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Everything posted by TKD_McGee

  1. What? In order to get a gun away from someone.. do what David Caradine did, use your inner Chi to heat up the Gun so it falls from their hand! BAHAHAHA!
  2. Thank for the offer but I already found shin guards, forearm guards, chest guard, and a head guard for around 100 bucks. Thanks for the help and offers... seeing as im strapped for cash in this expesive Martial Arts world...
  3. Grappling/Hapkido would be a great combo.. I agree that WTF style > ITF TKD GIRL HUBBA HUBBA! :brow:
  4. Wait a second... Im paying 70 bucks a month and out of it I get stronger and faster... WOW, THAT MAKES SENSE NOW.
  5. If you ever watch people spar, they hardly ever jump up. People do however jump to do spinning kicks. Jumping is also a good skill to have in order to get out of the way fast, or jump into the action. Fast feet is what TKD is all about, that and a good brain!
  6. Why? Because it could potentially be a money maker... It takes a lot of money to learn the art, why achieve that 3rd degree if your not going to teach anyone?
  7. Star Trek and Dungeons / Dragons are taken too seriously.. Go rent the Movie Trekkies, its hilarious.. The weapon is a neat concept, I dont know how effective it is though..
  8. Because people today are soft and weak, we would probabily get our butts kicked by the ancient chinese. Talk about some hardcore people...
  9. Another Marketing Scheme from the makers of Evolution, and Scary Movie... BAH, ill wait for video release...
  10. Can anyone tell me of a good Martial Arts Supply store online, or a discount outlet store that I could possibly buy from? I found that http://www.awma.com is very nice, but that is only one site. I need many sites to choose from and find the best pricing. I also have Century Martial Arts Supplies too.. Thx
  11. How lovely... an ackward position ends up to be love.. Judo - The Real Close Contact Dating Network
  12. He was testing her just like Marines do... She gave in and quit. If she couldn't put up with the low level strains then she would not have lasted long in the high levels. Some Instructors have power complexes tho... They are forced to train anyone who walks in so they are limited.
  13. Impracticle, it depends on the person... If you are flexible and fast anything is possible. If you short and squatty then I would also suggest doing grappling.
  14. A Jello bed would be cool...
  15. Nope, Dirty Dozen is way different. THere is more character definition it seems!
  16. I think it may be a good hobby like Tai Chi for old people.. There are countless forms and styles...
  17. A person who is strong has more muscle mass therefore he couldn't move as fast in theory.. (Like a big WWF guy) Some people are incredibully muscle bound, and if you were to punch them you would break your arms... Muscle mass has a lot to do with it I think...
  18. Most Kickboxing places are designed for women in the US. Its like an aerobic weightloss program.. This was not kickboxings original intention. Its a big thing over in Asia. I feel that I would be the only male doing kickboxing so I never got into it... What do you guys think? (Im not putting down women btw, evil feminists!)
  19. I think people with no religon fear dead at a great rate because they don't know anything about the afterlife. Religons teach people about the afterlife, this gives them reassurance.
  20. Is that the movie that they show in the Independent movie channel once in awhile... Its about a village of japanese people who are attacked by bandits every year during the harvest, but this year they decide to fight back. If thats the movie your talking about then it was great, i seen it 2 times and it was well worth it. It's perhaps my favorite old movie of all time... its brilliant for being such an old movie, and its long too!
  21. I wonder if freak accidents happen from water beds, and how often... What if you had a slit in your bed while you were sleeping and slowy went under... the chances are slim but its still an idea..
  22. Has Chi been proven? Has there been any instances of channeling Chi? Im not talking about Kung Fu on tv with David Caradine people.
  23. Hi Eru, where are you from?
  24. Tae Bow started in the US... rofl.
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