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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I found this topic on another forum. I thought it was pretty interesting. I hope this is a good place for it. Anyways, the topic was about how the MAs got you interested in the asian culture. Here's my story: When I started in MA (TSD), there was this Korean lady that grew up in America at my dojang. We became friends. She would tell me about the food, culture, ect. And laughed at us (jokingly) about butchering the Korean language LOL. Anyways, she invited me to dinner at her house. Her mom who is old fashioned "off the boat" Korean and barely knew english (broken english). She cooked the meal. OMG!!! It was to die for! It was REAL Korean food. She made it all by hand from scratch. I fell in love with it. It tasted awsome, and I never had it before that. Ever since then I would eat at the local Korean restaurant. Then I moved up here (NY), and found another one, but it's a little out of the way. So, I learned to cook Korean. It's not as good as my old friend's mom's cooking, but still good. I also like the culture. I learned a lot from my friend, and from some research. But I have also gotten into Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Chinese food (My instructor now is Chinese). But the Chinese food in restaurants in this area is Americanized. It's kinda crapy (greasy). But I learned to cook Japanese food pretty well, and a little of Thai and Vietnamese. We have also collected asian stuff. We have a few asian "looking" peices of furniture, a Chinese scroll for good health, Korean Flag (for our future dojang) and various Japanese weapons. I want our next house to "look" like it came from Japan (we are getting it built). That would be the coolest So what's your story?
  2. I took TSD too. Is the windmill kick the "wheel kick?" I never heard of it. Just curious.
  3. Hey IcemanSK, I too thought it was a fake (the first side kick), but the way my instructor explained it, it is not. It's an actual kick, but done fast at knee level. As far as the part where your hands and feet come together, we do it slow. But both of these peices of Koryo vary from dojang to dojang. Niel, yep that will work too. Do that kick while holding onto a chair in slllooowwww motion. Hold your kick out as long as you can, then bring it back. If you do a couple of these, you will feel it in your hips. Great workout for leg strength.
  4. Hey neil, Yep, that's where my boyfriend had trouble (double side kicks). I know that part of the form well hehehehehe. He was loosing his balance, ect. But I told him if he chambered his first side kick, kick, then bring it back to chamber for the second one, he would be able to keep his balance better. It worked. Some people just "flick" the side kicks (no chambering, ect) out on that part, and it annoys me to no end. I think it looks sharper if they employ the chamber better. Oops, that was my koryo vent LOL. Then again, I'm a technique geek, and somewhat of a perfectionist LOL. Anyways, if you feel like you are having a hard time with balance, use the chamber better. Or even do it slow for a while, then full speed. Or just work on that one peice of the form till you feel comfy with it.
  5. Hey all. I wanted to know if anyone has any jujitsu vids or mpegs or links. If so, please post them. Thanks in advance
  6. LOL. Oh ok. My bad hehehehehe Brian and I had a goofy photo thing going tonight after class. We had our uniforms on and we took a bunch of photos. So I will fix them in Paintshop Pro (make them smaller) and post some I'll send you a few too, Heidi.
  7. I agree. We go to Home Depot also. But Aodhan has great advice if you do get it from your local lumber yard/home store. Look for boards that have less knots and are well dried.
  8. In TSD (at my old dojang anyways), we called it a round kick for short. But it was called a roundhouse kick. In TKD, we say turning kick. But it's the same kick. As far as where it originated, I don't know for sure.
  9. Hey all. Another update. I posted on here, http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=24324 about my graduation. Anyways, I'm going to my first class after 2 1/2 weeks off. I feel really good, but I won't spar or do throws for a while to be on the safe side. Thank goodness it's forms night
  10. Good post, Don't call me Sir. Good point. Anyways, I'm not a BB yet (I just got my 1st gup), but I have been in TKD 4 years. I'll probably get my BB next year (06). So it would roughly be 4 1/2 years for me.
  11. There is a good sticky on stretching in the health forums about stretching. There is a lot of good info in there. Take a look. This may help you out. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6186
  12. Ok, I just put up two pics in the KF photo album. This one http://www.karateforums.com/album_pic.php?pic_id=393 is a pic of me right before getting my big black stripe. This one http://www.karateforums.com/album_pic.php?pic_id=392 is after I got my big black stripe. It's on (my) right side of my belt. The pics are a little dark, but I will be taking better ones sometime soon.
  13. I just tested for 1st gup/kyu. But I may be of some help. I know you said you didn't want to hear going through your curriculum. But I did it religiously, everyday, leading up to the test. I did a bit of conditioning for breaking. If I had trouple with a technique, I got help from anyone I could to correct it quick. And worked on it till I got it down. Then worked on it some more. As far as sparring goes, hit the heavy bag, do cardio, run ... whatever you can do to build up your "wind" and technique. When you work on forms, mix them up. Don't do them in order. Have someone call out the names of the forms randomly then perform them in different directions (not just the way you do them in class). Blindfolded is even better. I hope I helped some.
  14. Wow, that is weird. I never heard of that one either.
  15. I agree, glockmeister. Some just can't handle it, I guess. There was a school here that openned up right down the road from my dojang. It was some made up style (I can't even remember the name, but I remember that it was so funny just hearing it). They were exteremely expensive, and the so-called cheif instructor was a 28 year old "grandmaster." They lasted only six months. We had a few of their students come to us. I guess I have been lucky, also. This dojang and my TSD dojang have been successful, even with tough training.
  16. Thanks all I will post a pic of me on here pretty soon with my senior red stripe. I have to crop everyone else out of the pic first and make it smaller.
  17. That's one of my least favorites. I can do it, but I look like karatekid on crack when I try it. My man can do it beautifully ... gggrrrrr Anyways, for kicks, I like the 360 round kick and flying side kick for show. The side kick and knees for effectiveness. For hands, I like the palm heal, and elbow (sorry, couldn't pick just one).
  18. I know bits and peices of Koryo from my man. He had to learn it at one point, and asked advice on it (I trained longer eventhough he's a BB). I had to learn some of it to show him, but it was worth it. But I found that koryo is quick to learn, but it takes a long time to get it "just right" technique-wise. Just keep plugging away at it. It will come in time.
  19. Congrads I got my 1st gup yesterday, and I feel like you. I'm on cloud nine right now.
  20. Thanks Patrick. I was in aw today. I got my senior red. But Heidi was there, Mike (my jujitsu instructor), and my better half (who got his BB today). My mom was there for the test itself......... My jujitsu instructor actually took most of the pics I have (thanks Mike). That was an honor for him to be there for my TKD graduation. That ment a lot. Heidi helped with the whole thing. She was a good sport, too. I wanna say thanks to both of them. Thanks so much for being there for us. I didn't go to the dinner thing, because I was sore (surgery stuff), but Heidi tried to talk me into it LOL. The funny part of the day was when I tied my honey's new belt on (the ones getting the BB gets to pick who ties their new belt on). I tied it a little too tight, he said thanks butthead LOL. I did tie it too tight ... sorry honey LOL. He had to suck his belly in for the rest of the graduation so he could breath ... oops LOL.
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