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Everything posted by Angus

  1. I still don't reckon they'd let it in, i'd rather not watch martial arts in the olympics anyway. Angus
  2. Elbow, knee, lock, throw.... Come in close and you'l meet my four friends. Stay far away and you'l eat my boot. Either way i'm not a very pleasant person to spar against - even if it's only light. Angus
  3. Maybe you guys have noticed my use of the terms 'dude', 'man' and 'chick' - this is just cos i grew up in Sydney and hang around with those kinda people. Now i live on a farm and it's slowly going. I can't believe Lori would accept being called crumpet. Does she even know what it's refering to? Does anyone watch the old english comedies? Angus
  4. 16 belts is bloody ridiculous. That's stupid! Oh god i hate the belt system with a vengeance! Angus
  5. Daveant, i'm not as big as you but i have been training myself in both strength and speed for a couple of months now (instead of jus strength). I've found that if done correctly i can train myself to be just as fast as the little guys. I actually have a blindingly fast backfist that even i don't see. Angus
  6. The olympics, i think, is only good if you're into running and gymnastics. Cos that's all they ever show. Angus
  7. They'l do the exact same thing to Muay Thai as they did to TKD. Then the world's opinion of MT will be sodded just like sport TKD - MT's better off never EVER being in the olypmics! Angus
  8. Yeah, a good example of that would have been Bruce lee.. Angus
  9. Perhaps you should elaborate on the essay and have it published. Angus
  10. Welcome dude, hope u have a good time on the board. Angus
  11. Call her 'crumpet', they love that Angus
  12. My HapKiDo instructor was training with an olypmic tkd dude and all he did was deflect a kick and come in with a simple BJJ lock and the guy was finished. He didn't know what to do. Angus
  13. One of my friends at university i call "my groovy dancer chick" cos she's a good dancer. I called a girlfriend of mine 'meat' one time also but that was under certain circumstances and it was apropraite... *Has anybody seen my ego?* Angus
  14. Way the blow your own trumpet Ken... I think i'l wear one of those hats with the elephent trunk coming off them. Sometimes i pull out the pockets on my pants and pretend i'm an elephant... rofl. Angus
  15. I used to have a hat like that, but then i lost it... i've never been the same since... I WANT MY HAT BACK!! Angus
  16. Hehehe, you could always try bigrokido. Bah! Like Ken says, there is no simple answer and really no one martial art for complete self defense (although HapKiDoists claim that theirs is the complete art of self defense). Crosstraining's the way to go but if you want quick results i think you would want Muay Thai. Angus
  17. I call chicks chicks all the time and they don't mind. They even call each other chicks. I must have the best personality in the world cos i can still call a chick a chick and i'm very rarely alone in the sack... MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Angus
  18. Dude, that was an excellent and well informed essay. I agree with pretty much everything u said. But doesn't your arm hurt? I didn't write that much on my final psychology paper! Angus
  19. Fight, run, cry, scream, faint - alla options. I'm not in a very jovial mood at the moment fellas but i learned some good lessons the last couple of nights. These lessons have uprooted my whole train of thought and i feel awkward. I actually feel the same way now as i do in a lot of fights - i could go for a bit o' smash 'n bash'em right about now. Always look after those who cannot look after themselves - it is always good to protect people. Angus
  20. Sounds good... Next time i spar full contact with one of my buddies from Sydney i'l try it out - thanx dude... Angus
  21. Yeah i agree with that. A wushu guy i used to do a bit of practice with would often tell me of certain moves that could kill a man in a second, but i've never heard of such techniques being used. The only real proof would come thru a fight to the death, and that hardly ever happens unless done in secret. Angus
  22. Right on! Angus
  23. I used an effective move the other week in sparring class: The guy came in with a roundhouse and i shin blocked it, did a jab to the face, a cross to the ribs, then my own roundhouse to the head. He didn't know what to do with his guard so i just hit him. It was pretty cool! Angus
  24. I'm not ken, but i'm sure he'd use the argument "what if you've had the same training? exactly the same! Use your imagination.." Angus
  25. Shit Pat, you look like my half brother when he was 16 and his name's Gerard O'Keeffe (2 f's i know)... Angus
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