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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. that kinda looks like a move from Tomiki-Ryu Aikido as well?? hmm..
  2. I have handled worse.. but you kinda didnt tell me any exercises... you only told me that you have done many blocking techniques from many styles.. my original question was for you to share them??
  3. reactionary and conditioning exercises..
  4. can you guys tell me some the blocking exercises you do? I am getting pretty fast at it, but I seem to block with my wrist, and my instructor says that can be a bad habit.. so i blocking with nothing but forearms.. they are sore!
  5. Grilled Chicken, Protein shakes, tons of water.. and more grilled chicken..
  6. this is more of my field John.. Repetition is so important in my opinion.. like I said, I want it to be hard-wired in my body and brain to react without thinking.. that is my ultimate goal.. and my Ninpo Instructor and my Judo instructor has told me to have faith in my skill.. and hearing it everyday, I have actually became to believe in it, so much, that I could deal with fear of a dangerous situation much easier..Mind Manipulation is so cool..
  7. I have tried... I just practice so much that I want everything to be hard-wired in my brain and muscle memory.. the meditation thing doesnt work that well for me.. I do it to some degree but still, not much success..
  8. English Japanese 6th grade rokyu 5th grade gokyu 4th grade yonkyu 3rd grade sankyu 2nd grade nikyu 1st grade ikkyu 1st degree shodan 2nd degree nidan 3rd degree sandan 4th degree yodan 5th degree godan 6th degree rokudan 7th degree shichidan 8th degree hachidan 9th degree kudan 10th degree judan White, Brown, Black, Red and white belt, Red..
  9. yep.. only 2 hours of judo a day for 3 days a week.. the rest is free weights and running.. and I have a bike tire tube, cut it and tie it around a tree and practice resistance throws.. after doing that for about a year I felt like I could probably throw anybody of any weight..
  10. for a foundation, probably boxing or, karate... you know, punches and kicks, stuff like that. then move on into the grapping (Judo, Jujutsu)... and I agree on the judo thing, thats why there is so much emphasis on the throws, than the mat work..
  11. best training tip for combat: get a friend and a pair of boxing gloves, have him try to hit you, not hard, but he at least has to make contact if he does hit you, it works, trust me.. it improves blocking skills, reaction time.. I do it everyday for judo and it has helped me a lot.. and I SO KNOW the feeling about the mc dojo.. I left 6 schools before I found one that would actually fail you on the test if you didnt do well... sorry mate..
  12. there is just no breaking you is there ying yang?
  13. yep, no striking, all throws, 67 of them to be exact.. and of couse there is mat work... and some joint locks, but thats it my friend.. if your not into throws you prob wouldnt like it, but I fell in love with it!
  14. Boxer's fracture.. broken toe(s).. thats pretty much it..
  15. no offense ying yang, but if someone hung you above the empire state building and said he was going to let go, you would fear death..
  16. thanks again.. but I was still wondering why I reacted that i did, I kicked the guy? Judo was all that I knew for years? I thought I had that programmed in me by now? I have only been in kenpo for a few days..
  17. I agree that it is more than self defense, but everybody can honestly say that the main reason they started martial arts was to learn to fight, period.. until your there for a while and realize its more than that.
  18. I dont know if the olympics was the best place, but I do believe in tourneys in general. cause I have heard it before in here, it is a way to validate its effectiveness and the fighters skill in TKD..
  19. Thanks. and I agree steve.. nice way of putting it.
  20. there was a drunk in the emergency room this morning who didnt want medical attention but he needed it badly and we tried and tried to calm him down, and he just lashed out and attacked everybody, he tried to hit me and I side kicked him in the bladder/stomach.. the man went down and was hurt seriously bad.. I felt like I had no choice, I feel like I should have handled it better and I feel like I have failed as a martial artist for hurting him like that... I should have thrown him, all the Judo training for nothing, It would have been a lot less violent way to take him down... I have only been in Kenpo for a few days and that is the first thing that comes to mind??
  21. the gravity and the seriousness of the situation is what brings on the fear.. you cant have one without the other, you have to just learn to control it..
  22. Heck yes!! I like MGS too!! Snake is so Cool..
  23. Free weights and more free weights for me.
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