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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I'm going down to NJ for Christmas. The old family tradition was to gather at my Grandmom's house. But she had a stroke and she can't do it anymore. My mom and I are cooking for her. But we are still doing the gathering at her house, like old times. But most of the family grew up and moved away. So there won't be many of us. What my boyfriend and I do (when we can't travel) is cook for ourselves, and spend Christmas at home. We buy things for each other, but we usually know it it is, so we give it to each other early. But this year will be fun. We do get to travel this year (every two years because of his job). I am so excited. That's a Christmas present in itself Plus I bought myself three months worth of Shotokan for Christmas hehehehehe I just have to get something for the family.
  2. Good idea Kez. My problem is that I am going to grade as fast as I learn each form (up to my current TKD rank), so I have to learn the term super fast somehow LOL.
  3. OMG! Thanks guys and gals. I hope you're right Heidi. I did read two of the books you gave me (or loaned), but I'm still butchering the term LOL. I'm going to print this page and put it in my karate bag for quick reference.
  4. I agree with Myth. I study Shotokan. I cross train in Jujitsu when my instructor can do it (he's a busy guy). Both sensei know I do the other art. They don't mind at all. When I did TKD, my instructor didn't believe in cross training for his students, but he did it through out his life. So I did it anyway. Not out of disrespect, but if he did it, why can't we?
  5. Hiya all. I am a newbe at Shotokan. I'm not new to MA, but I'm new to all these Japanese terms. I learned how to say bow, and sensei from jujitsu and here (KF), but that's all I know. I confuse the heck out of sensei when I try to say something in Japanese and it comes out in Korean (I have a Korean MA background), and he tilts his head like a dog that doesn't understand. Poor guy. He is getting frustrated with me (or just doesn't understand me LOL). I was wondering if theres any kind of audio (tape, DVD, website) that I can listen to that includes the english and Japanese terms for each technique, kata, ect. It would be most appreciated Save sensei and me LOL. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi Kez. You helped me out so it's my turn Anyways, I wouldn't advice that a beginner cross train. But you don't need to worry about that. My advice would be, do two different styles. I agree with Jiffy. Two styles of karate would just confuse the heck out of you. Or it would with me. I have always done a stand up art and cross trained in a grappling or ground fighting art. That way there's no mixing up techniques or getting confused. You want to do Aikido. I think that would work well with Shotokan. I do Shotokan and jujitsu when I can. They work well together, also. So go for it. Try it out. I also agree with bearich. I don't think you need to "ask" to cross train. Both my sensei in Shotokan and jujitsu know I do the other. They don't have a problem with it. Just do it. If you sensei finds out, see what his re-action is.
  7. I used it a few times (bought and sold stuff). I haven't had a problem either. This year I will probably use it more now that I snowboard. I have seen and heard of great deals on snowboard gear on there.
  8. OMG!! I've been there. My dad died two years ago. I feel your pain. I'm with you, dude. Hang in there.
  9. No problem, bud. Eventhough I'm no longer there, I'd still take a class or two or three with ya. Let me know when is a good time
  10. I think I'm one of the guys also. It does annoy me working with other girls (except for a few that ripped me a new one, a third dan and a 2nd dan I know ). I like to go hard, but I realize that the lower ranks can't and I don't (men and women). I spar how my partner spars. But I like to be challenged ... hard. I don't like to be treated as a woman, but a martial artist. I'm more "robust" than most females, so I perfer sparring men.
  11. My first dojang (TSD), I found by pounding the pavement. I looked around at a few schools, and found that one. I really liked it, so I joined. The second one (TKD) I found on the internet. I was still living in NJ, and knowing that I was about to move to this area (NY), I looked on the internet. I found the Judo dojo that I was at for a few months at a YMCA. The program itself didn't last long My current one (Shotokan), I found when I was looking for the second one. But my better half said it was too far. So I joined the other with him. But I did check out this dojo anyway. A few years later, here I am. It is a drive to get there, but totally worth it. And for Jujitsu, I found through KF basically. I met a dear friend on here, and found out her hubby taught it in the past. So we asked if he could teach us.
