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Everything posted by TKD_McGee

  1. "Fit as a fiddel" Thats somewhat funny if u think about it... Im 18 now.. size duz matter!
  2. The internet is the only refuge for goths hehe.. dern goths! After watching the Original Blade I thought it was extremely stupid.. I couldn't bare to sit through a sequel... How about you guys go rent Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust... Its a new anime, I guarontee a great reaction and that you will be on the edge of your seats.
  3. Does no one here watch Kung Fu: The Legend Contines... David Carridean teaches to use Martial arts for good... not for evil like those pesky wutan guys.
  4. "Bah im too fat, im such a fat@$$, im so big.." ^^ Mid life Crisis
  5. How bout you try taking Vitamins? Vitamins prevent muscle strain and shaking... they also have some elements that can help you stretch better.. A Basic Multivitamin can do this for you.
  6. Too much associations, ima stick with ITF it seems to be the best in my opinion.. Better than BTF.. Bubba's Taekwondo Federation..
  7. So do you want to move around a lot and use footwork or powerful punches? Or do you want to do something more like wrestling where you are in an enclosed circle with low movements?
  8. Can I have an ITF certification with that? $29.95!
  9. Who here has to face that fat guy that is invonerable to punches or being moved..?
  10. They should have executed her.. I don't understand why we put up with these people and spend millions each year when we could just execute them or hang them if it costs that much for lethal injection.. She took 5 lives... she should be killed to.. her sentance is weak. Criminals kill people knowing that they will get a light penalty, if they knew they would die for they actions there would be less crime.
  11. Nice sparring.... In TKD your not suposed to kick people in the nads... how come I get kicked there on a constant basis?
  12. You worked so hard for it, at least you think your a black belt in your mind. Just because your master did not have a qualification from a club (ITF) dosen't mean much.. Well that sounded dumb.. As long as you have the concepts down... you can always get a black belt at wal mart.
  13. Do not attempt the wheel kick if you are overweight, I repeat... Causes: -Bum Crash -Anger -Frustration -Springing Pain -Sprained Ankles
  14. In Chuck Norris movies TKD is buff... hehe.
  15. TKD concept is to use the kick rather than the punch because it is stronger, sometimes faster, and it has a further reach... The disadvantage is that you can't really get in that close without getting slapped around, thats probabily why TKD has a bad rap for some people.
  16. Wheaties, its the stuff heros are made of.
  17. Back leg with a step is more powerful, while the front leg like you mentioned is faster.
  18. Yea my school was challanged but the school owner turned it down. He felt that he didn't need to prove anything since the other leader was a ****y kid. Maybe bad pr huk!
  19. We get new members daily, I wonder where they come from? Where did you find out about the forum Shin? Shin = Dbz fan?
  20. I am Daniel Son you are Mr. Miogi... Wutah!
  21. Nope is a big club with over 100 members. Kids and adults test together, and there is a stripe system used for each belt. You get a piece of black tape on your belt for each level... 1 for basics, 1 for form 1, and one for form 2, then a red tape for everything. After that you can test for the next belt.
  22. Haha, I don't want to hear that bull... That basically translates to... your a good student enjoy your time as at this belt... while I enjoy your hearty checks! Your missing the facts read my topic over again.
  23. Ok lets face it people. The people in America today are fat and weenyfied for the most part. They are extremely soft and give into almost any physical harm. (Not all people) This brings us to Martial Arts. People who are weak go into Martial Arts expecting to come out like Jackie Chan. These people go so far and quit because they can not put up with the hardships. I think this is how a lot of schools make money. They push you to a certain point of training, then they push you off the edge to see how tough you really are, and how bad you really want that black belt. Most people give in at this point and quit. Scheming Black Belts and McDojos don't do any good to help this issue out. When we compete against other countries we get slapped around like little children most of the time. Secondly we have children, some rich people put all of their kids into martial arts at a young age and hope to get the best from them. When junior messes up once the parents are there to make sure their precious child is pushed to the next level. I see this all too often, and I think its ridiculous. I train harder than anyone I know at my level, I can do more physical work and perform at a higher level, yet I feel held back.. System or no System? Should a adult be held back while everyone else has to catch up? Then when it comes test time he has to work harder while he watches the kids with no attention span be pushed through because their parents are there to squeek!
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