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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Yeah, Goju was bad for me... I'm starting Muay Thai now thought cos i'm sick of all the uniforms and stuff. I hate having to buy and wear them, they suck. IRON ARAHAT - i don't think Ken was saying he was an expert, i'm pretty darn sure that he was expressing OPINION based on OBSERVATION from a documentary he saw on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL based on the san shou fighter CUNG LE. Granted the discovery channel isn't the most reliable fo sources but if if they were following the life of someone like Cung then there might have been some pretty good observations to be had from the documentary. On another note, i think tradition is fine as long as one keeps an open mind and realises that something that is new can be just as or more effective as the traditional way. During the workouts at Goju we were actually doing stuff that would give us long term physical injuries. For example, we were banging each other's arms together causing deliberate haematonins (spelling?) on our arms. These can stuff ur arms up something fierce and when i said that this was not such a good thing to do the guy got up me and said that they had been doing this for decades or something to that effect... Plus all the different japanese terminology, i didn't need to know it, i didn't want to know it, it was useless to me and a waste of time. Angus
  2. 'ps any blonde jokes and you guys get it' yes, that's right - we'll get the jokes and the blondes won't :pony: - "excuse me, i don't understand" :lol: Angus
  3. And as Madonna says: 'Express yourself, don't repress yourself' - her song Human Nature.... Now THAT'S a hot woman! Someone just says the name Madonna around me and i collapse on the ground, crawl into fetus postion and giggle like a child... Angus
  4. Haha, no no NO, the whiskey was for the ladies... i don't need alchohol to do crazy stuff... Angus
  5. Heh, yeah it must be... Angus
  6. For all those unfamiliar with karate i think mawashi is the side kick..? My most powerful kick is definately the roundhouse. By far. Hey, i've got no problem with all these blonde chicks coming together on the board. IN FACT, why don't we ALL get together with a case of whiskey and a video camera? Any takers? Cos i'm a giver... HAHAHA... :lol: Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-09-13 15:12 ]
  7. Nup, i say squash them like grapes... Most guys just don't think about it. It's one of my main attacks in a street fight and it works very well. Smack!! He'll be crying for mummy! Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-09-13 14:50 ]
  8. Talking about how karate offers useless things... I just recently quit Goju Ryu karate after i got so annoyed with it. Kata kata kata, it is seriously the weakest fighting style i have EVER come across. I've spat the dummy now and i'm going back to my beloved kickboxing - i'm starting Muay Thai next week. It's some stupid arrogant pride or something that makes these people think that the traditional way of doing things is always right. They never venture out of their field and they never see what is wrong with their particlar style. I've been corsstraining since i was 6, and that makes 12 years of my life that io've been doing this stuff, and never have i come across a more closed minded group of people. They would seriously take up 'cat stance' in sparring, cos most of them had never done a martial art before. Plus of course they have never fought anyone outside of the karate circuits because it's against the rules or something. I scared the pitiful bunch crap-less when i went tot he first sparring session. They didn't know what was going on. Sure some people practice martial arts for the artistic side of it, and i'm friends with the female world number 6 kata champion, but i have no reservations when i say kata is useless. It's a waste of time - i'd much rather hit the heavy bag... Sorry about the rant, i just needed to vent that. Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-09-13 14:45 ]
  9. Kick them in the testicles... a nice, straight, fast rising kick with the shin. Smack some dude in the cods and he's just not gonna get back up. It's a good strategy and it's why there are so many big guys singing soprano these days. Angus
  10. Tonight i have ceased all connections with the Goju Ryu form of karate. It is defintelty NOT what i am looking for, i am not telling them what i am doing, and i really don't care what they think. I'm moving on to Muay Thai now cos i think it is more what i would want. I'm not gonna tell them that i have done anything before, cos i wanna see how they treat beginners. Goju, or karate in general just had too much kata and not enough contact for me to handle. So soon i will be doing Muay Thai - yeeeehaaaaw! Angus
