with a stupid stupid STUPID jab and i had enough power to finsh the technique with a cross to his nose which left him bloody. I think that was equal. The last 'street' fight i had almost got my throat cut by some knife weilding punk and two of his mates. I ended up with some cracked back teeth and a cracked nose and ribs. The guy with the knife was very sorry and so was one of his mates (who was clutching his balls for agony)... The other guy ran off. I think they won, cos i was stuffed afterwards. OUCH! Angus
  10. My HapKiDo instructor used to cut sick at the students if they didn't tuck their ribs in when we were sparring... I already knew to do it but some didn't and they'd drop their guard. Angus
  11. that dude meant shuto ryu... I do Goju Ryu Karate under the boss of GoJu Ryu Australia - master Sal Ebanez (7th degree)... there's lots of kata and it's a little on the soft side but if u'r doing kickboxing at the same time u should enjoy it. Since u'r in Australia u'l probably hear of master ebanez. Angus
  12. Yeah, he changed the post Bob, in the original he said almost kill urself... that's what made me look silly. Angus
  13. That's really REALLY well put ken, i actually enjoyed reading that post. I agree wholehreatedly with u about the kumite (point-sparring) thing and am greatful that io had done kickboxing beforehand. I have been in the street scene a couple of times and i will tell u that if u hesitate or lose concentration for one second then u are gone. Especially if u have a weapon. I wear only one specific group of pants now, one's that allow for u to put leather belts around them. This was i always have a weapon on me. Take the belt off super quick by sliding it and then fold it roughly in half and u have a solid leather weapon to whip them across the face with. I haven't used it yet but i reckon it's a good idea, especially if they have a knife. I'd only really use it against weapons or multiple attackers though, cos i like just fighting without weapons most of the time. Remember when u'r in a fight - attack fast, attack first, and stick to the basics. Angus
  14. Black eye #2 - kick to the groin, uppercut to the eye socket. Learned it on the street... Angus
  15. Now now ladies, let's not create an argument. Angus
  16. You generally find that unskilled guys only know one lock - the basic heaclock. This is so easy to get out of an he ends up with either sore ribs or sore genitals afterwards... Angus
  17. Yeah, haymakers are better for finishing someone off... kinda like a big kick technique... When you're in a fight it's not so much anger as it is the adreniline that keeps u from feeling pain. Angus
  18. Oh i forgot to ad that i only got to my second belt in hapkido before i had to move. We were both whites at the time but i had just had way more experience and he was crapping because he though i was gonna hit him with a spinning heel or something. I keep telling him to learn thru experience but he just refuses to have a go... i think my psyche worked a bit too good on him... Angus
  19. No problemo... Angus
  20. I dunno about other people, but i knew that.... I'm just concerned that it doesn't do locks... I like backfisting too... my backfist comes out faster than my punch (with leading hand) and i strike then on the cheek... It's fun and it's good for all those times u muck around in bare-knuckle point sparring (which i don' t do too often cos i don't like it much)... Angus
  21. I was actually about to edit my post and suggest strikes such as ridge-hand *and palm heel* instead of a punch if u don't wanna hurt your knuckles... Good observation rush... I actually prefer to feel the pain in my knuckles, call me a sadomasochist, but at least then i know that it hurt them, cos i can FEEL their pain... Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle This Message was edited by: Angus on Aug 12, 2001 1:50am
  22. A lot of people don't understand what it's like to actually hit someone.. Take for example when u punch someone in the face - it's gonna hurt your hands! You are smacking your bare knuckles up against something as hard as a brick, if not harder. You can cut your knuckles on their teeth etc etc... Too many people get used to smacking into bags and don't realise that it's gonna feel different when u hit someone. Also, if u kick someone in the ribs with a kick it is very likely that u will hear their ribs snap if u kick them hard enough (not so much, but u get the idea - it's hard to actually hear a rib snap and discern it as a snapped rib) ... There are a lot of noises and pains on both sides of the fight... Angus
  23. A good example of this is one of my old school mates that i got into HapKiDo... he won't even spar me because he's afraid. He's never even fought me before cos i psyche him out before i even throw a punch. He just backs away. Mind you he's only on his second belt and has only done it for about a year... so u can't blame him for being a little jumpy. Angus
  24. Dude, grabbing isn't such a bad thing if u know what u'r doing... A big guy who does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a formidable force. Angus
  25. There is something about the human mind that makes us want to be better, and be actively recognised as being better than other people... That's how i've concluded the whole belt situation... I'm gonna let go of al worldy posessions and become the next Buddha i think... Angus
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