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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. I am so going to do that. This example erm, isn't from personal experience though right? so am I! I get married in August. Good luck with that guys! And congrats, Throwdown. Thanks.
  2. cool, thanks guys for all the info..
  3. I have tried, but I cant get into the UFC, it seems like they are just a bunch a street brawlers put in a ring to kill each other..?? I just dont see very good technique in it, besides everybody tackling each other and ground and pounding each other.. No offense.. just my thoughts, but I was interested in reading the book though..
  4. are you saying you have no control over your legs?? thats kinda confusing?
  5. I dont know much about this but, I don't think you can change your personality at will can you? I think maybe it happens naturally.
  6. I think I am going to take up this conditioning and breaking business. there isn't a Karate school in my area, and its a pretty big town too?? so is it a good idea considering I am not in some style of karate? It looks so cool!
  7. I am so going to do that. This example erm, isn't from personal experience though right? so am I! I get married in August.
  8. I liked the bourne movies too.. quick and realistic..
  9. I live in Oklahoma.. and I was there when the OKC tornado came.. it was rather frightening..
  10. okay, but I can be a sneaky little sneak sometimes.. but I also agree too..
  11. mmmm True but not 100% of the time, reaction can be faster believe me. How? Anticipation may be faster, but there are some simple drills you can try out to see. Put a towel on your shoulder, with it hanging evenly in the middle. Now, you stand with your hands down, and when you partner tries to grab the towel, try to stop him. Most of the time, you won't be able to, because you can't react until he acts. This automatically puts you behind the curve. You move quick grasshopper. sounds like a good idea to try? is there any others??
  12. I know they say to never go to the ground in a street fight, BUT, I would throw them to the ground and either pin them, or ground and pound, depending on the danger level I am in, I would escalate the violence.. Throwing is very effective, and there is very little spinning moves in Kodokan, in fact, there all pretty basic and easy to learn.. but I do agree, I would try to end the fight quickly.
  13. everyday I walk up to my fiance and practice throws on her.. that count? she thinks it is fun though..
  14. uhh, thats sounds like it hurts, so how does conditioning work? by killing the nerves? making the bone more dense?
  15. yeah, I have always like steven seagals old movies.. and bloodsport.. I cant watch kung fu movies, I have tried and I like some Kung fu but I just cant get that into it? and a movie called "Throwdown", which is where my forum name came from.
  16. yeah, I would have done the same thing, thats a no no in my book..
  17. wow, usually when I cant find a vein I dont even attempt to stick them, I put a warm towel over their arm, it pops those veins right up.. but 6 times... that is ridiculous..
  18. I fear you people... you wanna snoopy bandaid Bushido? j/k buddy..
  19. it has its ups and downs.. when we were in class, out teacher let us stick each other, I think I was stuck 6 times in 1 day.. but I am used to it now, if I had the choice I would draw my own blood instead of going to the lab..
  20. I think a mix like that would be great...especially for MMA interests. yeah, I have never took a karate lesson, and I have recently became more interested in Karate or Hapkido..
  21. could you or anybody tell me the science behind breaking ball bats or breaking in general? it seems like if someone could do all that, then it would break bones or kill them??
  22. Man you guys are violent ..... and its awesome!!! most untrained opponents are not ready for a low kick, or any kick really? but I cant say much cause I haven't ever kicked in a fight either..
  23. I study Kodokan right now.. I would like to study Kyokushin, I hear its pretty rough stuff.. sounds like fun..
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