  11. HapKiDo and freeestyle Kickboxing are my base styles... HapKiDo's pretty good for all-round defence, i must say. Angus
  12. I find a quarterly ritual of bloodletting just as stimulating as my martial arts activities during that period of time.... *whips the demon back into the dark recesses of his soul*... ahem, excuse that lack of, um, control... "There is a fine line between genius and insanity - this might not be true but it sure is a good way to explain why there is goatsblood smeared over the wall" Angus
  13. oooooooo..... I gets all tingly like when Ken talks mean like that! Angus
  14. Heh, R u still gonna go to classes for TKD? Sparring's always a good idea. It sounds like a bit of fun, nothing outta the ordinary for me though. Angus
  15. Nup, I'm a fully fledged Angusite - i serve me, love me, for me, for all eternity. There is no other way... YOU ARE ALL BLASPHEMERS!!! :lol: :lol: Angus
  16. Yeah, go to the introductions page and look at my pic in the relevant thread.... then feel humble... Angus
  17. I drink to like a have again and every now..... I don't care about being Top Dog or whatever. If i wanted that i'd go to some monastry somewhere and train 60 hours a day Training keeps off the beer belly, plus i learn to "whoop ass" so to speak... Angus
  18. People agree with me!?!?!?!? I AM GOD!! :lol: Angus
  19. The Martial Arts have been IN my life for two thirds of it (since i was 6 and am now 18). Yet i don't base it as my way of life. I mean i know i can go out and feel safe and protect other people but i don't refer to it every day. I'm still the biggest loudmouthed fool in the state, i love to drink, swear, and wrestle around. I i luuuuuurve my women! I can't think of any way that it has significantly shaped the way i live, appart form the self defense and fitness factor. Angus
  20. You will find that a lot of the fancy kicks and low guards that u learn in the TKD system just do not work in the street (unless they are riding horses or something )... But fighting has no rules, trust me - been there, done that, and i don't wanna do it again. Sparring is a lot more fun cos u can use strategy and have a lot fo fun. I don't like getting into fights anymore seeing as i'm getting on in age (i'm 18 - maturity). U will find in fights that there is a lot more wrestling that i TKD stylist will be comfortable with - that's why i always tell my TKD buddies to crosstrain in BJJ. Angus
  21. Well, it really depends on the situation... If we're wearing headgear sometimes then i might come in with a hail of fake, fast punches and set up a wrap/pulldown - knee to the face. Sometimes i leap up if they have a small stance (like are stooping)... There's so many different ways... In the clinching side of things i'm tend to to stand on the ball of my foot as i rise my knee up. I know it's dangerous and not very good technique but most of my clinching is self taught. I tend to pull the guy down as well. Angus _________________ Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face! - Angus Argyle [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-09-02 14:51 ]
  22. Nah, don't like McDonald's too much... i think i'l have to lay off the liquid silk... otherwise known as beer. I'm just annoyed cos i'm training for my first amateur fight now and u don't see to many of them with the little beer guts and stuff... thanx guys. Angus
  23. I don't think anyone's arguing the point that the karate style roundhouses don't hurt, i think maybe the point is that the thai style hurts more. I agree with that wholeheartedly. I reckon it's easier to block/deflect a thai style roundhouse to the head that it is one to the body btw. Roundhouses rule! so there! Angus
  24. Right, i want the truth, i want the raw scientific fact, AND I WANT IT NOW!!! Oh, i'm sorry, i forgot to ask the question. I've heard that weights burns more fat that running, and i've heard that running only works cardio and leg muscles and doesn't burn as much fat as weights do. I've heard that running is good but doesn't sculpt your body. I wanna concentrate on what running does. Q: Does running burn as much fat as weights and crunches? I know all the other stuff it does, but there are so many conflicting opinions on this subject i have nowhere else to turn. Please, i want FACTS, not opinions... Angus
  25. *begins to cry* I WANNA GO TO KEN'S SCHOOL MUMMY!!! I WANNA I WANNA I WANNA!!!! Angus
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