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I am referring to what i know in Korean terms as Tan Jon (dan jung) breathing. I don't know what the other cultures call it, but it is the use of breathing in conjunction with dynamic tension. Breathing from the diaphragm and tensing all of your body muscles. I have only recently rediscovered my Tan Jon breathing and i find that is an excellent way to spend a spare 5 or 10 minutes if i am bored, or if i want to warm up. I just go down into horse riding stance or perhaps shikedachi (spelling?) and use dynamic tension with blocks and punches, as well as palm heel strikes. I find that i am sweating after a couple of minutes and it is really taking its toll. It's also a good way fro toning my muscles. Is anyone else familiar with this breathing technique? Do you use it often? Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 29, 2001 7:08am
Uhuh, excuse me, i need to cough as the smell of bull manure is too strong... There are no superior martial arts dude, only superior martial artists. You are obviously a good fighter, but not all of your students would be. Instant death kick? It's also called the kick to the throat, temple, or upper solar plexus. Superior martial art!? yeeeessss, i believe you... Remember dude, ur only as crazy as the doctors say you are! Angus
i learned the spinning axe kick today :)
Angus replied to F-S-K's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I'm really starting to dislike big kicks - cos in the sparring i have to do now we aren't allowed to hit full force and i almost got my teeth knocked out after not putting all the force into a big kick. I like to show off with them though. Attack the legs, cos if he can't move he can't fight - right? Angus -
Well, uh.... haha, i have one from my bro's wedding that was a couple of months ago..... I'l have to edit it so my real name isn't given away... Oops, i don't think i've told u guys that gus isn't my real name.... A pic will come soon Lori. Angus
Ahhh, a fellow Ausy... You sound like u've had quite the experience man, where aer you based? What city? Angus
Hi everyone, I was at sparring class last night for karate and found that i am having a good deal of trouble. Not only aren't we allowed to hit people in the head or hard, we aren't allowed to attack the legs unless sweeping. I just don't think i can get used to this without damaging my good fighting techniques. I find this sort of control really hard. I almost lost my teeth last night cos i tried a kick that wasn't meant to be stopped mid-air, and i ended up getting kicked in the neck (2 inches under my mouth). I don't mind getting hit, but it seems to me that a lot of people do and it shows in their techniques that they would never hit anyone even if they were trying to cos they've never done it before. I got a real scare last night, but i see getting hit as part and parcel of learning to fight - whereas the dude that hit me was all apologetic. On my side though, i don't wanna hit these people because they are not used to it. I'm in quite pickle. What are your thoughts people? Angus
Hahaha, dude, you're a machine! Very overkill but if it's good for u then it's good! I just do whatever we do in the classes and then work my basic weights all over the body. I try to vary it otherwise i get bored. I haven't done weights the last couple of days cos i didn't feel like it, so i didn't force myself. I did running and bagwork instead. Today i'm gonna do weights though cos i feel like it. Take care dude, Angus
It is all rather confusing isn't it people! Angus
YO! I saw the America Ninja movies when i was about 5 or 6 then i saw my brother doing some karate kicks out back, so he taught me a few things and i've been hooked.. i was about your daughter's age, Lori... Don't worry of she is going thru that phase, cos, like was said, you don't want her hating it in the end. The MA's aren't for everyone, but maybe if she sees you doing kicks and training and all that then she'd want to join in - like i did with my brother. Angus
Welcome dude... I'm gonna have to give Muay Thai a try (as i plan to), cos i like it when peope are 'brutally honest' with me.. heh... atm i am looking for another BJJ school to crosstrain my Goju Ryu Karate with. Angus
Sometimes i think i have an alien consciousness... I will give an example, my final sentiments on the issue, i hope then maybe you can fully understand what i am saying: I life example: I was with a girlfriend and had a knife pulled on me by one of three thugs who demanded my money and something from my gf... use your imagination... I began to shake with rage, i felt hot, there was a pieircing feeling in my chest and i felt as if i was going to explode... I took in a breath, thought for a second, then grabbed the knife hand of the attacker - i proceeded to lock and swing him in a direction away from my girlfriend while landing a back kick on the thug directly next to him. Adreniline took over then and i can't remember a lot although i do remember that i was badly beaten up yet still managed to fend them off... The emotions i felt are typical of extreme anger, or rage - yet i still managed to think and somehow boosted my "strength"... the most logical thing at the time was to grab the knife hand, lock, and swing... This is what i call controlled rage - maybe someone else would call it channeling your chi or something, maybe not, but that is how i felt and that is what i did... I am not the perfect being and i feel anger, it is a perfectly natural emotion which i can control. I do not wish to rise above the pitiful humans and become devoid of hate or want, i am not a master of the arts, i am a fighter... pure and simple. I go berserk, only in a controlled manner (that would be an oxymoron would it not?)... I sincerely hope you understand what i mean now people. Kyoshi Williams, i am sure the average Joe on the street would call you Madam if they have never met you, but since i DO know your rank and you insist on me calling you by your rank then i shall do so in future. Feel free to call me whatever names you wish, whether it be Angus or jackass. Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 27, 2001 1:47am
Madam, i am not talking about LOSING my temper, i am talking about conrolling it! THUS CONTROLLED RAGE!! 'controlled'.... Moulding one's anger into something useful and 'controlled'.... i repeat, 'controlled'... yes i come across as arrogant, but i am also an 18 year old Australian male, do the maths. I pride myself on being a good martial artist both in combat and respect, but i tend to get peaved when people misunderstand me. I am deeply sorry, however, that you had to take a life (as you implied), it must be a horrible feeling and you have my sympathy. Better them than you though. "Your Anger is a Gift" - Rage Against The Machine. Angus
I am not a belt, I am a human being!
