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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I've seen bad judging. It was in a TSD tourny. It was similar to pineapple's situation. Two BB's (one from our school) were sparring and the one kid kicked the our guy in the ... umm groin area, and got a point for it. Our guy was obviously kicked there. He went down. That should have been, at least, a warning there. But no point. The one who got the point was from the same school as two of the judges, so they favored him. So, our BB lost the match. Not because he didn't fight well, because he was getting in some good clean shots that he should have recieved points for.
  2. It doesn't happen that often. Once or twice a year. I posted that after one of those lectures, and I was in a bad mood. But it's not a cause for a new teacher. Oh, I have one. When I am training in jujitsu, my instructor wants to show us a new technique (usually a lock of some sort), and I think to myself, this is going to hurt LOL.
  3. Bummer, Kicks Let us know what's happening. White Warlock, is right. Get checked out to make sure there were no serious injuries that you are not feeling at the moment.
  4. I'm kind of late on this. Halloween is almost over, but I feel the same way. I once dressed as a "kung fu master" a few years ago. The kung fu uniform, head band, and the little kung fu shoes. But I didn't wear a sash at all. My boyfriend is a BB, and of course I do his laundry (if he doesn't). I have to wash his uniforms. I have to dig his uniform out of his bag along with his belt and towel. I will remove his belt, but I wouldn't think about wearing it. As far as it goes is, I drape it around my neck long enough to dig his uniform out, then I fold his belt up and put it back in his bag. I don't even wear my own TKD red belt for Jujitsu. I wear a white belt. My instructor doesn't care really. He knows I earned my red belt, and he doesn't mind if I wear it, but I feel "weird" doing so for Jujitsu. That's just me, though.
  5. I disagree with an "upper rank" all the time (my boyfriend), and I usually win hehehehehehe. Seriously, though. When it comes to one steps or forms, if they show me the wrong way, and I KNOW it's wrong, I just play "stupid." I will say, "Really? Maybe we were shown two different ways. Let's see what Master K says." Then I'll call him over and ask for "help" Sometimes doing that, I find that BOTH parties were performing it wrong. But most of the time it's because they practiced it wrong. Or I will ask my instructor later to be sure if this person is wrong or right (I don't mention their name though). Because my instructor will usually "fix" this problem in the next class by showing the correct way to do the technique to the class as a whole, not just this person. It hasn't happened lately, though. My instructor is usually good about "catching" them performing the wrong technique, anyways, and he does the correcting.
  6. LOL. I wouldn't know. I don't eat meat. But yea, I think that's true, CloudDragon. My cat was like that. Now that my cat isn't around (ran away), I think the dog is trying to take his place LOL
  7. I'm a tom-boy LOL I still climb trees to cut branches down at 30 years old hehehehehe. My hubby loves it. He doesn't have to do it anymore LOL. Power tools rule! hehehehehehe (hanging by a limb in a tree is kinda tricky with a chainsaw tho LOL).
  8. I had only one instructor that insisted on being called "master." He had a huge ego, so he would get offensive if you didn't call him that. But My first instructor (TSD) and my current one, don't like to be called master. Out of respect I call them "master" but they don't like it. One is an 8th dan (TKD), the other is a 5th dan (TSD). Both of them are very humble guys. They rather you call them "Mr" not master. My Jujitsu instructor is 5th dan. I call him "sensei." I know he is a master, but he doesn't mind it at all.
  9. For me, as a female, I count on speed (and technique). I don't have much "mass" but I know if I get more "speed" into a breaking technique, for instance, I know I will be better off (complete the break). If I try strength alone, it doesn't work for me. As far as taking hits, I can take hits better than some females, but I'm not the best. I still get the wind knocked out of me if I get caught in "mid breath" so to speak. I don't know if that's what you are looking for, but that's what works for me.
  10. Comps basically are sport. But if you know the difference between "sport" fighting and "street " fighting, then you will be ok. But I think comps are good for, like Pogo mentioned, reflexes and stamina. It also helps some people get used to performing under pressure. I do comps for that reason, not for the "sport" part.
  11. Here's a good place to start http://www.martialinfo.com/styles.asp It has lots of the styles (not all, but a good amount) on there, plus links and such to sites/info.
  12. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=12166&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Here's a thread of many about rank, but this one was so much fun. I linked it. But there is also new members here that we like to hear from. I'm a 2nd gup/kyu red belt TKD, and white belt Jujitsu.
  13. Coolness I did Hapkido with TSD. It was mixed in, so I wasn't "ranked" in it, but it was so much fun. I totally see where you are coming from. We also have Tai Chi Chuan at our school, but I don't take it. But we do get the chin na from it hehehehehe
  14. I would travel that hour, no sweat. Between him and his wife, they have so much knowledge in MA between the both of them. It wouldn't even bother me to travel that far. They both rock It would be totally worth the drive even if it was 2 hours.
  15. Bless you, Kicks. And everyone there. We have a Katrina fund going at work, and everyone still puts money into it. It's the least we can do (and the Red Cross here who sponsers it). It's "chump change" to some, but it will help you guys in the long run. Let me know how things go and how you guys are doing.
  16. I agree, niel0092. We also have forms that are unique to us. We have forms that were created by our master instructor years ago (the bo forms are cool ). Even our beginner form is unique. So they would be dropped if TKD was standardized. And I really like the bo forms, so I wouldn't want them to go away.
  17. My TKD instructor is 8th dan, so I train with a high rank on a regular basis LOL. My Jujitsu instructor is 5th dan, but no traveling required for now. He comes to us (my house). But when his wife's school gets up and running, we may swap weeks (he travels here every other week, and we go there every other week). We haven't worked that out yet. That will be an hour drive.
  18. Yea, good idea, Orion. I wish ya lots of luck finding a good place to train.
  19. IcemanSK, good post. That's generally how I feel. I don't think the TKD orgs should be standardized, but I wish they would share knowledge more (forms, ect). I would like to learn the Pal Gue forms, but my instructor won't teach us. Which is a shame, because he did, at one time, teach them.
  20. 20 minutes by car for current dojang. In the past, I have driven up to 40 minutes.
  21. They have kyokushin here, too, but it's far enough away that I didn't join that dojo. But I regret not checking it out, at least. I heard good things about kyokushin, but never looked it up, so to speak.
  22. Great post, Aodhan. Well said.
  23. I tried that, too when I first moved here. I couldn't find a TSD dojang. But I "heard" there was a TSD instructor around. But he quit teaching years ago. He wasn't willing to teach anymore But I hope you have better luck. But if you can find a decent TKD dojang, than that would suit you good. You may have to look hard, though.
  24. Hehehehe IcemanSK. I'm here. Anyways, TangSooGuy is right. It all depends on the instructor/school/org, ect. I can only tell you the differences of the two that I was exposed to. The big differences is the forms and sparring rules. TSD was point sparring at tournies, but in the dojang, we did "anything goes" type sparring. TKD is semi to full contact non-stop sparring (no hands to the head). Some of the techniques are different. I never heard of the walking stance till I started TKD. The kicks are pretty much the same, except TKD has this "quick 45 degree kick" that is mostly used in sparring. In TSD, we had a "wheel kick." It is basically a hook kick, but you keep your leg straight (no "hooking"). The stances are higher in TKD than in TSD. The blocks are the same except they are executed a bit different. But this is just my experience with the two styles. It can vary big time with other instructors/schools/orgs.
  25. Ask Heidi. The wisdom she shared with me, is great. She told me so much stuff, it would take all day to write it.
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