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Well, i've just had a week off to do university work and the sort. I have spent the time i would usually spend working out researching plyometrics and other forms of working out as well as reading stories of other martial artists. I feel great, there was no massive loss of tone, i haven't overindulged, and tomorrow morning i'm gonna get right back into it. I actually think i'm better off cos i've given my muscles a full week to heal after tearing teh crap outta them for the past 6 months. Workout here i come BABY!!!!!! :kaioken: :kaioken: EYE OF THE TIGER!! Angus
Pushups. Angus
That's a basic defense - it works like, um, flak i think. Someone comes in and you pound them with heaps of fast/medium strength punches to make them back away, while at the same time watching them for counterstrikes. Angus
What do people think about the odd week off? Not over indulging or anything, just having a week off training and coming back into it fresh and rested, with a hunger to be better than before? Angus
I never argued that BJJ was invincible, and that is why. The proof u gave of the Japanese dude. But the story sounds a little off if he doesn't want to fight Rickson cos he 'doesn't want to disgrace the family furhter'. What utter rubbish. I swear if i hear another person say that BJJ is a sport i will implode! It's a deadly lethal art, just like everything else. I don't agree with sticking to one art though, it's not a good way to train. Sorry, it's just not. Bruce Lee crosstrained - he was the ultimate crosstrainer, Phillip Rhee crosstrained, Bob Jones (founder of zendokai) crosstrained, this is how you progress. Not by sticking stubbornly to one art. Angus
Whoever first stated that all fights end up on the ground should be shot in the genitals with a BB gun. That's a ridiculous thing to say. It's most commonly considered that a little more than 80% of REAL fights end up on the ground. And if it's a REAL fight then the loser is most often on the ground KO'd or in severe pain. I really don't like the way this dude closes his mind, i found it offensive to my style of training. I've trained in a lot of different striking arts, and it HAS been handy because i have learned how to take on different opponents and learned heaps of different ways to counter certain situations. Here's an anaolgy: It's like driving - you'll never be an expert driver until u've done it in all kinds of conditions: Sunny, snowy, raining, sleet, oily road, dirt road, rocky road, mountainous terrain etc etc... This guy wants to drive on the highway for the rest of his life and claim that he's an expert driver. It's just not on. Angus
spinning back fist
Angus replied to Prodigy-Child's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Whoa babe, that sounds nasty. I don't love the move, but i don't hate it. The spinning backfist ios good with a whipping motion, but a normal backfist is not good with a whip to it. I shoot the normal backfist straight out generating power from my hips and shoulder, as well as a swinging door action using my bicep. If i can smack them on the nose of cheek it has a good effect (this being the normal backfist). Lightning fast too with the speed generated. The sheer F=MA puts enough power into it to knock a guy of equivelant size on his arse! Angus -
This guy is fearful of grappling and he doesn't evne realise it. He's training striking and grappling defense. Simply, and i WILL put this down (in all my ignorance in 12-13 years of crosstraining in many arts), YOU MUST LEARN SOME FORM OF GRAPPLING OTHERWISE IN THE OFF CHANCE THAT YOU GET TAKEN DOWN, IT MAY COST YOU YOUR LIFE IF U DON'T HAVE THIS TRAINING... what this fool fails to realise is that u very often don't see things coming (say an attack from behind - d'uh!). I think this person is afraid to get with the times, and realise that to crosstrain is to almost ensure your ability to survive. "In case you don't lack the above mentioned things and a BJJ guy still takes you down, well, then, train some more." - This bloke is, purely and simply, a MORON!! He argues that concepts are the same whether you are on the standing or on the ground. >insert a plethora of obscenities here< The principles are completely different. Once u r on the ground then u have lost the ability to pivot, sidestep, twist, or anything. If the bloke gets a mount position on u he can quite easily avoid a hail of punches by applying a closed body lapel choke and can EASILY kill you from this position. BLERGH!!!! I think