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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. A- a boxer, cause my expertise is Judo.. B- I would least want to fight a Thai boxer.. C- Judo, cause I already know the all the moves.. I can take'em D- again, Thai fighter
  2. okay talked to instructor last night, it sounds really cool, I told him about my background on Kodokan and he said I would really like Tomiki Ryu, he said it is also called "Shodokan Aikido". the fees are reasonable.. he told me that if I help him pass out flyers and help promote the dojo,he would cut the price down he said there isnt a website yet, and that there is going to have one up in the next few weeks. yeah, I was rather surprised when he told me that there is competition in Tomiki Ryu. he said it is Aikido that is rationalized with Kodokan, to help it be taught easier and be more practical.. oh yeah, my instructor was happy that I am going to be taking a different style too. Just as long as it didnt take any of the time at his Dojo.
  3. I have looked at a lot of videos on Kyokushin and I noticed they do this hand movement thing right after knocking the opponent down? whats that about?
  4. I agree.. you know, Thai Fighters can be scary, I dont know what it is, but I would fight any other style before that one??
  5. sounds kinda cool, I might sign up.. thanks guys..
  6. I saw flyers up stating that there is a new dojo opening up and the style is called Tomiki-Ryu? could you guys tell me a little info on it? or your opinion?
  7. Sadly, many unwanted bats are abused by martial artists daily for nothing more than entertainment. Please- adopt a bat today. Invest in the future
  8. that is what my instructor has told me.. to have faith in my skill.. I was so scared in highschool to fight that I didnt even want to go to school sometimes, untill I was 17 and I turned into the very thing that I hated, which was a bully, after that I was never picked on, I was the one doing that bulling then, untill I got my head handed to me, after that, I became friends with this guy kicked my butt.. who just so happened to be a student of my future instructor at the time, and so I started going and it really has changed me a lot.. A LOT..
  9. one of the main things I think about is the readiness to defend yourself with your martial art.. I mean really ready.. does anybody know the actual chance of blocking someone who is throwing you wild haymakers?? it is really slim.. ... Do you feel you are honestly ready mentally to handle a heart rate that high when danger arrives?? do you think you can react fast enough and not freeze? cause I am a firm believer that any martial art can work if the persons head is in the right place in real danger.. lets try to stay on topic please.. I would like all of you to give your honest answer..
  10. I think you are more likely to get into a fight without a gun being presented?? .. but, it has happened to me, yeah... not fun... thought I was a gone for sure... and if it happened again I would probably try running too...
  11. if your are looking to put more self-defense moves in your arsenal then Wing-Chun is good.. dont know much on Tang Soo Do? but I am sure it would come along really easy for you considering you took shotokan.. nobody can really tell which one is better?? if that is what you are looking for? it really depends what your looking for my man?
  12. actually you can do almost all the throws without a gi, you got to slightly change your hand placement a little bit, and have a little more strength, I have done it, its rather easy.. but if your thinking for a "realistic" approach. then, yeah it can be done. so I cant say it is better to train with or without a gi.
  13. Boxing, Karate, Judo.. I think they are self explanitory.. FYI- I started American Kenpo Karate friday, it is awesome!
  14. Greens Kodokan Judo Oklahoma instructor/s: Dr. green 6th dan, Me 1st dan I know its not karate, but he is going to start teaching Shotokan..
  15. Will do.. i will post the video. Make sure we see the part where she pops you in the gut after the kiai, when the wind is knocked out of you!!! she would probably frown about the kia thing.. but I can take her!! sometimes..
  16. firstly, your working out way too much, your over training, you can do cardio for an hour or two. but when it comes to lifting weights, dont go over an hour cause after that, the growth horomones are depleted and your wasting your time. when I lift, I do one or two body parts max. and I dont go over an hour.. fast food wont work, ask your parents to buy you whey protien and some creatine.. that will help a lot! you wont get bigger cause are lifting more, actually you will get smaller cause your not giving your muscles the right amount of rest and your over training them.. Protien is key! so is water! I drink a a gallon or more a day.. if you have to get fast food, then get subway or kfc ( grilled ) not breaded chicken..
  17. you can practice your reaction time? here is a basic one, have a friend put on some boxing gloves and have him REALLY TRY to hit you, not hard, but as long as he makes contact.. and you can try to evade or block..
  18. Will do.. i will post the video.
  19. I have heard that said before too.. and I agree.. but they are fast with those hands!
  20. I keep my eye on the goal.
  21. If you dont mind me asking? What city or state are you located?
  22. I am better with my hands too.. I probably wouldn't use a kick in a fight that much, but if I did I would probably do the a move i saw in Wing Chun where they kick them with there back leg to "stiffen" the opponent and follow up with some hand strikes.. it looked pretty neat.
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