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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Yes I do I'll see what I can do. My BB test is around that time, but if it's not on the same weekend, I'll see if I can make the tourny, at least. That was pretty funny about what you said about chinto hehehehehe
  2. I agree with all of you here. The knowledge is more important, as well as the journy.
  3. Coolness. I know some TSD forms (started in TSD), but I never got the chance to learn Bassai (or the last two Pyung forms ). That would be so cool to learn that one (or both depending if your dojang does both sho and Dai) I only know the 8 Taegueks, so it would have to be one of those for you to choose from LOL.
  4. Aodhan, That's how I did the wheel kick also. That's what I thought. Thanks
  5. I'm proud of my rank now, because I earned it. I'm not saying that I didn't earn the previous ones, but this one I had to work my tail off more than the rest. I have also become a different person with this belt. I used to be in it for "rank." I was a 2nd gup/kyu for a year, because the tests (even stripe tests) were a lot tougher. I failed the first two stripe tests, and I failed the first go-around for 1st gup. It humbled me big time. If I don't get my BB in April, I'll just say, "Ah well, maybe next time." And work harder. It's no biggy to me anymore. I'm here just to train. Getting the next rank is just a bonus. As far as switching styles go, I have no problem putting on a white belt (I'm a white belt in Jujitsu) again. I still have my knowledge for TKD, but I don't know much at all in Jujitsu, so I wear a white belt.
  6. Thanks John. And your welcome
  7. Thanks for the imput, Andrew
  8. I do agree that a well done form, creative or traditional (without screaming) is nice to watch I have never done creative forms, but I was just watching the ISKA comp on TV (re-run LOL). With all these creative forms popping up and winning comps, I noticed that (in this show anyways) the traditional forms beat the creative forms. And John's post just highlighted that. I was thinking of doing a creative form, but I'm getting too old for the jumps and spins (previous injuries). I was wondering if I still have a chance with traditional forms?
  9. This idea came from John. This thread is to give your imput on what you think is better, and why (no flaming please). For me, the open forms are fun to watch. But the screaming like a dead cat has to go. I perfer a quick strong kihap where it's supposed to go. I also believe that if you don't have strong basics, your "open" form will look sloppy, even with the tricks. Watch the ISKA competition. You'll see what I mean. When they do show the traditional forms vs creative ones, 8 times outta 10, the traditional ones win. I'm not flaming creative forms. I actually like the tricks and stuff (I try to do them). But I perfer the traditional forms for comp myself. Opinions?
  10. "Talking loud and stuff" is a part of presentation-the way you speak and carry yourself says alot about what you are about to do. If you can convince yourself you own it, you can convince others too. Ok, I get it now Thanks. John, you just gave me idea for another thread. Thanks everyone for your imput. Keep it coming
  11. Na theres 7-11's else-where, but that's where I first learned of it. And I grew up in NJ. I live in upstate NY now, and I don't have 7-11's here. Or they are very rare if I travel the state that I have seen.
  12. Yep, just be open-minded. Once you figure out how it works, go with it. You don't have to "always" be in that "square" stance. Move a bit, figure out what works for you. But you have to take what you learn and fly with it. Play around a bit. If you do stay in that square stance, it may help you or hurt you. It depends on you. It's self discovery. It's up to you.
  13. I'm not a BB, but for my test for 1st kyu/gup, I tested with BB's. I failed the first one. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. The second time I passed, but because I had to work my backside off for it. The next test is for BB it will be the same, but more intense and more physical. I'm scared, but I'm training for it.
  14. For us, we go every three months till red. Then we test every six months for high red, prob BB, 1st dan. Between 1st and 2nd dan, there are three maintenence tests (again every six months). Then you test for 2nd dan, I believe (I haven't gotten that far yet LOL). It takes two years to get 2nd dan, anyways.
  15. I agree with Jiffy. Look for "open" style tournies. My dojang goes to one in CT all the time (we are in NY), but it's TKD.
  16. My inspiration was self defense. Now it's because I want to be the best I can be in the MA. I like the character building/mental end of MA (but I'm still a technique geek LOL). My new inspiration now is two good friends of mine. Both do MA, and they are awsome and very knowledgable about MA. I can just sit for hours and listen to them talk. They have so much to share. And technique-wise, they are ... OMG!!! I would have to study MA for a very long time to get that good. CTTKDKing, I like XMA also, but I'm an old fart (compared to those XMA'ers). I can do a few tricks, but not many as of yet. I have to get back in shape for that stuff (took time off after surgery .... I got chunky LOL).
  17. I agree unknownstyle. I had to fight every test for both (TKD and TSD) styles (except for white belt). Now I'm testing for BB in April. I have to fight two on one for, at least, three matches (that's after getting pooped by numerous one on one matches). I'm getting a bit "spooked" by the test, but I know what to expect (my man went through it first. He gave me details). I think that will help. I can prepare for the test (I just hope it doesn't change LOL).
  18. I think there is a thread like this somewhere. But I don't mind answering again. I love music. I play drums (again ... I started back up a few months ago). I also got into Taiko drumming (i'm a rookie though). I am a summer person. I love the water (beach ... sun bathing and swimming), camping ... and any outdoor adventure LOL. And I love to go to concerts when I have the chance. But my main thing is hanging with my buds.
  19. Don't think of walking stance. Think more in the lines of a "natural stance." I had to get used to the walking stance since I came from TSD (where there is no such thing). But once I thought of it this way, it came easy. You can do any block, strike, ect from this stance.
  20. If that's what you meant by presentation then, I didn't do that? I thought you meant the talking loud, and stuff (which I did try to do LOL). But you have a good point.
  21. Good point, DragonMike. I agree. I was in that tourny I mentioned one week before my test for 1st gup. I didn't have a chance to be nervous, because I was working (judging, scoring, ect). Once I got up and did my thing, I had to go right back to working. But that showed me that I did great under pressure. I wasn't nervous at all at my test for 1st gup. And I passed. I totally believe that it was because of that tourny.
  22. Hey all. I am a forms geek. I ALWAYS compete in forms at tournies. Well, the last tourny was great. I placed second (for once) in my division (I always got third ... gggrrr LOL). There were 4 BBs and two red belts (myself included). Both of us red belts beat the BBs. I was the only one that was 30 years of age. The rest were younger than 18 (I don't know why they put me in that division *shrugs* LOL). One judge said that, as far as she was concerned, I got 1st on technique alone, but the "theme" of the tourny was presentation, which I kinda lack in. This same person helped me with my form before hand. I drilled my form hard with her (she knows who I'm talking about ). I have judged forms (for kids in the same tourny and the one before it). I look for technique. I'm not big on presentation. Well, it does count if they look confident and all, but I'm a technique geek. I look for sharp and clean technique, and strong stances. I like a good kihap, but I hate the screaming, which is a turn-off to me, so I don't do it. Anyways, for those that judged in forms, let me know what you look for (traditional forms).
  23. I did TSD back in the day. I was with the https://www.imahg.net under GM Ki Yun Yi. The info is on that site eventhough it hasn't been updated in a while. But This is my old dojangs new site http://www.eastcoastkarateinc.com/ and the old one is http://www.imahq.net/East_Coast_Karate.htm I'm in the adult class pic (that tells ya how old it is LOL). I still train there when I visit family in NJ.
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