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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Some might remember me... So how is everyone these days?
  2. Due to my poor standard of language i have been dumped from the staff. It's okay, don't cry for me, argentina. I have also decided to discontinue my membership here. I would like to say a few things before i give u my final farewell. Most of u know me, and have known me since our days at the kickboxing.com forum - good days. Well, i would like to finally share with u my true identity. My real name is Rick Thompson(Angus is the name i've always wanted). Pretty much everything else about me which i have posted here is true. It's been a pleasure talking to you people and i wish u all well. To anyone i have rubbed up the wrong way i am truly sorry, and wish u peace. Don't worry Pat, i'm not gonna sign on 50 different user names and bag the place out, even though i know that would probably cause a big drama like it did with Tim, and severely piss u off. I do however believe what is said 'behind closed doors', as was done with my dismissal, should be kept there - but as u've said before, this is a dictatorship not a democracy. See why all the strong members leave the country in a dictatorship? View the rest of my PM's if u can and see the offers that i have been given. Very interesting is it not? We are dealing with a very complex personality here aren't we! To Bon and Moo and all the rest of my countrymen, Aussies rule! Don't forget it! The Artist Formally Known as Angus
  3. Speed is good but whaty about the big guys? What if u need a power card to really smack them out? I love a good jab right to the nose, but the cross has so much more power and just as much speed. It's all in the hips. Angus
  4. Rrrrriiiiiiiiggghhtt...... by the way, my real name is GOD. I can kick so fast u can't even see it! In fact i can kick so fast u won't even FEEL it! Angus
  5. Anyone else finding the 'it's what's inside that counts' line becoming a bit of a cliche? Angus
  6. Prodigy - i've seen smething like that start a fight before. The guy watching said "instead ofyour boyfriends tongue why don't u have a go on my.... *guess the rest*" Badabing badaboom - instant conflict. Not pretty. Angus
  7. Let's see, 315 / 2.2 = OH MY GOD!!! you're 143.2 kg? Holy crap! I'm only 6'0" and 88kg. U one big mofo. Angus
  8. The person gets away with a verbal insult, then he gets away with more, then his friends do it, then he grabs her arse, then he slaps her, then he rapes her... It's like climbing a ladder. It's called the snowball effect. Words first obviously, but words at least - a shove too, but no walking away. Assert some authority and urinate on that tree! (did that once when i was drunk to assert my dominance on a certain chair - nobody went near the chair after that. In fact i think they burned it!) Angus
  10. Does anyone have a table to convert pounds to kilograms?? stupid bloody metric system... Royale Wit Cheez! I love pulp fiction! Welcome to the forums dude. Under our belts u will see Sempai (with yellow tips) - they are lower staff. U will see SENSEI (1 red stripe) on mine and Jacks and a couple of others - we're higher staff. A dude called James is a master with 2 red stripes adn Patrick, who owns this place, is the Grandmaster with 3 red stripes. If u were wondering about the belt system it goes up in colours depending on posts. It takes a thousand posts to get to black. I think kicker was the first to earn his black belt this way. Angus
  11. Heh T60R, u THINK you're a better fighter. I don't know a guy who has EVER gone hard on a woman when sparring. It just doesn't happen. I reckon women are a little mroe violent than men though. I've u've ever seen two women fight then they go at it hammer and tongs! Plus it looks really groovy. Angus
  12. The thing about the mother is called the Oedipus complex and it was developed by Freud - who was a fruitcake. I think people have mixed up the level of violence intended for a verbal offense. Everyone's using the lame 'beating him to a pulp' excuse. U give the guy a shove and a talking to but beating him to a pulp is a bit harsh, even if he grabs her backside or something. U don't leave him a bloody rag on the ground. Perhaps i'm too oold fashioned. Hell, i even open doors for chicks. Angus
  13. Angus (d'uh!) -Equivalent 2nd Degree Freestyle Kickboxing. -Wushu (Chinese Boxing, no rank) -Boxing -Kyokushin Karate (ungraded over 3 years) -Goju Ryu (actually Goju Kai) Karate (5 months) -Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (hard to say) -Freestyle All Australian Karate 7th Kyu -HapKiDo 7th Kup I've been doing martial arts on and off since i was 6, i'm 19 now. Currently still doing Freestyle Karate. Angus
  14. very well put champ, very well put indeed. Angus
