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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Cool man, i hope to have that level of training some day... Seeya later Timmy, all the best. Angus
  2. I second that! Angus
  3. I'm gonna try out the kumite scene soon, but i don't think i'l like it. If that's the case i'm just gonna get into amateur kickboxing and do full contact. Semi-contact is alright for mucking around but if u want the real hardcore training then u should go full contact all the way mate! Angus
  4. Oops, did i mention there's this hot Brunette at my karate dojo? That also helps a little... Perhaps i should get her into some BJJ, and teach her the guard position... :brow: Angus
  5. Yep, i just find it amazing that there are schools out there (professional schools, not McDojo's) that don't teach body mechanics and concepts of defense etc..... Sure some people do it for the art, but still, u should learn to defend yourself adequately while participating in the artistic side of it... I wish there was a place to do Kali here! Angus
  6. I suppose that's fair enough.... Just don't do it too often to a grappler... Angus
  7. Pfft.... belts! bah! The only reason i'm doing a graded system now is that i eventually want one of those nice black belt certificates to put in my resume for a security job. Then i'm gonna resume my BJJ. I'm also soon gonna be doing Muay Thai... I'm a good fighter, but good fighters are nothing without good references if they are going for security jobs. Angus
  8. There really is no end to its usefulness... I just thought about it cos i just saw Best of the Best 4, and there was a scene right at the end where Phil Rhee is practicing these locks and throws on these dudes... The stick fighting scene was phenomenal! Angus
  9. Do u back it up with another manouvre straight away? Angus
  10. Absolutely. I have found that i can just make up my own locking techniques and stuff cos i know what happens if something is twisted this way or that way... I didn't do BJJ for very long so i've had to learn from people who have done more than me. It's a fun thing to know if u've got a pain in the arse brother too! Angus
  11. What do you think about this as an essential part of martial arts training? Some styles really don't teach it in any significant amount. I think it is essential to know some medical and biological information about the human body as it helps u indicate vital strking and tripping points... eg: this bone locks here, twisting this other bone into place, thus throwing the opponant head over arse... Ideas? Angus
  12. I've become a clinching and stand-up grappling fanatic over the last few months. I like kneeing people in the head :dead: :dead: I love using my elbow too! I kiss it before i go to bed of a nightime! I also enjoy palm-heel strikes to the sternum!! YEAH BABY! Angus
  13. Oh yeah, i've done kungfu beofe too (wushu) - it's not all it's cracked up to be. Very silly sometimes... Angus
  14. Awwww doooooooooooooooood!!!!! Ken is gonna be sooooo pissed with u! I personally can't believe you said that either. Have u actually been to a real Muay Thai or Freestyle Kickboxing class? Sure the ring fighters get taught to block with gloves and all that crap, but that's not all that's taught. You learn grappling and proper striking and how to fight with REALISTIC STANCES!! Kickboxing was the best thing i ever did for my fighting ability!! Kung Fu and TKD learn real fighting and street fighting!?!?!? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  15. I currently study Goju Ryu Karate, in which i am a white belt. But i have been in the Martial Arts since i was 6 (now 18). I have never really learned kata before and as i am learning this stuff i find myself teaching the higher ranked students how to fight. You see, my fighting is good but my karate is poor. I have much to show people and the majority seem willing to learn, but u do always come across the odd black belt who thinks that a white belt could have nothing to teach them. Angus
  16. Tae kwon do can comepete in ring kickboxing. But appart from K-1 or cage fighting or UFC or whatever there is no martial art quite as full contact as Muay Thai... Angus
  17. Heh... come my children... Angus
  18. "it's the journey that matters, not the destination"... Right on! Angus
  19. That's right! You HAVE to keep your hands up! Angus
  20. The one steps i have done have had a specific response to a specific attack, and the moves become mechanical and useless rather than reflex and effective... Angus
  21. Does anyone know what the primary objective of a jackrabbit is? Did nobody get my joke? Angus
  22. Oh yeah, and by a spining kick i should clarify a LOW SPINNING HEEL (sweep) or a SPINNING BACK KICK only! These are the only ones i would ever use. Low spinning heel is excellent for throwing them off their feet! Angus
  23. Yep, absolutely... I can't stand it when i see people just do one kick though and stand there for five seconds trying to figure out what the hell they should do next... Angus
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