  12. I have good friends like that, too. One is one this board (she knows who she is ).
  13. In my dojo, they do both your name and the style in kanji. Once you get your BB, you are stuck with it. No stripes (eventhough you test for a higher rank). And we wear plain white uniforms for both color belts and BB's. I love that.
  14. Hehehehehe I agree, Kez. That will rock hehehehe.
  15. I snowboard, but I'm still a rookie LOL. In the summer we camp, but not much else.
  16. Hey me too. What's with Shotokan and no ladies!?!?!?! Seriously though, it doesn't bother me a bit. I've had only a few classes in Shotokan so far, but it looks like that they won't treat me any different because I'm female. At least, I hope they don't. So far they haven't. Specially the other night with blocking/conditioning drills. I had a few bruises, but loved it. There's also guys my age that I can "mix it up with" in sparring, so that will be fun.
  17. I have to get used to the lower stances, too. But like you said, I'll get used to it.
  18. Thanks all. I feel like I did when I first started MA. You know the feeling you get when you are new to MA, and you are so excited about it? That's how I feel now. But I am really sore from last night. He killed us with push ups, jumping jacks, ect. Then we did line drills, then kicking, then kata. My legs were shaking by the time I got to kata ... good class
  19. Hey guys. I went to my first class of Shotokan. OMG!!! It was sooooo much fun. They do the same forms I learned in TSD with slight differences. Not a problem. I picked them up easiely. I just have to get used to it. Some of the tech's are slightly different, too. But I picked them up quick also. It's just a matter of drilling them. Sensei worked with me after class on the forms. He also said that he would start me at white belt, but jump me to green (Heian sam dan rank). Then once I learn each form, he'll jump me up each time when I'm ready (up to my rank now ... 1st kyu). But I would have to work my tail off for black. That's fair So as far as rank, it's up to me (except black). It just depends how fast I learn. This will be fun. I may be 1st kyu for a while, but that ok with me. I am happy with this dojo. I had a blast.
  20. I have a recipe for butternut squash soup. I made it twice, but different versions. It came out good.
  21. I wanted to learn the Palgwes as well. I'm such a forms geek, I could do it. But I just found a new school, so I gotta do the old forms (my old TSD forms, but the SHotokan versions). And one day I will learn them.
  22. Thank you stoneheart. Yes, I think I would like Shotokan a lot. I trained there at this dojo once before. I should have just stayed there then. But I learned my lesson. Sensei Steve was a great guy then. I'm sure he will be now. I talked to him on the phone for, at least, 20 minutes. He remembered me (after that talk). That was three years ago! Nice guy.
  23. Sorry. I was so excited, I had to come here to tell. I actually still have Professor Mikes Shotokan tapes, so they will help alot. I will watch the tapes and study them before I go to my first class on thursday. Thanks so much all for your support. You guys are the best
  24. I found a dojang ... Wait. I should say, dojo. I am now doing Shotokan. Yea! Back to the Pyung Ahn forms (or Japanese verion of those). WHOOOHOOO!!!. Sweet. I am so happy. I have a happy glow on my face right now .... I don't know where they are going to put me, as far as rank, but I don't care. I'm training again Belts don't mean nothing anymore to me as long as I'm "kickin." I actually trained at this dojo 3 years ago, when I quit one dojang before, but I didn't go back (shotokan, that is), because my better half wanted me to go back to his dojang where he trains. Anyways, I talked to Sensei on the phone and he remembers me from 3 years ago! And I only trained two weeks! So I know it's a good dojo, because I trained there and I really liked it. He invited me back with open arms, and said try us again and have a ball. It is Shotokan as I said. Very traditional type of training (that's my thing ), and sensei is tuff on technique. My kind of guy I'm so excited to go back. YAY!!!
  25. I have a dog (shepard mix) named Chipper. I have had so many animals growing up, but I can still remember all their names (cats, dogs, ferrets, gerbels, hampsters, ect ... not all at one time though LOL).
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