  15. Women are sacred beings who are to be respected, and any offense against them is wrong... Hitting, swearing, whatever. Even if a woman doesn't want it i will defend her honour - ' a knight of the old code '. I won't beat the guy to a pulp - gees the most i'd want to do do is push him and give him a talking to, but if he has a go back then he is put in his place. I don't care what the woman thinks of me. Most girls this day have no idea about virtue anyway, and if they see me as anything like a moster then that's there fault. Knights used to duel to the death when a woman was insulted. THAT was chivalry, and the woman understood that her honour must be upheld. This has been forgotten in the last 50 years and this emotional and sensitive crap has taken over. On the guy being defenseless: it's his fault if he starts something without having the guts to finish it, or the skill to deal with it. BTW, that little piece of yours wasn't psychology, that was a clear statement that made no sense. Angus
  16. It's a little thing called chivalry that seems to have died when the Vatican 2 meeting was held and satan somehow penetrated the ranks of the church and allowed the 'novis auto' to be created. Man has never been more slack or evil than he has in recent years, and this *walk away* rubbish is making the world a hellhole by making people think that they can say anythng or do anything and get away with it. That's why we bloody well have rednecks. There's insults to onesself and then there are insults to a defenseless person/woman. I can take beeing called a dorkhead (heh) but if someone says something to my lady then there in for a good old time whalloping! Angus
  17. i had a laugh the other night cos i just muck around in touch sparring now... this dude was going hard on me and i was just taking it, getting a little annoyed but i didn't wanna show him anything fancy (i haven't told them i've done a martial art before, so basically they think i'm picking up the basics really quickly)... So he comes in with a punch and all of a sudden he's on the floor with my arm around his neck... i love Jiu Jitsu. Angus
  18. Hahahahha, Chh.... i heard a good quote the other day: "feminism is the radical theory that women are intelligent human beings"... i say feminism is what comes from a minority group of women being too up themselves, hating men, burning their bras and wanting to wear pants, then gaining media attention and going global. u sound like u have the whole feminist thing going on and find Ad's actions offensive! bah! Ad, u did the right thing. U might find that the majority of the people who are telling u that u over-reacted have never met a kev (i know what u mean by those guys, we call them bogans/rednecks) and have never been in a real street situation. If it means anything to u mate, i'm proud of u, and i would have done the same thing. Just don't do it too often otherwise u'd end up like me. Angus
  19. Krav Maga, Shootfighting, Doce Pares Escrima/Kali, and Muay Thai... So far i've done Hapkido, Goju Karate, Zendokai Karate, Kyokushin Karate, Wushu, freestyle Kickboxing, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and am currently studying freestyle karate.... i'm sure i've done some others but i can't remember... i've done soooo much! Angus
  20. That it is not real fighting. A lot of our karate systems do touch sparring now and many people get overconfident. Sparring in karate is used to basically practice techniques and to judge distances. I've been getting smacked up in sparring lately, cos my karate is very poor... My fighting is good but my karate as awful. There is no competition that can judge how good a fighter u are, not even the UFC stuff. It's what u do in the street that counts. My old man and i were talking about karate and he said to me (me acting totally innocent) "have u ever been in a street fight? I hope not!" I was only barely able to control my laughter cos those of u who know me know what i get up to. I said "Yeah dad, only a couple though"... Hahaha, only a couple. But back to the point, too many people think that if they spar really well then they have everything they need to know about defending themselves. They don't. Street fights are excellent ways of judging how good u are. Size, strength, speed, and technique are all important, not just a couple of them. I really suggest that everyone do weights training and try to get big. I've never seen a massive guy in a fight before cos nobody wants to fight them. Sparring them's okay but nobody wants to fight a big guy for real. Anyway, tiem to cut some more wood... tata, Angus
  21. Hmmmm... urinate on my girlfriend... what an excellent idea!! Whoever taught women the word testosterone should be shot! Angus
  22. OMG i love 'Break Stuff', it's the best pumpin song ever!!! Angus
  23. Way to go Ad!! i would have done exactly the same thing!! I love defending women, it makes me feel oh so manly... hehe. Best place to hit a bloke (in the facial area) is the nose. It might bleed, it makes his eyes water, plus it bloody well hurts! Angus
  24. Hmmm... i think something might be wrong with me, cos i don't 'love' the martial arts, it's just like a habit - kinda like breathing... i can't remember it not being in my life.... My problem is i have very little respect for myself or anyone else, or anything... hmmmm, i need a drink.. Angus
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