that by learning one art you develope a closed mind, i found this particularly with the Goju karate guys. It's closed minded fools like this that promote hatred between people of other styles... grrrr!! He even says that people who do GONG FU (even though the art does not exist - IT'S WUSHU!!) fail to specialise because they go and learn grappling. But he says the BJJ guys spend all their time just doing BJJ. THEN he contradicts himself by saying that the BJJ guys learn boxing, why?, because they always know that they will be specialist grapplers! >more swearing< He has a baseless argument that is not only stupid, but makes no sense whatsoever!!! I swear if i wasn't a moderator i'd do some hardcore balistic use of the english language!! I don't see the difference in having specialised in stiking and having minimum knowledge in grappling, and having specialised in grappling and having small knowledge of striking. I see that as all evened out. It all depends on the common sense of a fighter. I'm not scared of grapplers, i know that i can mix up my grappling and my striking nicely, and the only thing that will defeat me in the end is if the guy trains harder than i do. I say again, this bloke is an imbecile!! He argues total commitment to one art, but then says that a little knowledge in something else is useful. Oh my god, did this person proof read their rant? "Kickboxing is good, but don't expect that do beat a man like Rickson Gracie. You need a real martial art. You need Xing Yi Quan"... HFJ HFJSD JKSDGFJSDGFSDG USAFHDSG FJBVBYSDEDYFG SDH!!!! BLERGH!! FART!! WHEESE!!! CHOKE! GAG!! SON OF A ********************************************* That really pissed me off!! This person should be placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds! "Mixed martial arts are the best (he tries to refute this) - nothing is better than specialisation. You can specialise in one aspect of the arts and not have to stick with the one style - that creates ignorance. Idiot. The analogy of the water, orange juice, and tequila is also baseless and stupid. Even though the glass is not full of PURE substances, is it not still full? Blah!! Did those chinese guys with the funny names ever fight against opponents who had done anything else but Wushu? Did they fight Thai Boxers? Grapplers? Kickboxers? Crosstrainers? Kenpo fighters? eh? eh? He says that since the 1920's BJJ was being perfected. Nothing can be perfected, not one single art. The only thing that can be perfected is YOUR style... train however teh hell u want to, but keep an open mind. I'm going to bed, i have a headache. Angus _________________ "Your Anger is a Gift" - Rage Against the Machine Angus Argyle - Moderator of the General Karate and Jiu Jitsu Forums. Freestyle Martial Artist. [ This Message was edited by: Angus on 2001-10-18 01:55 ]
Angus replied to bamboo_viper's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
I'm not sure what kind of style of karate you have there, but generally i'd go with kickboxing... A lot of the karate out there is unrealistic and only good if u are planning on going back in time to fight in 18th century Japan. I'm a freestyle martial artist, but i prefer kickboxing. Angus -
So perhaps instead of just crunching and bringing my elbows to my knees i should do maybe 50 of them, and then 50 of bringing my right elbow to my left knee and vice versa? I predominantly do leg-lifts, but i find that my legs get sorer than my stomach. Angus
whats the best way...
Angus replied to kicker's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Sorry for being ignorant and all but if u duck under a roundhouse to the head how do they hit u in the back of the head with it? Ideally if u duck then u'r bending your knees down, keeping your guard high, and watching them the whole time. I never get hit when i duck under high kicks. Angus -
I know i know, this has been done to death, but i would just like to point out what i think when i'm doing full contact NHB sparring. A lot of the time i don't fight like i would on the street, especially if it's full contact against one of my mates. I don't kick to the knee with my full strength, i don't attack the throat, they eyes, and i generally don't hit as hard as i possibly can, which is kinda detrimental cos i need to know what i can and can't do, when i'm sparring. I use a lot more kicks in full contact sparring than i would on the street (where i'm more traps, locks, and punches). Does anyone else have this problem in full contact? Angus
:lol: :lol: Angus
whats the best way...
