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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. yeah, I quit it all about one month ago, cause of wife, New career etc... Everything was pretty easy to let go except for Judo.. I done that for almost 6 years, that one was the hardest..but I am not going to stop training.. but I cant find anybody to train with me, my friends even say they don't want to?
  2. 1993 Pontiac Grand am...
  3. The Olive Garden.
  4. Throwdown- there is a Japanese movie called "Throwdown" about a man who goes around claiming that he can take any man down in one move using Judo.. I liked the movie and I have loved Kodokan for a long time so it seemed like a good username..
  5. I need a sparring partner. cant do much by yourself.....
  6. the closest thing I can relate to this is Kyusho points.. but that is more of a science.. otherwise, in my opinion, I would rather hit a heavy bag, spar and spar some more.. not into the "chi" thing much...
  7. Pain and control mostly. in fact the ad should say " may suffer from broken toes, bruises, scrapes, minor headaches, bleeding and fainting"...
  8. Most Martial arts "dojos" will have a sign that says "Karate!" the reason why is cause it attracts customers... thats the only reason...most people know what the word " karate " means.. if an instructor has a sign that says " AikiJujutsu" people wont even stop because most wont have no clue what it means or even know that it is a style.. there is a dojo here that says "karate" and when you walk inside they are teaching Tang Soo Do... thats a Korean martial art!!!! not Japanese.. your going to have to watch out for that..
  9. If you are going for pure self defense, then do Goju Ryu... most "self defense" situations should be a one or two hit thing... if that is what your looking for?? unless you like to bring a fights to the ground????? In my personal opinion, fights should never end up on the ground... and I understand some one may tackle you or try to sweep you and you cant get around it... but you shouldnt try to bring them to the ground?? unless your going to throw them of course, in which you are still standing while they are down..
  10. my Kodokan instructor handed me my black belt. there wasn't any ceremony haven't worn it since. I wear my brown one.. or my white one..
  11. Doctor Green, he was intimidating, I remember throwing up many times in class, and I wouldn't have it any other way, he used to tell me everyday that "nothing is better than the real thing"... He shaped me into the person I am today, best instructor I have ever had the pleasure of training with..
  12. I believe the flip was not needed.. but, what can you do... and a mount would have done sufficient though without the acrobatics.. but thats just me, I have never really been into the MMA thing...
  13. nope, I was completely shocked by his behavior, maybe he thought I was someone else?? but I saw him again like a week ago and he just walked by me and didnt do anything????
  14. completely uncalled for... I am starting to not like the MMA more and more...
  15. I agree here... In a self defense situation, its him or me..
  16. guys..... I think I am getting lazy here... I seem to be a magnet for trouble... so I am at the grocery store parking lot and I get out with my car.. well there is this HUGE guy in a blue car, and he gets out a looks at me, let me remind you that I have never met this man.. well I get out and he walks up to me and says, " you got something to say to me you little punk @#$$@#$ < curse word.. and I said "no?" and he walks away and keeps on staring at me as we walk in, he was pretty mad.. and I kinda feel like I backed down? am I going soft?? this guy was at least 6'5" 275 lbs.. and the mistake that I made was I let him get close, like only a few inches... he could have attacked me!! its like I lost my "awareness".. The only thing that would have brought him down was a set up strike, like a backfist to the jaw and side stomp his leg.. I know it seems violent, but by looking at this guy, it was either me or him...
  17. pro force works well..
  18. your not lazy, I agree, no one should be trying to intimidate people...
  19. ??Time outs?? No offense , but in my opinion, 4 years old is way too young to train.... that is probably why you are getting no response out of him, cause after all, he is only 4 years old.. he doesnt even know what the word martial arts even means... hope he comes around, good luck mate
  20. yeah, seems kinda fishy...
  21. Sizing Tip: the tops and bottoms are bigger than the size you actually order.. I wore 4 in Judo and it is huge on me.. so I got a 3 and it fitted better...
  22. I agree here too, I dont care what color of belt you have, if were sparring, I am going to try and take you down... period..
  23. 1.) nope.. it all comes from the same place... Those throws you mentioned are the same thing I think.. you kinda already answered your own question by saying that they incorporate strikes with the throws... the Harai Goshi and O goshi are different... Harai Goshi is called a "sweeping hip throw" you use your leg with the hip throw... O goshi is a hip throw.. period.. ( no leg used in aide with the throw )
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