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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Oooooooh yes!! That's a good one also! I can see that being devastating, particularly if u back up the ridge hand with perhaps an upper-cut or a grab-knee... Yes, simple but deadly... Angus
  2. Yeah, good luck with that dude... Angus
  3. I just thought it might be because japanese romaji can't put together the work kempo, they have no singular m, instead they use the n. ke n po I still don't know if they're the same art or not.. Bah! Angus
  4. Cool, not a prob... Just thought u might want someone who's had some form of korean training. There wasn't many people. Angus
  5. Is there a difference between kempo and keNpo? Maybe the latter is japanese? Angus
  6. That sounds like a good idea Lori. I have to work on my spinning kicks a little more before i can be totally confident with them. I've used spinning heel to good effect once or twice but that was only out of desperation. Angus
  7. Yeah man, i am... I was gonna get into amateur kickboxing, but soon i'm going to be crosstraining my Goju Karate with Muay Thai. I wanted to do a little Muay Thai in the ring but since i'm a university student i think it might be safer if i stick to amateur kickboxing. Thanx for the goodluck man, Angus
  8. Sorry dude, i've had a long day. I mean when you choose an attack in a fight, do u put all of your strength and balance into it in the blind hope that it hits and the guy does nothing to stop or counter the attack. Say a spinning hook, you commit to that with full strength and speed hoping the guy isn't quick enough to do a lower spinning hook and take u off your feet... If u can understand that then that's what i mean by commitment. Angus
  9. I'm curious about how many people feel about committing themselves to a specific attack. Many people will tell u many different things, and they are all right. Committing can be as much of a hinderance as it can be positive... Please, any ideas and thoughts would be appreciated. Angus
  10. Hmm, yes, very well put... very well put indeed... Just mind the language a little... Angus
  11. I must say that i have had no contact with the Kempo world whatsoever... I scarcely know what it contains. As for the full contact karate etc: That's what normal ring kickboxing is, it's just a full contact platform for the TKD and karate guys. Take Don "Dragon" Wilson who did Goju Ryu karate, or Jerry "Golden Boy" Trimble who did TKD... Kickboxing world champions... Tata! Angus
  12. My style is based around the HapKiDo system. I hold a rank in that but it's not even worth mentioning. I'm a member of the Australian HapKiDo Group and the International HapKiDo alliance and have been graded by Master Geoff Booth (7th degree). That's really the most formal training i've had. I'm now doing formal Goju Ryu Karate under 7th dan Sal Ebanez and i am a member of the Goju Ryu Australia organisation. I base my style around the korean system of HapKiDo, but resemble a kickboxer. I've also done BJJ, Freestyle Kickboxing, Wushu, Zendo Kai Karate, and a little boxing. So i'm not just a korean stylist but i have studied a korean style. Thar ye goo, Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle This Message was edited by: Angus on Aug 1, 2001 7:23pm
  13. I'm really having trouble with those Japanese terminologies... What are the counters tp that kick though? I thought there'd be more than just 3... Angus
  14. Geez, we have posted heaps... Back in the day i was posting 20 posts a day... But then i ran outta people to post back to me. Meh. Oi Tae, there was a BIG smilie face, u know one of these: after Pat's post before... That meant he was joking... Seriously, nobody has a problem with u. Just chill. Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle This Message was edited by: Angus on Aug 1, 2001 5:03am
  15. What are the moves like? Are they street applicable? Angus
  16. Hmmm, but would u use them in a real fight? I might depending on the size of the bloke, but not for an opening move. Angus
  17. What do people know about the Brazilian art Capoeira? I have a friend who's interested.. Angus
  18. Yeah, i've copped a few sidies in my time... They really do hurt, especially if it's right into the middle of your stomach. Haven't copped one in the head yet, and i don't particularly want to either. Angus
  19. Do any of u people have that special move that u practice a hundred times every time you work out, and love to use in fights and sparring? I'm talking about the one move that becomes your trademark and the move that you are better than just about everyone else in!?!? Mind you i'm talking about effective moves. My trademark is most definately the roundhouse to the legs followed by a cross to the face. I just execute it so well. A lot of you will be saying 'who can't do that?' Everyone can do it, but can u do it well and time it to perfection? Picking the exact right moment and time to do it...? Thanx, Angus
  20. Not bad advice at all mate... I think i'l have to learn to walk away. I'm trying to use my wit more nowadays anyway, and make the person look like a fool even though i may be submitting to what they want... It kinda evens things out. Angus
  21. hahahaha.... that's ridiculous... Find another school man. What the hell is the go with a camo belt!?!? Angus
  22. Sometimes they may not work, it all depends on how u execute and back them up... The groin, for instance is a pressure point, but hitting someone there mught not always work if they are able to somehow block out the pain. Don't rely on pressure points to win a fight though man, cos u may find that the guy is able to fight them off... I also find that bigger guys have the ability to fight off pressure point pain. I would use locks before i ever used pressure points though. Angus
  23. Okay, that's a pretty good way of putting it! Angus
  24. Well, bugger me..... I'm content with what i have at the moment. Angus
  25. That's ridiculous man... get out of there and never look back.. Angus
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