Angus replied to Tim Greer's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I have been thru this subject a gazillion times but one more time can't hurt: I have done hapkido, BJJ, FSK, zendo kai karate, wishu, boxing, and am now doing Goju Ryu karate. The only ones i have worn a unform and been tested for a hapkido and the latter karate. I don't believe in the bet systems. It is my opinion that they trivialise the martials arts by saying "i'm a black belt and u aren't"... so what? I have been training since i was 6 and am ow 18. I tend to wipe the floor with many of the people i come up against in conflict or kumite (although i don't profess to be any good, it's just that i'm better than the morons i have fought). However, i want to eventually go for top level security jobs and i consider that a nice reference and black belt certificate would be a good thing to have in a portfolio, that's why i now grade. A lot of black belts don't liking being used as a mop by a white belt... it is quite funny. We also have the issue of the McDojo, or fast food dojo who hand out belts like a burger. These students are often not suitable for the rank they are attaining and i have met many black belts that i would not realistically be any better than 5th kyu. If that... It is a complex subject man, and it really does come down to preference. Angus -
Your oppinion on boxing
Angus replied to Lars's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Yeah, soyou'd imagine... I like the training methods used in the Rocky movies - although the fighting is a bit iffy.. Angus -
Cool to have you here dude. How long have u been into the MA's? Angus
Hey Jen, as always it's good to see you... or read you... u know what i mean. Angus
"Determination, the lover of champions" - Angus Argyle Angus
HAHAHAHA!! *Ken gives a lesson in bitching*... My favourite, in Ken's definition, would be backleg roundhouse, same hand punch to head, opposite hand to ribs, 1st 'hand' elbow to head... gotta love that kata! But let's not try to have too many arguments guys. Apparently i have an ego from telling the truth and expressing my views. Well dang. Angus
Thanks for your kind sentiment Jen, it is appreciated. I surely do hope that if i ever have children that i can give them a good upbringing. Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 26, 2001 1:00am This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 27, 2001 1:30am
I think i will bow out of my own conversation now too, as i am being misunderstood. Sorry peoples. Angus
Yeah, i guess... But i aint dead yet. Angus
Oh yes of course, i remember reading that now... I posted the website for the international HQ, have u heard of Master Booth before? He's gnarly! Angus
Quite right, People do kata and don't realise what they are meant to be doing... They learn the kata without learning what to do if some other move is pulled on them... Things just don't work that way people... I'm not a traditionalist, sorry, i just can't see the usefulness of kata. Yes, i like to do things and learn them quickly. I just spent and hour on shadow boxing, drilling my moves and adapting to them, and thinking what might happen if this or that stirke was used. Ta! Angus
Oops, i ment to state that i am opposed to the sociological view... As a teenager growing up i never really had my dad as a role model. He was and still is always at work and when he does come home we never get along. There was a phase where i hated my father and didn't want to be anything like him. but then my Nan told me one day that my Pop was exactly the same as my father and they did not have a close relationship. I have ended this trend in my family, i am in touch with my emotional state, i love people, i play as much as i work and i make everyone my equal if not my better. SEE, WHAT DID I TELL YOU! Conflict brings people together, as in this discussion, it leads to a lot of stuff. Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 25, 2001 9:20pm
WHOA!! PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE.... whoa... Calm down! I didn't mean to upset anyone! As for, i think it was egarlock or someone who said they used the 3 blocks in a kata and sparring, so therefore the kata helped them: How many times did u drill that up and down the mats? How many one step sparring did you do against a REAL person using those techniques? I simply CANNOT agree with you that kata helps fighting in anyway. I respect your views, and i know that we are all doing ARTS but i simply cannot agree. For the time that kata takes up it would be much better to spar or do drills with a partner to learn street defense. Not everyone wants street defense, it's all cool people. I have done very few kata in my years of training and i have no trouble, well, maybe some trouble, taking on multiple opponants in a REAL STREET SITUATION! Kumite in the dojo is no problem either. I find that people who do kata more than kumite ALWAYS ALWAYS have a low guard and i kick them in the head. They try some fancy move they learned in their kata and i kick them in the head. They stop and think what's wrong and i kick them in the head.... get my point? Kata is very good for discipline, and i mean no disrespect, and i respect the views of Kyoshi Williams. I can only say that everyone should crosstrain, and if they don't think they should then they might want to spar against a thaiboxer/jujutsuist. Please people, don't become upset at my views, it is from a great deal of crosstraining that i have come to my opinion. Both in kata and non kata arts. Respects, Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 25, 2001 6:41pm