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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Yeah, it's no good to be big and have no power... Just ask the ladies! MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Angus
  2. Well to Tobias first - I study under 7th Dan Master Sal Ebanez (Goju Ryu Karate). I don't know if he holds a kobudo rank or not but he sure can teach it. It's awesome! I just have to remember to keep my hands on the bo when i'm switching then and to bring the bo to my shoulder before i strike. Ken - i dunno about the swords, but the weapons i saw were the bo and nunchaku. Man i like being a newbie again! Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jul 5, 2001 8:09pm
  3. To properly assess the legs you really need to see the whole body. Ken, you should have asked for a full body picture Hey, i aint that perverted - after all i'm still a teenager and Ken's all growed up! Angus
  4. The dojo i go to now is like a big family, it's pretty cool... I just have to get over my ego i think, because although i know how to fight i don't know how to fight in the Goju Ryu system. I have to remember that in the Goju system that the black belts are my superiors and i am still a white belt at the moment. I found myself telling a blackie how to do stuff the other day, then i woke up to what i was doing. Oops... Angus
  5. just remember mate, train smarter NOT harder.... Angus
  6. What happened to happy centenary of federation for Australia!?!? It's 100 years ago that with a vote, NOT a war, that Australia got its independence from England. But i suppose nobody likes us convicts I, by the way, have traced my ancestry back to a convict. Which may not surprise some of you. Angus
  7. Whoa! I'm in love! I took my first ever kobudo lesson last night and it ROCKED!! I found something that i am absolutely horrible at (weapons) and now i'm learning brand new things. I feel so alive! The only weapon i used last night was the bo, the one i like the most, and it is pretty good. I've been practicing the basics i learned last night all day today and i have bruises up and down my arms from where the bo was hitting. Kobudo is awesome! Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jul 5, 2001 3:53am
  8. Nah, it's all good, i don't mind people telling me this stuff. To tell u the truth i really didn't/don't plan on living that long. I guess i should though. Angus
  9. i guess you're right, but i really don't care what i look like, as long as my MA doesn't go to crap. I don't wanna get into that strict diet crap, i like to eat pizza and chocolate and all that. If i wanna be a bodybuilder then i'l eat like u suggested. My fat keeps me warm anyways. But i really do think that genetics plays a big part - its easier for someone with a good metabolic rate to 'look good' than it is for someone with a poor rate. Angus
  10. Hahaha, you're a classic ken. To karateka though, i think i will classify myself as a freestyle martial artists instead of a karateka or kickboxer. I just don't like attaching myself to one style cos then u get too predictable. I suppose i'l cope. Angus
  11. Yeah, all is forgiven.... And no, Lori, i just can't help myself when an opportunity arises... Angus
  12. Yeah yeah yeah... i've got a strong gut, i just can't develop a 6 pack cos my genetics won't allow for it. Both my old man and my mum are large, and i still have a bit of body fat around that area - my metabolic rate won't burn it off. I have a super strong gut, and i can feel the 6 pack underneath, but it's covered by like half a centimetre of fat... I just see people getting caught up with having a 6 pack and they get real nervy about it. Ah well. Angus
  13. Yep ken, that's what i mean.... i threw a Muay Thai style roundhouse to this dude's head and had to cut it off otherwise he would have been ko'd! Angus
  14. And on that stupid, stupid, stupid argument about Egypt being some made up thing - i could buy a plane ticket right now and bloody well go there couldn't i!?!?!? hdfweahgdhj gjshf sd gjh fb !!! I'M GOING INSANE!!! i can't control myself when people make stupid reasonings like that, when they can be easily played off! I can't very well go and buy a ticket to heaven could i? You're free to think whatever u want about sexuality though. I'm personally hetero all the way, but sometimes i wish i was a lesbian. Take it easy people, we don't want any huge disagreements here. Angus
  15. Ahh , but if you believe in saint Nick, does that mean you'l get presents from a jolly fat man in a red suit every christmas? Just like Nick, nobody's seen the afterlife and come back to tell us the truth, but people have been burned by fire and it is known as the truth... People therefore believe, thru experience, that fire will burn you. but nobody knows thru experience that you will have a life after death.... Angus
  16. I think it's about time i said something, even though i really don't have any side on the argument... You are all right!! Yes! That's the truth! But then again, you're all wrong - and that's the truth, ruth... Anything could be right, anything could be wrong - we've all agreed on this haven't we? So let it go. I'm a theistic evolutionist, i combine evolution with my spirituality and it works fine with me. How can i go to hell if i don't believe in it? How can i go to heaven if i don't believe in it. I just go to my happy place, or nothing happens at all. Perhaps we don't even exist, and maybe you're all in my dream, which in essence is not real because i don't exist. See what i mean? It's endless questions like this that would drive us insane! What's at the end of the universe? If it has no end then how can that be? Our minds are so small that we cannot comprehend anything beyond our lives and that which man has created for himself to feel more adequate... I'm not dissing religion, i'm just wishing that everyone would shut up and live! Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jul 3, 2001 2:23am
  17. Sorry, i couldn't help myself... Angus.
  18. Dude, ur only 16.... How the hell can you be so fricken smart? Ah well, what i lack in intelligence is made up elsewhere (if ya know what i mean) Angus
  19. 1 - crunches are HARD situps, i answered that in the other post of mine. 2 - i dunno about the six pack, who cares about it anway? 3 - Running is excellent for the legs and cardio, but i wouldn't use it as the only way for working your legs. Skipping and squats are pretty good for your legs too. 4 - You need to do supported situps, put your feet under your bed or something so your feet don't slide and just use you abs to curl up into situp position, without using any other muscles. Cheers, Angus
  20. Well, crunches are basically situps where you crunch your stomach muscles by kinda doing a rolling situp instead of going straight up, and u DO NOT REST YOUR BACK ON THE GROUND IN BETWEEN REPS! I tend to do a harder sort called clamming... very hard to explain... Angus
  21. Yeah, perhaps not.... I'm sorry but i don't see how SPORT TKD would fare very well against the stuff i've learned. At least not the wayi saw it in the Olympics.. Stay kool Angus
  22. Thanx man, i need some vocab lessons.. I studied Japanese for 3 years at school but i can't remember a damn thing! Angus
  23. Right on man! Too many people burn themselves out by working harder instead of smarter... Stay kool! Angus
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