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Everything posted by Angus

  1. A jackrabbit! :brow: Angus
  2. Yeah, that's basic misdirection and taking their mind off it, but some karateka just do one kick and think that's it. A grappler would have them on their arse so quick! Angus
  3. I love combat martial arts... There's no better feeling than knowing that you can defend yourself to a degree that u could fight a small war and come out on top! Angus
  4. I don't think i could bench press 200 pounds! But then again i'm not a bodybuilder. I'm getting better though... Angus
  5. Yep, but the TKD and karate roundhouse sacrifice power for speed, it all evens out i guess.. Although i HAVE seen some pretty damn fast Muay Thai roundhouses! Angus
  6. Angus


    What cadet corpse? Or are things different in Canada? We have Navy, Army, and Airforce cadets... Angus
  7. Is this full contact? I wouldn't use a front leg kick in full contact (with grappling)... I suppose a backfist isn't a bad move either... I'm not saying that i do these moves, i just see people do them without even backing them up. You won't catch me doing any spinning kicks anymore, unless it's of dire necessity... Angus
  8. I'm looking to eventually open a freestyle kickboxing school when i'm older, and i reckon if u do the FIRST FIVE LESSON FREE deal then u will get a lot of interested people... Put an add in the local paper and run it every now and again. Give people an intro into the basics and show them what they could end up doing by putting on a sparring disply or something... Stuff like that attracts people... But don't run a Mc Dojo, do what u sed u'd do... Angus
  9. Yeah, obviously... But i hardly EVER use the lead leg to kick unless i'm doing a hook kick, and i back it up with a turning kick straight away... I just see some people thrust out a roundhouse from the front leg and not even follow thru with a punch! I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE!! Angus
  10. If you're going to use the lead leg for an attack such as front leg roundhouse kick then i reckon you should back it up with a spinning kick every time, instead of just using it on its own. The slide-up version even needs another technique (preferable a spinning kick) added to it... Angus
  11. Being an 18 year old Australian rocks man!! it BLOODY ROCKS!!! We can buy alcohol, we can get into clubs, WE CAN RENT PORN!! Angus
  12. Good to have u here dude... Angus
  13. It can be argued that they ARE a means of measuring skill (although i don't like the belt system)... Instructors use the belt system to keep track of where their students are progress wise. I hold an orange belt in hapkido (the second belt) but i bet i ould outfight some of the black belts there... Angus
  14. I haven't seen her in a long while either... But i'm REALLY concerned as to where Ken is... I don't think i could go on living without his lively discussion Angus
  15. I wouldn't say i love to fight, cos i haven't gone into a competition yet. But i don't mind the odd scuffle where i get to kick some a$$! I haven't got any ideas about the Muay Thai thing though man, maybe you should just train in other styles and do normal kickboxing. Otherwise i have no idea what you can do man. Angus
  16. Yeah, that's what i was thinking... The guy does have some good experience though man, and he was interviewed on radio martial arts at kickboxing.com I think crosstraining is definately the way to go, so i don't think i would even stick to DEFENDO as the one style i'd ever do... Angus
  17. Have a look at this site, for discussion purposes, and tell me what u think: http://www.defendo.com I dunno, i can't help but be sceptical. I've sent this Bill Wolfe bloke a couple of emails explaining that i'm a crosstrainer etc etc... He seems to think that crosstraining is the go, but DEFENDO was created by the 'original' crosstrainer, some dude back in the 20's. I suppose i'l have to get my arse kicked by one of the DEFENDO guys before i can really and truly ackowledge it as good system... Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle This Message was edited by: Angus on Aug 4, 2001 6:48pm This Message was edited by: Angus on Aug 4, 2001 6:48pm
  18. Yeah TIm, that's basically what i'm going thru... i'm doing an English course (one of 4 courses i'm doing) and it demands that i read 6 novels (5 of which are over 500 pages)... I don't have the time. But if i wanna get back into my workouts i just watch a martial arts movie and i'm all inspired again. Angus
  19. To do a good side kick you always have to bring your knee up... I shoot my knee up towards the ceiling and bring it across my body so i can release it with as much poweras possible... This also helps with spinning side kick... Angus
  20. Yeah, that's sound advice... I'm in a little bit of a workout slump at the moment (since the last couple of days) cos i have so much reading to do for university. But usually i'm hitting the weights and doing both toning and lifting.. Angus
  21. Good luck with the training and all dude... Angus
  22. Yep, welcome, enjoy, stay etc... >insert pleasantries here< Angus
  23. I do a weights workout just about every second day, but i also round the whole thing out with stretching etc... I find that my flexibility and speed don't suffer at all because of my muscle mass. I suppose i must be doing something different... Angus
  24. Yeah dude, good luck! Angus
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