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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Thanks all. I found this site: http://www.hyong.net/index.htm What ya think? I don't like the fact that I can't see the "back side" of the forms. Other than that, not too bad.
  2. Hey all. I just wanted to post about my new change. Some of you know the trouble I was having with my current dojang, trying to change to a sister dojang and got refused, contracts, politics, ect. Well, I found a new place to train. It's an ITF dojang. I found it one day before work. I told myself that I would check it out after work. Come to find out that one girl I work with is the owner's daughter. So we talked a lot about it. She gave me a thing for free classes, so I took one class so far. I loved it. By one class, I can tell it was for me. It just felt right. They don't have contracts, it's about half of what I was paying, no politics, traditional (as far as training goes), and the classes are laid back. And the classes are an hour and a half long (no more short 45 min classes)! WHOOOHOOO!!! It just fits me. I still have to deal with the contract thing at the other dojang, but I am much happier here. So, for you ITF'ers, is there a website I can go to to learn the chun gi (sp?) set of forms? I was allowed to keep my belt, but I have to learn the forms up to my level (Chung Moo, I believe). Thanks in advance.
  3. I was just going to post about that Heidi. But you said it better than I could. And the thing was that really sucked, you weren't even home! I'm still trying to figure out how that idiot driver (or his car alone) got down the hill like that to hit the house in the first place. What a moron. parkerlineage, I hope you get everything straightened out. I drink on occassion myself, but I am totally against drunk drivers. I REFUSE to drive even after one beer. I wish others would, too.
  4. KarateK and Shotokan-kez, not a problem. You will do fine.
  5. Dang! The horror stories. Sheesh. Get better dentists people! LOL Actually, even my surgery last december was a piece of cake. I also heard horror stories, like "you'll be in pain" or "the surgery was horrible." It wasn't at all. My best friend came over that night and I was moving around and I wasn't in pain at all. When I was, it was minor. Advil did the trick. My doc offered pain meds, but I never took it. So, don't listen to these people. They are trying to scare you
  6. I had two taken out. But I had it done at the dentist. My dentist is really good. He gives you the local, makes sure it's working, then pop. The tooth is out. He is quick.
  7. Mine was my 1st gup test (TKD). I have never failed a test before (other than stripe tests, which wasn't no biggy to me). I failed the first time for several reasons. The second time, I prepared and trained hard for it. I passed. It wasn't so much physically demanding as it was mental. My instructor put a lot of pressure on me. But I got him (and me) to break out in laughter, when the only form I messed up on, I joked about.
  8. LOL Heidi. It's ok, but it wasn't Mr. K that said it. It was Mr C. So, I'll go on what Mr. K says (when he does).
  9. LOL. Pretty sly, dude. I have another special talent. I tell my instructors when I want to test Well, kinda. One (instructor ... 4th dan) wants me to test in August .... yea right. I've been out for three months. NOT!!! BUT I don't think the Master instructor (8th dan) would fly with that, anyways. I hope not, that is. I wouldn't fly with it. If he does, then the cash talks. I don't have any LOL. Plus I'm not ready, I feel
  10. I totally agree. I pay high fees for TKD, but jujitsu I get is free. My (jujitsu) instructor and his wife are my dear friends, but I would repay him/them in any way I can. My boyfriend (who also takes jujitsu) offered to fix his boat ... anything like that is nothing compared to what he teaches us for free. We are willing to help out. We won't think twice about stuff like that. Because what he teaches us is great, and he does it for free. So we don't have a problem helping them.
  11. I know Blame Brian (party pooper LOL).
  12. I third that. We had a great weekend so far. Friday night, we let loose with a coupla cold ones, and chilled out. Saturday we did yard work. Yesterday, we went to dear friends house, and chilled on their new party boat all day, BBQ'ed, and had a blast. I'm so sun burned, but it was so worth it. Today, we have a little more yard work to do, but we're gonna BBQ again, and have a bonfire later.
  13. In my TSD dojang, we were allowed to wear t-shirts in the summer. Either the dojang t-shirt, or the blue TSD shirt. Like Heidi said, our master instructor doesn't allow incomplete uniforms, so no summer t-shirts. BUT we do have t-shirt week in the summer. We would wear just a t-shirt, gi bottoms, and no belt. We also have dojang t-shirts for sale. I have three (all different designs), and my boyfriend has two. They are pretty nice, and they do sell pretty good.
  14. I started for self defense for a job I had at the time. I was working security on 3rd shift, by myself. That scared me at times. I remembered the Karate Kid movies, and decided to try MA. I stay in it now for the character building. It helped a bit over the years, I find out everyday (or in some situations) that I have a lot to learn still. I have more confidence, and self esteem, but I can still be "bull-headed" and not listen to reason, or egnore stuff when I need to. And, with MA training, I'm working on that.
  15. Patrick, well done. You gave us credit, but I feel you deserve most of it for your hard work on this site. We did help, but it was your hard work and dedication that kept it going. Like Heidi said, it's hard to find a peaceful place on the net to share MA with others, get advice, ect. But you created that peaceful place. I've been to other forums, but none compare to this one. I've had "problems" in MA. If it wasn't for KF, and all the help and advice I recieved, I don't think I would still be doing MA. I want to thank all those members for their help over the years that I've been on KF. You guys helped me so much. Thanks Keep up the great work, and Happy 5th!
  16. If you are big into sparring, a lot of folks I talked to eat a big pasta meal the night before, then eat just a power bar or similar before/during the tourny. I'm a forms/breaking geek, so I eat whatever is on hand (I don't need that much energy). But I do eat a power bar that morning, and I drink Gatoraid for some energy. But then again, I'm vegetarian, so there's not much I can eat that they serve at tournies, unless I bring my own stuff. I usually eat power bars/cereal bars, drink garoraid, or have something on hand with salt (chips) if it's hot (for the salt content, which I grave on really hot days).
  17. A nit wit from the main dojang. He hits too hard and he was told many times to lighten up. Both my boyfriend and I want to knock him on his tail. We just haven't got the chance yet, because we don't get paired with him in sparring as of yet. But I almost knocked him out once with a spinning hook for hitting me too hard. I just don't want the girls (the younger ones) to get hit that hard by him again.
  18. That's another one. I would have never stopped playing drums. I took it back up again, but I have less time to play now
  19. I did for a while in NJ (when I lived there) when I went to the beach. But haven't done that in years.
  20. Wait! I can do that too! LOL I also picked up snowboarding quickly. And I can cook anything. I have a nack for cooking anything asian, Italian, American, ect. If I can't, I'll find a recipe, or do something off the top of my head and it turns out good (no measuring either hehehehehe).
  21. I don't watch movies much. 80% of the time, I guess the ending in the first ten minutes. Then it's no fun watching the movie. I do get stumped a few though.
  22. I like that I changed it. It'll prolly change again. Now it's just me. Just doin life when ever and making the most of it (like now, I'm laid off, but making the most of it ... or trying).
  23. Thanks Sohan .... Wait I'm not a mod anymore, not because of the forum, but job reasons. Anyways, yes, this is one of the best forums. I am still here after 4 years (on staff for 3, I think. Patrick will correct me if I'm wrong). But I know that this is a well moderated forum. Much better than most out there.
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