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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. maybe it was just me? but at the end he almost missed the pad while doing it??
  2. I had my first class, it was pretty intense, it has a HUGE kyokushin influence!! the class is was very challenging.. one of the black belts was doing a kick called the "brazilian kick", it looked awesome. it is full contact as well.
  3. not that I could do much better, but it looked sloppy to me??
  4. well, have you sat them down and asked them if they REALLY like doing martial arts? they may be the reason they aren't giving 100%??
  5. in my honest opinion, its sounds ridiculous.. Trying to prove a "superior" style of Karate? once again, its not the style, its how its taught.
  6. I use a closed fist. I feel the same way bushido feels about it, I feel like I give out more power from it.
  7. I found a cool video about Enshin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdJ2uq78jcg
  8. Yeah, the senior instructor says it is full contact, lots of conditioning and such. thanks for the replies.
  9. bushido, you can run, i believe you can! The body is only as strong as your mind says it is. So if you believe you can, then you will!
  10. I am going to be starting Enshin Karate next week. from what I hear, it is a branch off of Kyokushin and that most, if not all the strikes are from Kyokushin, and it teaches on the "Sabaki" method?? my question is could you guys tell me a little more about this style and maybe could tell me more about the "sabaki"?
  11. but here is my question, wouldn't that person that you beat feel the same way you did when you got beaten? and when you become this ultimate fighting machine, then what?...
  12. I guess if you want to wear it in your own house? its yours so you can do it if you want to but, out in public? I just don't think you want that attention..
  13. Sega Genesis. I have always been a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog.
  14. it can do more than just help, it can save your life if taught right.
  15. good advice, gotta mix it up just like Tallgeese said, stick to the basics which is great but, dont do the same ones all the time, you dont want to look like your repeating yourself..
  16. Never been a problem here but, my Judo instructor was really strict on the white belts though. Nothing extreme or anything though.
  17. When I was in Judo, I went 3 times per week.
  18. in fact I think that everybody stayed safe was enough of a reward to me.
  19. Thank you. but I dont think I deserve anything to the likes of a medal??
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