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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I usually just read/post on KF. But sometimes I'll listen to music on the PC or watch TV at the same time.
  2. Ebay or Amazon ... Or wait. I found a new one. Walmart.com (not new, but I just recently started shopping on it). I like Ski Company, too (snowboarding stuff YAY!).
  3. You probably already did it, but NO!!! I kind of liked it on you. Why?? It fit you. It's ok though. You'd probably hell at me for the way my hair used to be (I'll show you a picture one day) and I cut it off (at least my mom did). But your girls are worse than me. They change their hair style a lot LOL. I used to have nice long curly hair (thanks to a perm) and flowing. It just got annoying LOL. I hacked it off. Feels better, though.
  4. We have Direct TV because we live in the "sticks." We can't get cable. They tried. It didn't work We live in the middle of "no-where."
  5. I have a pic of my better half in his 1st dan BB. That will change in April for his 2nd dan. I'm so proud
  6. I finally got my wish. Details later .... But it will have something to do with MA
  7. Good idea, bud, but I'm vegan. Do they have vegan stuff?
  8. This might sound supid, but we went camping during hurricane season and got hit by one. Kind of. We were in Vermont camping and we got the last of the hurricane this past year. It sucked. It went right up the coast, and lathered us with rain and cold. I didn't bring enough warm clothes, so I went to the local Walmart and bought them. Loads of sweats that I still have. Good thing we have a all-weather tent ........ But it was a lot of fun. New experience, and we still had lots of beer, food and firewood. We were ok
  9. Ashes from who? My dad is in ashes on my mom's night table. Yes I mourn him. But what started this thread? Did you lose a loved one? If you need a shoulder to cry on, let me know. PM me.
  10. I'm a pepsi person ... or used to be. I don't drink much soda now unless I'm really really thirsty and that's the only thing there. Coke seems sweeter to me. Pepsi is just perfect. Even now, when I do try a sip. I'm a big Gatoraid fan or water ... or beer
  11. Where I come from, we call it soda. I don't drink much of it. I did have Pepsi tonight, though, because it's what my honey bought and I was thirsty (it was my fav as a kid, so it wasn't terrible). I mostly drink water, Gatoraid, coffee, and beer LOL. My dentist also hates me for the beer because it's just like soda. It eats at your teeth. Believe it or not, it does. I love my beer, though. Bummer.
  12. We use it to pay our bills online. I hate going to the bank, so I also have direct deposit. Now I wish I could do the grocery shopping at home, like I do other shopping. That would be good.
  13. Sorry Kez, but I wish I could hit the lottery, too. I'm plaining a wedding, our car broke (need a new one), and we are in debt. So hitting the lottery would be a blessing. But as far as gifts on my list? Snowboarding gear, and cooking gadgets I love to cook.
  14. Make sure it's also a gi that you can dry (and not shrink to nothing). It's a pain when you train several days a week, and have to hang dry your gi. I train just two days a week and I even find it a pain in the rear to hang dry my gi. Anyways, for Shotokan, I would go with a medium weight gi range. I like Pro Force gi's. I still have my very first one from TSD, and it's still in good shape. And I have washed the heck out of it (and dried).
  15. Thanks. But I do look way younger than my age. I still get carded for beer (Yay!). But my body feels older than my age.
  16. It does happen to me, too. Now I'm happy I'm not the only one.
  17. This is an off-shoot of Patrick's favorite clothing brand. So what do you like/have? Me? I have my hair all one length shoulder length. I used to have really long hair but it got annoying. I chopped it off. My hair is also stick straight and baby fine thin. This is the best style for it (wash and go). It won't do much else LOL.
  18. Rapper freak you are Patrick. Just kidding. Gotta pick on ya now and then And you can call me a metal head (or dork) hehehehehehe.
  19. I'm 31. I'll be 32 in Jan. I feel like an old fart compared to you youngin's hehehehehe. I shouldn't say that. I spar with the youngins and can handle it
  20. I like Old Navy, but like ashworth, anything that fits I'll wear. But I do follow some of the trends. I like hoodies, and low-ride flare or boot-cut jeans (those are big in this area). As far as shoes, I wear what I want. Trends don't matter. If I can kick in them and they are flexible, I'll wear them.
  21. We had critters in our roof, too. We just put traps up there and poison, and they went away. Anyways, I sleep with a radio and/or fan on, because I have this "ringing" ear thing, and it "hides" it (that's from playing drums and being around loud music most of my life). That helps me sleep usually. But lately, not even that helps. I don't hear the "ringing", but I still can't sleep ... gggrrr. Except after last nights class. I slept good
  22. Good post Kez. Since I got my last Depo shot (treatment for surgery), I can't sleep through the night. I may fall asleep fast, but I get up two to four times a night (I used to sleep through the night). This is my 5th shot of depo. It never bothered me like this before. I don't wanna take any more drugs either (other than the depo and my vitamins). So I don't know what to do either. I sleep late on my days off, but that's after waking up all night several times. This is frustrating.
  23. Wait! I reconize Zenkutsu Dachi - Front Stance because sensei said it so much last night. Cool. I'm just starting, but that's not a bad start Shotokan is soooo much fun ... more to learn though
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