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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. No. Check out this thread. It's not really by "style." It's really by personal preferance (from what I can tell). It is for me anyways. See my post. I tied my belt the same way in every MA that I was in. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=8542
  2. My honey owns anything from Jackie chan stuff to 60's movies. But I'm not a big movie watcher. Our DVD holder is overflowing, though.
  3. I'm one too hehehehe. But like Patrick said, there's a few of us hehehehehe (I think I started something LOL).
  4. SWEET!!! Lots of metalheads on this board. Coolness Ok, sorry. My "snowboard slang" is coming out. But I love metal also.
  5. I totally agree. I did see them live in 1998, but they played all old skool stuff, which was too cool. Good show. Other than that, I have so many fav bands right now, I would take an hour to name them all. If I had the money to buy CD's of each one, I'd go broke LOL (specially since I'm a drummer ... I wish I can learn to play that many songs ... I'd die first from old age LOL).
  6. I don't watch much TV, but I like the Direct TV channel called Fuel Tv. They play a lot of snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, ect shows. Now that I snowboard, I REALLY like the show called the "Standard Snowboard Show." I do watch stupid stuff like Cops reruns (hey, some of them were good, dang it! hehehehe), and some cooking shows, and the Discovery channel stuff. My new fav is the "Survivor Man" (he lives off of the land for a week and with what nature provides for him and/or his survival skills). I know, I'm a dork LOL.
  7. I didn't get that far in TSD, but I always liked to watch both bassai's (never saw jion, or I didn't realize I did when I did see it). I probably won't be much help, but I liked Bassai dai better (by the looks of it).
  8. LOL Red Belts in most Jujitsu systems are for 9th and 10th dans. I bet you got some funny looks. Hehehehe. Yea, I can see that. But my instructor teaches private lessons only (for now). There's only two of us students (three at the most). He knows I train in another art (TKD, which red is before black), though. He really doesn't mind at all. I'm the one that feels weird about it.
  9. Ok I do like famous MA'ist. Like Jackie Chan, cause he does his own stunts and he is funny. Jet Li, cause he fights good. Chuck Norris for his talent in MA (not his acting). Superfoot Bill Wallis (sp?) cause of his ... well, super foot. He kicks but in sparring. C.S. Kim (Tang Soo Do) for his technique ... among others. But my fav Ma'ist are NOT famous (as I mentioned before). Sensei Mike, Heidi, Mr B, and a few others.
  10. I like the straight punch in sparring (must come from my point sparring days), because I score with it 90% of the time or backfist (if that counts), but I can't use that in TKD.
  11. Side kick or back kick. They are powerful for me. Roundhouse, because it looks pretty cause I can kick high with it (for me anyways).
  12. Wow! Nice article. It almost made me cry. If I had the chance to return to my old dojang (TSD) where I started, it would be as welcoming as that. I know, because I train there when I visit NJ, and my TSD instructor is always welcoming me back, and bugs me to train even when I don't feel like it.
  13. It takes a life time But to become somewhat competent in an art (depending on the art) about 4 to 6 years (for BB). Master level also varies. Eventhough you could learn good self defense skills earlier (again, depending on the style).
  14. I agree. The most fights I've lost were in sparring (MA). But I learned from it everytime.
  15. I agree Red J. Darn right he provides gloves or I wouldn't touch the place. I used to clean my TSD dojang, but that WAS for lessons when I lost my job. But this dojang, it's required for BB.
  16. As a kid, just one. But the only fights I've been in were to protect my sister and my brother. Both can't fight, and my sister is smaller than me (even though she's older). All it took was one well placed punch. Since I've been in MA, lots. Usually against someone more experienced than myself. I got my backside kicked in by three 3rd dans, one 2nd dan, and a couple 1st dans (I'm a 1st gup). But I knew it was going to happen, so I put up a good fight eventhough I knew I was getting a beating. But outside of MA, I had to fight once in a SD situation. I won (I thank God for that one).
  17. Hiya all, I have an interesting question for you. Is there requirements that you must meet before you test for BB? I mean, stuff outside the curriculum. And how do you feel about it? Like in my dojang, we have to do 5 hours of community service. Some dojangs, you have to get CPR/First aid training. We also have to clean the dojang (2nd gups and up). We have 4 cleaning teams. And we rotate the teams every week, so one team cleans once a month. Now we have mini competitions between the teams. Kinda like a tourny style setting, but slightly different rules. It used to be 5 teams, and we didn't have these stupid mini comps. I didn't mind it so much then, but now it's getting really lame. If I want to compete, I'll go to a tourny We also have to "coach" in class (assist in class), at least once per week. Well, they took that away from the red belts I really enjoyed that, too Anyways, I wouldn't mind the community service thing, the CPR thing (if they had it here), and the coaching. But the other stuff has to go. Ok, your turn
  18. Ok, I'm not agrueing that stuff here. But I do have to say that I'm taking a break from TKD. Indefinitely? I don't know. I'm going to take another month off, and see ..... Meanwhile, I'll still do Jujitsu once per week.
  19. No, this one isn't hollow. It's solid. Maybe it is bamboo but it's filled with something. I can't really tell. But thanks for answering
  20. I worked at one of my previous dojangs (the yucky one) that had an "after school program." To me, it was an expensive "flop." It turned into a "daycare" type situation. The parents just had the kids dumped off (they had the school bus them to the dojang) till they DECIDED to pick them up. They were supposed to be out of there at a certain time, but a few of them never were. But, I do believe if you have a good plan, and strict rules for an after school program, it could work.
  21. I seen my fair share of bad judging. BUT I have also judged myself. Sometimes it's not bad judging, but an honest mistake. I made a mistake during a sparring match. I gave the point to the wrong person, but I intended to give it to the one that deserved it (we have to look down at times to write down the scores). I just simply marked the wrong box. But the center judge caught my mistake after looking at my sheet, thank goodness. Anyways, if it obviously bias judging and not a mistake, then that's totally different. I have seen it. And I honestly don't think there's anything that we can do about it. Other than give the bias judge a "boot to the head." Ok, bad joke, but you know what I mean LOL.
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