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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Well, there are two arguments now i think about it... Sociologically speaking one could consider that we are not free willed, Jen. Sociology is the study of the social, and within its boundaries we argue that we may not be as free willed as we may think we are. It would take forever to explain what i mean (more time than i have left on my internet account), but basically we are the product of our society and our morals are shaped by those we have around us. Just as your father taught you chin na (?) and you gained valuable knowledge, i doubt you would be as interesting had not such a wonderful man existed (no offense). I will continue this with more info later Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 25, 2001 6:20pm
  2. http://hapkido.netro.com.au this place is awesome and is run by master Geoff J. Booth, the only person ever to grade me... He is an awesome man and martial artist. I only just discovered that he has renovated his website and it's definately worht a look peoples... Go there!! Angus
  3. Oh yeah, and peach.. "I could eat a peach for hours!" (anyone seen faceoff?)... BAHAHAHAHA!! Angus
  4. Angus


    BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol: You should change your name from karateka to randyka... hehe! I like parties with lots of ladies... What can i say? I'm and 18 year old Ausy male! YEAH BABY! Angus
  5. SHUDDUP!!!! i live on a farm and can't get high speed cable... i only have a 56k.. hbfsdjgfsdhjfgdhjfhjsdfg!!! PHEAR ME!!!! Angus.
  6. Ken is one VERY fit bloke!! i'd guess more than 90% ken. I've seen the pictures dude, ur in excellent shape!! I know ladies who'd jump at the opportunity to jump at YOU!! I'm coming off a 2 year period of weight gain, but i'm down to about my best now..... 85kg. I'm 18 by the way. Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 25, 2001 6:08am
  7. 14!?!?!? Dude, is that legal or illegal alcohol consumption?? Angus p.s. i started drinking at 14 though too! and i'd do this all the time when i was drunk =
  8. Cool cool. Yeah i will call u Lori. It sounds prettier than kickbutt. Haha... I hope u enjoy winmx. Angus Ausy
  9. I forgot all about Michelle Yeoh! I loved her in Tomorrow Never Dies! She's SEEEEEXY!! I don't even think Van Damme's a real martial artist! Soooo bad! I don't like the guys ego. It's almost as bad as mine and that's deploreable!!!!! Oi karateka, what's wrong with Bruce Lee's style? I would like your opinion on JKD. Later peoples! Angus _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 25, 2001 5:49am
  10. First let me state what i see kata as, and then i will press my point. Kata is a group of set movements which are to be carried out in a smooth and graceful manner, simulating a conflict with one or multiple opponents. It teaches grace and discipline and allows the student to learn to combine movements together. Now to what i want to say. I don't like kata. I will do it in order to discipline myself but i really do despise kata. No offense to Ms Williams whatsoever but i am glad that i am not doing Taesujutsu, as in her intro it says that one has to learn i think the number was 18 kata to go for 1st degree black belt. I'm am very much the crosstrainer and from my 12 years of experience i have found that kata, well at least for me, is very useless. It in no way betters your street self-defense, and i mean in NO way at all, and i get frustrated greatly when i find myself wasting time trying to learn a kata to pass a test. I'm sure thaiboxerken will back me up to a degree. Now don't get me wrong, kata is good for some people who want to learn that, and that is the point of my post, to learn what you people want. Kyoshi Ebanez (my instructor in Goju Ryu Karate) is very heavy on kata, and i find it a most refreshing lesson in discipline when we do kata for an hour and a half, but i am very much into the kumite side of things. What do you think about kata? Angus
  11. Yeah, it wouldn't be a bad idea. I couldn't moderate it though cos i know very little of the weapons apart from a little stick fighting and Bo staff. I can throw knives too (accurately). It should be good, that is if u decide to do it. Angus
  12. Sorry, i meant sanchin not sanjin - but u get the idea. Angus.
  13. Rushman, You may enjoy HapKiDo, i did it for a while and it has its bases in TKD and aikido, it's a cool art with an excellent self defense base. That's if u ever thought of crosstraining, Angus
  14. Hahaha, I'm just a loveable kinda dude and they begged me to become a moderator... Isn't that right Pat? Angus
  15. I consider that one cannot encourage or discourage either of the two. You can not halt or quicken what comes as natural human behaviour. We are violent beings by nature, and through this violence springs our evolution. The use of the atomic bomb on Japan made the human race evolve. We knew what this could do, we know now, and we have the bombs but it is very unlikely that we'll ever use it again. Trying to encourage evolution? Now i think about it... i don't really understand what you mean by that. To encourage evolution would be like sitting next to a monkey and saying: "Hurry up dude, turn into a human!". One cannot encourage or discourage that which happens naturally. Just my thoughts, Angus.
  16. Quite right... I think TKD is the most devastating kicking art in existence but, as with every art, it needs crosstraining... It's just disappointing to see people dissing it because of it not being *real fighting* (after they watch the sport version). TKD is an awesome art, although i have never tried it i have friends who have risen through the ranks. Respects, Angus
  17. Oi!! stop flirting Lori! Hahaha!!! Martial Arts have been a part of my life for about two thirds of it. I have been learning various armed and unarmed combat techniques since i was 6, and am now 18. I live and breathe martial arts, and i love a good discussion. I can protect myself and others with a degree of proficiency and i feel safer due to this. Perhaps it has made me a little arrogant as well, but i realise i'm not perfect and i show respect where i consider it is due. Thanx peoples, Angus
  18. Yep... I don't believe i'm better than anyone though... that is "i'm good but everyone else is better"... One quote from an old discussion i had with a bloke was: "I'm not the best fighter in the world, it's just that everyone i've faught has been crap!" :lol: Respects, Angus.
  19. Yes, quite right... But the fascination with warfare has led us to spend more on weapons of mass destruction that on means of curing disease... Angus
  20. Ahhh, it's good to have u back Jen! Angus
  21. I disagree BE, it IS a martial art. Have you ever heard of Pankraytion? It is considered by some to be the very first martial art and it combines boxng with greco-roman wrestling. It was developed in Greece. I think you should have a ful contact fight with a good boxer and see how well he fights. Boxing IS a martial art! Angus
  22. Ahh well rushman, i am smart... plus i have a lot of time Sometimes i post messages between reps of weights! (i do them in my room cos i live on a farm far away from a gym). I oly have 12 hours of university classes per week and i seem to be able to get my work done VERY quickly. I'm just a machine i guess. Later dudes, Angus
  23. Thank you everyone. I have only ever landed the one spinning kick properly on a person in a fight... A spinning heel to the cheek and he dropped like a sack of spuds! Angus.
  24. Very good responses people, and i thank you all. If you have ever been in a SERIOUS fight and have had that rush of adreiline and become really angry you will know exactly what i'm talking about. The sort of anger that comes about from watching a loved one being threatened, this is true power. The feeling of losing something or someone just takes you to the next level... I will eventually have to subdue my anger but hey, i aint perfect yet. YET! Angus. _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 24, 2001 6:08pm
  25. Respectfully, Don't be so quick to judge people, MAN (figure of speech)... We were not exactly attacking the christian faith, i was baptised Church of England so i still hold some allegience to it, we were just refuting what this 'informed' minister had to say and HIS ignorance or arrogance on the subject of martial arts... I did not mean to upset u by backing ken up. I will be more careful in the future, Angus. _________________ "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Freidrich Nietsche. This Message was edited by: Angus on Jun 24, 2001 6:02pm
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