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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Cool, i'l have a look at that one too! Angus
  2. Yeah, and sometimes during a conversation i'l hold my breath until i turn blue and have to be rushed to the hospital. It's quite a rush. Angus
  3. Viva la pervert! Angus
  4. Well, bugger, you got me there Rush... Okay then, put this way... SPORT SPORT SPORT TKD is no good for the street, it's useless. It is a fun GAME but that's it. Real TKD is good for the street with a little crosstraining or integration. Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle This Message was edited by: iamrushman on Jul 23, 2001 3:09pm This Message was edited by: Angus on Jul 23, 2001 8:03pm
  5. The Muay Thai stance help with the unique roundhouse doesn't it? I tried to do the MT roundhouse from kumite stance and it was impossible... I have to stand upright and square otherwise my whole style is rooted! Angus
  6. I think he's a glorified centrefold myself.... Angus
  7. I'm just saying that sport TKD is near useless for the street. It isn't a MA of it's own, just an abomination of a great martial art that definately has potential. Angus
  8. Was Sean Penn one of the actors in the first one? Angus
  9. I like those definitions, they make everything sound simple! Angus
  10. I HAVE to ad Muay Thai to my arsenal. One day... I've already adapted my style to mimic that of a kickboxer, and i kick with my shins, have a high guard, use leg blocks... A lot of that is from freestyle KB. Still Muay Thai has a lot more to offer than just teaching me to kick with my shins. Angus
  11. What style does Van Damme do anyway? Karate? Kickboxing? Or is he a glorified hollywood actor with a brown belt in two different styles? Angus
  12. I just give advice for street situations.... I didn't take this into account either.... oops. Angus
  13. Sounds hardcaw ken! If i ever take a trip to the US i'l stop by (i plan on one later in the year with some buddies). Angus
  14. Righto, i'l check the whole series out. From the fight with Dehan at the end of the movie i was noticing some of the moves weren't essentially TKD moves. I tell u what, that other main dude with the gimpy shoulder sure is a good cryer! Angus
  15. YOU ARE A CLASSIC KEN!!! HAHAHAHA! :lol: Angus
  16. Yeah, i agree... The second front kick would usually be a jumping kick. I wouldn't fake unless i was setting up for a jump kick or an advanced lock or something. With punching though i don't extend my arm when i fake, i just twist my hips like i'm gonna do a jab and then twist them back with a cross... Angus
  17. If you've opened this thread with something dirty in mind then i'm sorry to disappoint! I'm talking about faking or feigning moves in order to trick the opponent. I don't recomend it against multiple oppoenents but against one it is very helpful. I find that i like faking a front leg thrusting kick to bring down the guard and then pop a front kick into the face. What do u guys and gals think about this form of fighting? Angus
  18. Ahhh yessss...... What's the saying Lori? Great minds think alike? Angus
  19. What's the differece between normal TKD and the 'Rhee' style? I just watched 'Best of the Best' and noticed that one of the stars was one of the Rhee boys. Phillip i think was his name. Angus
  20. Rightio then, i'l have a gander at it.. Angus
  21. Gees, he mus have been smart if he duped the American government! Angus
  22. My HapKiDo instructor broke the assistant instructor's son's arm with one such move. It was accidental of course but the guy was getting cocky so my instructor showed him what real power is... Angus
  23. I'm 18, and 18 for males is supposed to be the sexual peak or something... SO FAR I HAVE FOUND IT ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!! 18 rocks! Well at least in Australia it does cos we are considered adults... Angus
  24. Sal Ebanez is sooo tall isn't he Jackspratt!? It's amazing how tall he is and the speed he has! What would you put the guy as? 6'3"? 4"? Angus
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