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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Wow! You don't look that old to have that many years in (but your technique shows for sure!).
  2. Someone told on her hehehehehe. It wasn't me. Honest (I think it was the 2nd dan lady .... she wasn't happy either). But she WILL get a talking to (I hope). I'll find out tonight when my other half gets home from black belt class. Smurf and jay, you're are right. I think she is having personal problems (or she had major PMS or something), but it has no place in the dojang. Specially when you flip out on people like that. When I first met her, she had an ego problem to begin with. She didn't have a clue I came from another martial art. So she was treating me like "fresh meat" basically (how she treated some white belts, which I thought was rude). So she was holding a target at waist level and said do a turning kick. I said ok. Raise it will ya. I kicked it out of her hand (her head level). She looked at me suprised. I walked away. She did change (so I thought). We began talking and stuff. Then she pulled this stuff (more ego trips). I was thinking about this whole ego, political stuff today. You know what? .... Wait no curse words (I almost typed it ... oops)... Ok, I know I am capable of good technique also. I don't need to listen to the political stuff (or get upset about it). I came to this dojang with my man. We have fun training together, so that's what I will do. Just train. I'll let my technique speak for me and egnore the rest.
  3. I planned my surgery around testing. I did ask my instructor if I was testing. Then I told the doc when to do the surgery and why. Both understood. So, with something like surgery, I don't think your instructor will get upset.
  4. Drag'n, it's not that I don't respect our dojang. It's the way my instructor goes about doing it. I don't mind cleaning after class (the last class does sweep up and straighten up a bit). If we were a small dojang, I wouldn't mind at all. But this is a commercial place. They charge a lot for tuition. And the cleaning thing is requirement for BB. If you don't do it (or can't because of work, home life, ect on sat) you don't get your BB. Some people work on saturdays, and they just can't do it. This dojang makes enough money to hire someone to clean.
  5. I've been at it 5 and 1/2. 1 year, 3 months at my first dojang (Tang Soo Do). Then I moved. 1 year, three months here (my current dojang). I left and studied TKD MDK/Judo for a year. Then came back here (2 years). I dabbled in other stuff as well. But Jujitsu is my current "dabble." I've been doing that off and on for 5 months, I believe.
  6. I totally agree, smurf. I know our instructor will hear about it. I'm not the only one that heard her yelling. She wouldn't act like that if the head instructor was around. I don't know why she did that.
  7. You have a good point. Specially in this area. I did go to a cheaper school here for a year, but it was ... ummm, well not so good. I did get to learn some Judo out of it, though. So it wasn't totally bad. I wanted to post about class last night. This is one reason I was frustrated with the school. I guess I let it get to me again. Anyways, as I posted before, my two main instructors are in Korea. So they are relying on the BB's to teach. The 2nd dan is a pretty good teacher. She is in her 60's and her body doesn't let her do what she wants to, but she as great knowledge. I loved her class the other night. She's a people person. But two other BB's kinda let it go to their heads. Ok, disipline is one thing. But treating the adult class like they are two year olds is not cool. The one (a 1st dan) bit my boyfriends (also 1st dan) head off twice (rudely, I might add, in front of the class). He was trying to do what he was told by the main instructor for the week. She yelled at him for doing something she didn't think was right. But he was told to. He mumbled ... um I won't say, but he was mad, and she knew it because she realized she was rude, and said sorry. But it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Even if he was in the wrong, she should have waited till after class, and spoke to him privately. The other BB is just got this huge ego. He is an instructor, but he teaches the juniors. He's not used to the adults. He was teaching us like we were 11 yo's. Ok, I vented. I'll shut up now ... boy I can't wait till the REAL instructors come back .....
  8. Thanks to everyone for your advice. I did speak to the manager of the dojang (My instructor is in Korea). He's a really nice guy. I told him about how I felt about the cleaning thing, I told him that I WAS working two jobs (dumped the part time job), how frustrated I got with the whole situation, ect. He heard me out. He said just come for the cleaning part, not the comps. I agreed. As far as the politics go, I think I'll just let it fly. I won't pay any attention to it. I'll just go and train, and ignore the rest. I went back to class this week. And with the above in mind, I had a great time. Thanks again everyone
  9. I read this thread again, and I didn't notice this part before. I thought long and hard about that. You know, you are totally right. I know a good friend of mine would have said the same thing. She has been trying to "sink" that into my thick head for a long time. I think it's about time I actually let it "sink" in. I think maybe I'm just making something out of nothing with the whole dojang thing.
