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Everything posted by TKD_McGee

  1. Can anyone tell me of a good site that lists a bunch of Martial Arts schools by state? by martial art? by organization? Thanks ahead of time.
  2. Why don't you do exercises and drills/techniques for the first half then have them spar the second half. Put emphasis on the new techniques that you taught them instead of just telling them to go hit each other a lot. Teach them techniques that are practical in tournaments. Drills are a must, or else your classes will be very boring.
  3. Jew Squats..... bahaha...
  4. Knuckle Pushups Forearm Curls Pullups Bag Work Forearm raises with weights All work great....
  5. You should cry and find a real dojo that dosent mix kids with adults... maybe something in your own age group. That or grow up and get tough ya wuss!
  6. Due to the Budget Cuts and Politically Correct Army Policy none of the above will be trained. Instead you will be taunt how to detur enemys with a non-violent approach.
  7. I kick someone in the junk really fast then run.
  8. Take up your sign and protest ya hippie. When there are thousands of seperate people giving orders and flying around with missions, there are prone to be accidents. Especially after the Clinton Administration, I can see why there have been so many accidents. Everything has been stripped down and gutted, so its impossible to run at maximum efficiency.
  9. 215, yea right fatty... Soft Star Wars kids don't bench press. I take that back, just tie a twinkie on that bad boy! _________________ Do unto others, as they done to you. [ This Message was edited by: TKD_McGee on 2002-05-30 21:22 ]
  10. It takes a Village to raise a Psycho.
  11. I will be all around the state, everyone but home... I guess I could stop buy some public library..
  12. Eat your Wheaties Kiddies! I find it hard to believe that he got as far as he did... did he actually fracture it or did it just slip? If he broke it, then he must have some pretty brittle bones.
  13. Billy Blanks did.... haha _________________ Do unto others, as they done to you. [ This Message was edited by: TKD_McGee on 2002-05-29 22:00 ]
  14. Most healthy Males or Agressive Females will agree with the points you just made, but unfortunatly what we want will never happen #1. This isnt Ancient Japan, die by the sword hardcore martial arts training. #2. This isnt David Kerrideans Shaolin Temple lol. #3. This isn't the marines. How do you think Martial Arts instructors stay in business? They can't choose who comes to them, they have to put up with it and make the best of it. I am sure it really pisses off a black belt when they have to teach little kids. But, that is what keeps them in business after all.
  15. In Laramy Wyoming a gay guy went into a Red Neck bar and was murdered. By avoiding situations you don't get into trouble, that is common sense. You don't seek trouble first hand.
  16. Before you go and pee your pants with anger about the Hockey Dad story you should know something. CNN is full of $hit, they portrayed it as a guy who killed another persons dad from rage in a hockey game. Actually the guy who was killed was verbally harassing the poor man the whole game and pushing him. (Like a little dog vs a big dog in a dogfight) The guy just ignored him, but eventually the little guy got arrogant so the big guy gave him a good punch to the head. The little guy fell down and hit his head on a wall in an ackward position and was killed. It was a freak accident, not a Sports Murder. _________________ Do unto others, as they done to you. [ This Message was edited by: TKD_McGee on 2002-05-28 11:31 ]
  17. Hey whether anyone cares or not im going to leave for 4 months for a seasonal job.. Take Care everyone... Gumby, Doug, Kick Chick, Iron Arat, 360Kick, Patrick, Bon, Ad, Yoda.... and anyone that I can't remember to mention... late...
  18. Oh be nice.. get with the times... Affirmative action!
  19. Yes with a bigger nife...
  20. The whole DVD player thing was funny at the time.. Just staple on a cheap DVD player and everyone will be happy. Computers 4 Life! Wah? You too cheap for a computer, or are they too complex?
  21. A computer is not a gaming machine entirely. If you run a business off of it, then it is worth more than that dusty Playstation of yours in the closet with the games worth about 600 bucks total at its highest point. A computer has far more uses than any counsil system. A computer will at least pay itself off if used correctly for education or for business.
  22. Christianity in no way supports other religons, in fact it is condoned in the Bible. Christianity is a way of live. Many Christians believe that the other religons 'Gods' are in fact demons with limited powers able to impress people. It it taught not to be wordly because the world is corrupt and evil. I have a very good site with all sorts of opinions and ideas about religons. Go under the Christianity area. http://www.religoustolerance.org _________________ Do unto others, as they done to you. [ This Message was edited by: TKD_McGee on 2002-05-23 09:41 ]
  23. New Age hippies will tell you that. They will even tell you to go ahead and blend whatever religon you want to make a God, because 'God' does not care how you find him. It is simply ridiculous and unfortunate that so much people fall into this path. If that was the reason they why was the Bible written? Christianity is not a religon, it is an Anti-Religon.
  24. Who cares which one wins, I sure don't... Its funny how people are sucked into counsel games which become obsolete in 2-3 years. You end up paying over 600 dollars for everything, just to put it in the closet. I personally think Computers are the best, they are far more complex and worth the time. Plus the computer has many other functions rather than gaming on your TV. I had a Sega Genesis, and I do agree with Gumby. The old 16 bit games relied on depth and excellent game play to win people over. These new games just rely on bells and whistles, when actually they have very lousy content.
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