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Everything posted by TKD_McGee

  1. I am also 18, and I agree with the Above post: 90% of Teenagers are out of Shape. When I go to school, I see people who eat junk food like crazy. People in GYM class can't even do 10 push-ups although they look normal.
  2. I know that they are similuar in ways, but what are the main differences? I think Judo is more for people who want to Compete like a wrestler would, while Aikido is for people who want to learn meditation and self defense... I may not have a clue, so fill me in.
  3. I belief that 3 is way too young, 8 is also way too young. When you start off at 8 then you get your black belt at age 12-13 depending on what school you go to, you will instantly forget everything that you learned in the past in a year or so! I say start out at the age of 13 or so when your attention span and learning abilitiy is higher.
  4. Michael Jordan also does not sign autographs because no one signed autographs for him when he was a kid! How selfish is that?
  5. Ha! your both wrong! Aaron Carter, clearly has the best stunning visuals and computer made music!
  6. Hi, Im new here. I like TKD and watching Jackie Chan Movies. (Who Dosent?) I have done Judo for 5 months, and TKD for 2 months, I am currently training in TKD in MT. Cya on the forums!
  7. I have done Judo and TKD, and I like them both. I have no favorites, but im just wondering what everyone's opinion is. What is the best as far as... Physical Fitness Power Moves Self Defense Long Term Training Hobby Thanks for replys.
  8. Its basically paganism if you take it seriously. I mean come on look at the Chinese Calendar... and Kung Fu Styles!
  9. When it comes to brute strength, and breaking stuff Guys have the edge. But any other time they are pretty equal.
  10. That was reall stuff my man, It still boggles the mind to think about how he could do it. That guy was incredibully strong, although he looked wirey.
  11. Just buy a Tae Bo video, that way you can learn from the great one.
  12. I would like to know the Main associations of TKD in the United States. Since each association goes by its own way of teaching I figure that I should try to find the biggest more widespread Association, so when I move I can do TKD that is the closest to one another. If that Made any sense... plz post below.
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