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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Angus

    karate ?!

    Sounds like a good idea man, what style of karate is it? Angus
  2. I haven't done any Bunkai yet (practical application of kata), but it's supposed to be very good. I just love sparring too much to say that kata is AS effective... Angus
  3. Yeah, it is a good change. Anyway, happy posting dude. Angus
  4. Make sure u'r in good shape! Angus
  5. The training isn't so, how can i put it.... as life-or-death focussed as it could be... Angus
  6. It's called intimidation and i use it a lot... The guy who did the staring is obviously a smart character, cos he probably knew he'd get thrashed so decided to play mind games. It's an effective tool if u use it right. Angus
  7. I like the atmosphere at my dojo, although the training isn't as hardcore as it could be... Angus
  8. Jerry, long time no see man... Angus
  9. That's absolutely right, that's why u train to have them come in at u from all angles at the same times or close to it. There's no set time, they can all just jump in whenever they want. Angus
  10. Heh, u shouldn't have editted the post, cos now my reply looks silly... ahh well... Pushing youself to the limits is not something that should be done every day - cos then it may wear u down and actually make you weaker - much like having a burnout phase like i'm going thru at the moment. No doubt my health is gonna be worse off in a week cos i'm gonna have to take that long off training. Angus
  11. Yep, the problem is just as prevalent in Austalia as it is in America, only we're not as big a country (population wise) as the US... Angus
  12. Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that i like to fight unarmed against someone with weapons... Damn i enjoy it! Angus
  13. Heh, yeah, maybe... I'm just lucky that one of them wasn't a half decent fighter otherwise i would have been chook food! One had a knife though! Lucky i'm not dead... Angus
  14. Do any of u guys ever get the opportunity to full-contact spar against 2 or more opponents? I've actually had a street altercation with 3 guys before, and another one with only 2... Surprisingly i came out best on both of them. There's just something about the feeling u get from knowing that u can handle yourself against more than one person that makes all the difference in your self-esteem. I loce sparring against 2 guys, it's so fun, cos u find that you're at the advantage. Neither of them know what u'r gonna do and who to! If they rush at u then u barge through them and bounce around, pretend u'r gonna hit one but actually smack the other in the face... it's awesome! Angus
  15. Angus


    I particularly like getting drunk, stripping off, and jumping in a swimming pool (only when it's summer cos in winter things tend to shrink ) ... The women at the parties tend to enjoy it a bit too... I wonder why..? Angus
  16. Bobby, u don't really wanna go and fight in those clubs man... They're brutal and stupid and u could get killed. Don't go looking for fights. I think u'l find that those uys fight really dirty and without gloves and stuff. A lot of them are just good fighters with no MA experience and u don't want any part of that. U could get killed bro, just stick to ring kickboxing and fight for your life if u need to on the street. Angus
  17. It's because question like that could cause an argument... It is MY opinion that Muay Thai kicks are far superior (in the roundhouse department) to the TKD and karate kicks... stick to the MT kicks man! Angus
  18. Learn to block with the legs, and have your guard so that u can bring your elbows down to protect them if the need be. I smash my elbows into people's feet when they try and kick my body. Angus
  19. Nearly kill myself? A coma. There's really no point to training that hard cos it does more damage than good... Angus
  20. Angus


    I think a grading should entail the following: -test of physical discipline (eg: ability to ignore pain to a degree)... -near technical perfection of every technique. -harsh discipline to anyone who does not act as if they are taking the grading seriously. -a fail grade to anyone who is not physically and mentally adequate for the position of black belt. That's what i reckon anyway... Angus
  21. Muay Thai doesn't have kata because its way of thinking is that kata is useless if you're learning to fight... It's the same with me, although i am doing a kata heavy martial art. I'm doing Goju Ryu (only just started), and i like Taikyoku Gedan, it gives me a good workout in my legs and helps with my pivotting skills... Angus
  22. I haven't been in any illegal competitions, but i HAVe been in street brawls... Very dangerous and VERY illegal. Angus
  23. From reading kickchick's post it is no wonder that many people have a low opinion of TKD... I personally think the art is excellent (even though i have never done it) - but this is certainly a prime example of a McDojo... "It has been the school's practice never to fail a student"... Pathetic, simply deplorable... i men no offense to you personally kickchick but your school is a fraud and is only after money... Angus
  24. Speaking of burnouts i think i've done that... I hadn't had a day off in 3 weeks, and i had been training a little more than 2 hours allof those days... I went to do weights last night and i was SOOO tired tht i almost dropped the weights on me head... I forgot that resting is equally as important as working. Today i am gonna exercise the mind a bit more than the body (i have assignments to do for university)... Angus
  25. Don't u think it ultimately comes down to the general ignorance of the general public towards the martial arts? Even some 'martial artists' are still ignorant to many things such as this topic. We still live in a society dominated by boxing, and i know many a bloke who thinks kicking is 'girly' - therefore the martial arts in general are 'girly'... I know that i could annihilate these guys with only my hands, and some times i really want to show them what the 'womanesque' martial arts can do! Angus
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