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  • Interests
    Karate, Hockey, F1
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BlueDragon's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Can you blame people for not respecting the martial arts? Most schools out there are mcdojo's packed with 5 year olds and black belts who couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag.
  2. Buy a dog. A big one. No one will bother you when you have 100 pounds of muscle and teeth by your side.
  3. NHL: Montreal Canadiens nfl: don't care mlb: don't care nba: don't care
  4. elementary: kindegarden to grade 6 High School: 7-11 Me loves me graduating year early then the rest of Canada/ most of world
  5. Kyokushin for three years. I started because i quit the wrestling team (messy issue) and needed something to keep me in shape. Unfortunatly my school closed. Since then I've been training at home (got the punching bag) and with some of the other people from the school. Going to try and find new place in fall. As for beating someone up i've had to a few times because -he wanted my wallet -he "grabbed" a female friend of mine -he had hit my little sister (right in front of me to) happy no one was seriosly hurt
  6. As long as were on the topic of extreme weight loss... I've just lost 10 pounds in a week!!! I just started a summer job that is extemly physicaly demanding but still. TEN POUNDS!!! I know it's not water because i can see where i lost the fat. I have a six pack again! Am I in any danger from this? By the way i'm 5'9 and 170 (was 180)
  7. Why hello If you want plain old BlueDragon, i'll be happy to give it to you. Barely use it, i'm more of a reader then a poster anyway.
  8. I try not to let them know about my kicks until I have an oppurtunity to put them down with one. A not so pleasent surprise.
  9. What about Britain vs. Zanzibar. It only lasted 40 minutes and no british soldiers were killed. I'm not to sure how the other side did but they did lose their independance.
  10. One day your friend is going to get you killed. What happens when he decides to pick a fight with someone with a gun?
  11. I really don't want it but I was curious to see if anyone did. I think it is only a matter of time though.
  12. I should of said agility vs. power By the way how much is a stone
  13. It breeds bad habits If your not going to do something correctly don't do it at all
  14. How would you feel about Canada becoming part of the States? I want to hear from both countries on this.
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