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Everything posted by TKD_McGee

  1. Atheist Morals... Im sure Communists have Atheist Morals too.. bahaha... "Tolerant" Christians... are a bad example for everyone. They basically disreguard what the bible says and give into todays evilness. Hey if two men love each other than its ok. You guys are just intolerant! "Why don't you be tolerant of my intolerance" - McGee
  2. Yea i am an official war3 beta tester, i got it in Feb been playing it since... i think im fairly good..
  3. My dad works for ATT cable / phone... he has a device that can locate those boxes, because they give off a special signal. 1st time is warning 2nd time is a heafty fine (100-250) 3rd time is jail (6month - 1year)
  4. Another useless post... get out the Pad Lock Patty!
  5. Thats where you step in and take it into your own hands... You can always go home and do extracurricular exercises if you aren't tired enough. I stretch daily and it has done wonders over the months.
  6. As one of the TKD concears.. I welcome you to KarateForums.com... (should be TKDforms.com cuz TKD > Karate huk!)
  7. It just makes you look all manly and stuff. If you can go out there and yell really loud while breaking 10 boards, then you are pretty dern cool. Ive seen black belts actually bend the board towards them for little kids... funny!
  8. I think your going to have to go to Nepal and climb a snowy mountain.. theres an old man in a little shack up there that knows all.
  9. Anyone can read the Bible and disreguard it as a book of fables, but most verses have a deeper meaning that is not easily translated by the common person which usually leads to misbelief. As soon as someone comes to a miracle they usually laugh at it and disreguard it as a myth. Most people don't care, they think its an old garment.. they would rather go watch tv. Morals are founded from Christianity, i think its funny when people say they are going to teach someone morals without Christianity. What exactly are non Christian morals? If it feels good do it? Its not indoctrination, its protection from obvious bads. Many people are too wrapped up in their own affairs to see these obvious problems in the united states.
  10. "I can beat up a black belt.." Thats funny, I just never let ranking get to me. Its not a big deal, some people abuse their ranks but they are usually little kids. I don't think its as big of a deal as you say. And if it is your probabily going to a poor school that allows that kind of stuff.
  11. Yes they were allowed, but only one type.. it had to be a full body type reverse punch or something... now any punch is permitted, and yes at upper level you can punch to the face also. When you punch, your opponent either has to flinch or be moved in order to score a point. They are scored far more now, in what I have seen.
  12. Its obvious Bon, there are no morals taught. So kids are encouraged to do crimes and they get penalized less than they would in a muslim or christian society. Therefore they can run around and do violent acts and only get 20 years in jail.. which leads to a growth of active participants in Martial Arts to defend against these punks.
  13. Well the rules have changed in WTF competition. Now instead of being boring and lengthy with low action.. TKD is a lot better. Punching has been added to TKD! I was watching a tournament and witnessed a guy score 14 to 1 using punches! This is unheard of, its usually 2 to 0 or something.. This adds lots of excitement to TKD. Anything that is not knife hand, palm strike, or two finger strike is permitted. So any type of verticle punch, reverse punch, jab, upper cut, hook punch is permitted... major victory for TKD participants everywhere!
  14. Maybe I should be more specific... Give the people (students) a option of what they want to do and do not limit them. (limit them by no prayer or restriction of beliefs) This would be far better than no religon at all.
  15. Yes you would think that naturally but humans have been added into the equation. Do you think a wolf or fox would starve or go out and try to find any type of food possible. I know that they would go out and try to find any food possible. So, they would start harassing livestock to feed themselves... Its not like a predator is starving and they say: "Hmm... im starving.. but those animals are livestock so im not going to eat them.. ill just starve instead" So when predator populations reach large levels, then start coming down from their natural habitat and into peopls ranches looking for food. When this happens people lose cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, llamas.. or any natural livestock that the may have. So people shoot them to solve this problem, which keeps the predator levels down.
  16. I say give them an opinion... if there is no religon then they can be taught whatever socialist propaganda that the teacher pleases... Seperation of Church and state was orginally ment to State not controlling the Church. Like Italy making it official that everyone be Roman Catholic. It wasn't ment to be no religon at all..
  17. Its a political issue in all countries that allow hunting. Theres always some whining animal rights activist that lives in some big city (probabily never seen an animal before) that want to take everyones rights away. Most of these idiots don't even know what they are talking about or how to fix the problems. Propaganda like WWF (world wildlife foundation) and the Animal Planet spew out grow misfacts to gain support. They would have you believe that a majority of hunters kill animals cut their heads off and leave their bodies just for a trophy. They would also have you believe that people kill thousands of beavers and make fur coats out of them! (Maybe before the 1950s but not now!) Only a very few elite people can afford to do this kind of wasteful stuff... still that is no reason to have the rights of everyone else taken away. I am not for dogs tearing up foxes either.
  18. Ok thats enough I don't want to see anti-hunting propaganda from some site.. The fact is that is costs way more to make your chicken sheds or animal shelters predator proof (or buying a damn llama) then it costs to put one 4 cent bullet into a predators head. I think its ridiculous to have dogs tear up a fox, but I also think its even more ridiculous having a bunch of socialists going around telling everyone what to do. I myself have Chickens and it is a pain in the @$$ to make a chicken house predator proof. Each predator has a different approach... weasil, skunk, fox you name it.. If predators are not killed then they overpopulate and go out of their natural balance of eating mice or what have you. When this happens they go and look for chickens or baby animals to feast on causing problems... if they are not hunted then they starve to death.
  19. I thought the japanese were extremely strict about these sort of things... I guess affirmative action is going crazy over there...
  20. I am totally against three different sports at once... thats just insane... it puts too much on your schooling, social life, and family. If your thinking about taking something that is very time consuming and thought provoking up like Martial Arts you should think about dropping some of them.
  21. 20 a month is a very good price, hard to believe even.. usually its 70+
  22. Side Kicks are always risky... People will see you wind up and move out of the way even if you are super fast like me. TKD's weakness is close range combat (Although it isnt mine because im the TKD practicioner that dosen't keep my hands down or dorment) A fast basic snap kick or a low to high round house is good. Then you can do all sorts of WWF wrestling moves bahaha.
  23. Hehe all the martial arts places i been to have a bunch of rejects with money.. Basically people need to feel important and have someone with a black belt boss them around..!
  24. It has all the basics and forms for each belt level from white to black in official ITF ranking system... so it has a small video 320x240 or 640x480 that you can watch. The people who perform the acts are professionals. It does have foot work and sparring drills but not actual sparring in it. Click on the tour part to read about it. _________________ Do unto others, as they done to you. [ This Message was edited by: TKD_McGee on 2002-04-11 15:57 ]
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