Angus replied to kicker's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Roundhouse to the head? DUCK!!! I don't know about the knee to the thigh though, Ken would know. Angus -
Angus replied to moobrack's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Moobrack, most of the styles i have trained in DO have a self-defense initiative and a syllabus set aside within the course specifically for the self-defense side of things. Angus -
"He who urinate into oncoming breeze will get wet" Angus
Come on man, a pic IS a pic... It's not a beauty contest. Heh, i've been smacked in the face so many times i have a head on me like a half chewed arse! But i still posted my picture. Don't be bashfull boyz and gurlz... Angus
People seem to be oblivious to the fact that Yon Sul Choi had his blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do (or Tae Kyon) at the age of 12. This is where the kicks come from. He then went later in his life to study Aikijujutsu or however it's spelled. I don't know how HapKiDo is practiced over the world but in Australia it is primarily striking with a self-defense component that includes locks, grabs, and throws. we don't rely as heavily as TKD on kicks, but kicks ARE a vital part of our art. Ji Han Jae was Choi's desciple, and i know my info from an American dude that trained with Ji Han Jae. Angus
how do i....
Angus replied to Foreverlearning's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
no no no no NO! Do NOT, and i stres that, do NOT practice from books or videos! If u do not have anything in ur local area then i suggest u stick to whatever u have (i think u said Jiu Jitsu) and just wait until u are out of highschool. Good things come to those who wait. You could move and find a job in Phoenix or something after highschool or whatever. It's tough luck that u don't have the thing u want right near u, but for your own sake don't go and waste money on books or videos. I've moved around a lot during my life and i've come across a lot of different arts (if u read any of my posts u might see the different arts i've done), u might do the same during your life. Just be patient. Angus -
What is Everyones Actual Rank and Form Of Martial arts?
Angus replied to TKD_McGee's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Yeah, i think the Zen karate systems are the ones taught to the armed forces and stuff. Man, they're cool - they remind me of HapKiDo cos they take in the modern stuff. I don't think they are very different actually, only zen karate has the kata and stuff, where as HapKiDo doesn't have as much poomse. Angus -
Moobrack and Zaknafein, thanx for the great posts. That is exactly what i wanted to know. Moo, i actually did wanna rip up, cos i think i've put on enough muscle for the time being and i just wanted to go for that Bruve Lee "i'm all ripped up like a garbage bag" look. Thanx for the info dude. Zak, that was a good post man - i run 3.2km cos that is the distance from my house to my mailbox and back. I live on a farm ya see, so all my running is done on that dirt track. I eat like a pig and i love meat so i don't think my muscles will suffer from the running. Thanx. One more question - is it wise to tone every day or just every second day? Angus
What is Everyones Actual Rank and Form Of Martial arts?
Angus replied to TKD_McGee's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Taezee, why are you talking to me? Angus -
What is Everyones Actual Rank and Form Of Martial arts?
Angus replied to TKD_McGee's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I'm an ungraded freestyle martial artist - although i have 7th Gup in HapKiDo and am a white belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I'm mainly a kickboxer. Liam, i was looking for the post of Zendokai but i can't find it. Apparently all the arts like zendokai, zengoshu, and zenchi are Australian combat arts based on traditional karate but mixed with kickboxing. I found a zengoshu place that i'm gonna start training at soon, as well as the BJJ i do at the moment. I thought zendokai was proper karate from japan or something, i didn't realised it was Ausy. Angus -
spinning back fist
Angus replied to Prodigy-Child's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
I've used it effectively a couple of times: Attacker: Cross punch, Me: Front hand tap punch across my body and spinning back fist to his ear. Didn't knock him down but i dazed him. I've done that one a couple of times. There was another one against a spinning kick, i copped a bit of a kick in the kneck but i swiped his nose with the spinning fist. It's not my favourite move but it does have some good applications. Angus