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Everything posted by Angus

  1. That's a rockin idea about the belts.... only LORI, u know who u are my sweet, has a black belt after only 8 posts... darling, i think u went to a McDojo... hahahaha.... This is gonna be a cool place people, cheers. Angus.
  2. I WILL miss the old message board but, as i came from kickboxing.com, i think this is a kick-donkey site... BUT HOW DO THESE BELT SYSTEMS WORK?? Angus.
  3. Well dude, I don't really believe in tournaments as a show of superior skill, i see war and only war as an adequate scene for the performace of superior skill.... but tournaments are fun games. I'm going to soon get into amateur kickboxing (ring) and karate kumite (semi-contact point)... There ye go, Angus.
  4. My Master uses: white yellow - 1green stipe, 2, 3 green - one brown, 2, 3 brown - 1,2,3 black... it's pretty cool... Angus.
  5. I currently train in Goju Ryu Karate under 7th dan master, Shihan Sal Ebanez... he is a most inspiring person and very funny too.... Ouss... Angus.
  6. Well, ultimately, i would like to climb the ranks and eventually run my own martial arts school and/or security business... In the short term i would like to regain my fitness (i'm 6 months off a 2 years period of SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS weight gain) and enter into amateur kickboxing. Angus.
  7. I''m generally more kumite than kata, but i like sanjin (the very first one).... i like the controlled breathing... Angus.
  8. Cheers, this looks like an excellent and secure site, but please excuse me if i tend to relate my stories of brutal fights i have been in on the street.... i believe in honour and protecting those who require protection, which compromises my martial arts code of not fighting unless i have to.... Thanx guys, Angus.
  9. I have done Zendo Kai Karate before and am currently studying Goju-Ryu... The different names of karate such as the two i have put forward are due to the different original teachers who named their style, so people would be able to know it was their style. There's no real difference in techniques. A lot of the schools are very traditional and there is a very large amounr of kata to be learned from the traditional style... Karate is very good but i think one should crosstrain in Jujitsu if doing it. Angus.
  10. Judo has some deadly throws man, i've always admired it... Respects, Angus.
  11. Actually, Chuck Norris does Tang Soo Do, and has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do ( i think). My fav are: Norris, Jackie Chan, and of course Bruce Lee... Oh yeah, and Jerry Trimble's a movie star now too, so he'd be one of my favourites. Seagal beats women!?!?!?!? I WANT A PIECE OF HIM!! Angus. [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-06-23 05:56 ] [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-06-23 05:59 ]
  12. Respect makes the world go 'round... Lack of respect and traditional chivalrous qualities is apparent in MANY martial arts schools that i have come across... Respecting the virtue and honour of women, respecting the honour of fellow men, martial artists, and friends is one of my highest morals. The people from the kickboxing.com message board may already know this story but during my high school years i was very overzealous. I witnessed one of my female friends being harassed and actually physically handled *by* 2 guys and systematically broke one guy's nose and cracked the other dude's jaw... Respect to your superiors is also a must. Even though i can outfight all but two of the people at my new karate dojo i always show respect to those of higher belt ranks... RESPECT! Angus Argyle. [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-06-23 20:58 ]
  13. There is no such thing as Mastery, just as in life.... there are only different levels of beginning... Angus Argyle.
  14. Dude, I think that this is sort of grading would rock... If u haven't already then u should check out my introduction in that intro thing u have in the index... people from the kickboxing.com message board will know me and i usually am able to help with a lot of problems... Having crosstrained i know how just about every technique i learn can be applied against another technique... U have aikido guys there as well!! excellent! Grapplers and the sort are the best to try your ballistic skills against. there's nothing better than smacking up a grappler with your boxing techniques. Grapplers are very often feared by non-grappling arts because they act as a spider web would. This sort of cross-grading would be excellent i reckon. Respects, Angus.
  15. Hi everyone... My name's Angus Argyle and i'm an 18 year old Australian university student. I weight about 85kg (cruiserwight) and am 6'1" tall. I have been studying the martial arts since i was about 6 and have trained in Zendo Kai Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Machado), Freestyle Kickboxing, Wushu, HapKiDo, and a little boxing. I am currently studying Goju Ryu Karate. My martial arts training has been somewhat different to your conventional training as i have refused to grade (apart from HapKiDo and Goju Ryu Karate). Instead i have taken part in courses such as beginner, intermediate, and adveanced etc etc... My very first martial arts training however was with my brother. I look forward to discussing the arts with you, later peoples... Angus.
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