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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. I always listen to music while working out, and before a tournament.. it gets me pretty pumped..
  2. I have been trained differently?? I have been taught that you don't go after the knife, cause even if you get the knife away the attacker, he can still hurt you, I have been taught to hit the eyes, throat etc.... cause that neutralizes everything at once..
  3. yeah, I would probably use you a setup strike, then go for the lock.. they go over lots of that in Ninjutsu as well.. and also thats why I like Judo so much, because, in a tournament there is a person equally or more skilled in the exact same art and knows you are trying to throw him or her.. and if you can still do it, that makes it effective..
  4. depending on the situation given, you would have to choose to escalate the violence.. but you already have an advantage, I promise.. if he is picking on you and is about to strike you or provoking you to fight, he already "knows" that your not going to hit him cause he has hit you so many times and you did nothing.. when he gets close, backfist, its one of the fastest.. it would stun him at the least, after that, move in for the hip throw.. it will work easier cause he is taller.. its works I promise.. In his mind, he thinks that you think of him as the person is more than human and is unstoppable.. remember, if you cut him, he bleeds just like the rest of us...
  5. I have never ever seen technique that good for anybody that young, I am impressed..
  6. yep, nothing is better than the real thing..
  7. My body in general is pretty conditioned from Years of Kodokan.. but not my fists and forearms or shins, I am working on those..
  8. 1- Jigoro Kano, he is my number 1 hero! 2- Massaki Hatsumi 3- Steven Seagal- hold the comments..
  9. That is ALL I do in Kodokan is Randori free practice.. Sparring is great for any martial art, even a need in most..
  10. I think it is great, although it may be hard to pull off sometimes, wrist locks work against our own body mechanics, I like them, and I find them effective..
  11. oh, okay.. (sighs).. okay I have to vent.. I cannot get into BJJ at all!! everybody is doing it now a days!! there has been lots of Judo vs. BJJ fights on youtube... I am not trying to start a debate on which is better, there is just too much ground grappling in it for me.. thats all..
  12. ohhh, hmmm.. I would bust out the Banjo!
  13. Really? hmmm... I would think that it would be harder to do a throw actually?? but, I have a class for each now, Kodokan- Grappling.. Kenpo-Striking..
  14. yeah, there isnt really any room to do anything besides punch?? maybe a joint lock?
  15. LOL!!! I ate a whole bag of Oreo's this morning!! Its good to know that I am not the only one here who is weak...yeah... stupid oreos and their creme centers.. how dare they control me!
  16. to be honest it looks kinda weird.. they two guys, one with a fake fubber knife and one without.. and you are supposed to counter and get the opponent down with out getting cut/stabbed.. and this is Randori free practice.. just like Kodokan.. that is all I know for now.
  17. yep.. I completely agree..
  18. LOL!!! I ate a whole bag of Oreo's this morning!!
  19. we are going over the 5 basic conrols, but with a more realistic approach, more like a small circle aikido?? I like it so far.. the throws look awesome.. and they spar!? it was amazing! like a lot of people in the world, I was skeptical that Aikido wasn't exactly street effective.. I have studied AikiJujutsu before it is kinda like this, there is judo throws in it too.. so far so good I just cant get over the fact that there is Tournaments in Aikido..
  20. there is actually tiny muscles in between the ribs, and people can get really bad chest pains from pulling them and it feels really close to heart attack some say.. I have pulled them before.. it went away though
  21. there was a cop with us trying to calm the guy down and he tried to restrain him when he was attacking everybody and came at me... he knew is was self-defense..
  22. Thanks I Always wondered what that is about..
  23. I agree some, but if you put mike tyson and steve Erkel in an arm wrestling match, Mike would win because he is stronger and bigger... I believe that size of the muscles can actually play a pretty vital role..
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