  10. My instructor in TKD is 8th dan in WTF and 7th in MDK TKD. He also studied kung fu, but I don't know his rank/level. Plus he studied a bunch of other stuff, like Muay Thai, and Tai chi. My Sensei in Jujitsu is 5th dan, 3rd in shotokan (I believe), and he also studied TKD, but I don't know his rank in that. My TSD instructor was a 4th dan at the time. Last time I saw him, he was a 5th dan. I may be able to see him when I visit home this May (if all goes well, and I can still go).
  11. Hey all, I want to thank you all for your help. I do have another question, tho. I'm starting to get the "itch" to train again. But I am a little reluctant about this school. Maybe I should just go back and train only ... no comps or cleaning, or politics. I'll just train, and explain to my instructor that is all I want. What should I say to him (other than just that)? Or should I go elsewhere? It would be cheaper, for one.
  12. Thanks all. More sound advice. Wow! I have lots to think about. Red J, you made a good point again, my friend. Maybe I should just talk to him and see what happens.
  13. Thanks dude. Yes, JJ is still there. I love JJ. But my instructor is taking time to finish the season (he teaches snowboarding, also) before we start again. I can't wait. I'm just waiting on the word from him.
  14. Everyone, thanks so much for the advice. As far as snowboarding, the season is over. But I do still look at the snowboarding forums and vids online. I totally agree. Specially if I don't do the cleaning thing, it WILL cost me my BB (I won't get it). That's total crap. Technique should count, not the cleaning requirement. HongKongFooey, I have eye-balled another school. But I feel like "whatever." If I switch schools, will the passion really come back? The school I looked at is much cheaper, but I didn't watch any classes yet, so I donno. Is it really worth it? This school isn't bad training-wise, it's the extra crap that technique takes a back seat to. Or, at least, that's what it feels like. I have good technique, but I know if I don't do this extra stuff, I won't get my BB. I think it's pointless. Plus if I leave, I will have to buy-out the contract. I feel "stuck." .... again (I left this school once before, but came back).
  15. Here's one of the threads http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=25571 There's a couple of other issues also. Not just the one in that thread.
  16. Hiya all. I need a little advice on my situation. Well, in the fall, I was all fired up for my 1st gup test (which I passed). Then I had surgery. I trained a little off and on till I healed. Then I was ready to come back full force, and I hurt my knee. I took time off without training. Problem is, I haven't gone back to training (it's been two months), and my knee is healed. I lost the desire to train. Plus I'm having issues with my dojang. The training is good, but other stuff is taking its toll on me. I had another thread on that somewhere on here. I'll look for it and post it later. It's like the passion for MA disappeared. I started to snowboard and I love it. I'm adicted. That same passion is what I had for MA, but it's just not there anymore. Advice anyone?
  17. Good questions. I am first aid trained, so I say band-aid for little stuff (cuts and stuff) and bandage for big stuff (cuts more than an inch deep and/or long that need stitches). And of course stuff like getting a finger cut off is a lot worse (APPLY PRESSURE and lotta of bandages (been there, done that on my own body). I usually stay Q-tip. I say tissue even if it's a napkin, toilet papper, or "kleenex." Just something I can blow my nose on. Who cares what it's called LOL. Snot will go wild anyways LOL.
  18. Anything would now. I haven't trained in a month and a half (to get me going again) ..... What next?
  19. jaymac, you have a good point. I now have a full time job (during the day), which attendence is VERY important (unless it's for a good reason like docs appointment, ect). So I can't just take the day off for community service. Plus I still have my part time job (at night and weekends). I don't know if I'll be able to do it either. I might in a month or two when I dump the part time job, but who knows. GoshinKaikuRyu, thanks for the advice. Maybe I can talk to my instructor to see if I can do something else. There is this one guy that can't make it on saturdays for cleaning, so he comes in and fixes/manages the school's computer system once per week.
  20. I totally agree. For me, I wish I started at my first dojang earlier and gotten my BB there before I moved.
  21. battousai16, I love the Iron Chef. I agree. There's the American Iron Chef that's good too. He (the host) doesn't have much of the theatrics, but the show is basically the same in America and english. Both are good. But I wish I can steal some of those recipes (I cook a lot).
  22. LOL. Good one. I wish that's all that mattered was just skill, but nope. We have to clean or get no BB Well I haven't trained in a month and a half (except for Jujitsu), so it really doesn't matter now. I work two jobs, so everything is on hold, anyways.
  23. No, but still not testing OR training ... long story.
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