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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. Welcome InstructorJack, always wanted to visit your part of the US, esp Dover Furnace...
  2. That guy has some chip on his shoulder with the world in general probably, better off not having to do business with a guy like that, likely you would never be able to please him....
  3. Good work there Focused Mind!
  4. The last Shodan grading that I attended, 1 of the 2 students got his nose broken in the FIRST sparring round of 40. Bad luck, it's going to be a long way to the 40th round...... Finished in style tho.
  5. Welcome Focused Mind, great place to hang out....
  6. A recent interview with Andre Bertel. Any thoughts, opinions? Sorry can't work out how to embed....
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Update: I found a second hand machine a few months ago, very cheap so I grabbed it, been using it as part of my stretching routine for 6 weeks so far. I have increased my "split" stretch 140mm in that time, I don't know if I will ever get to a full split, but 10 mins 4 times a week is what I am doing, looking at small improvements as my goal. Very happy so far. http://i.imgur.com/qRLCBjQ.jpg
  9. Welcome Mudansha, plenty of sound advice around here.
  10. Similar story I believe, he trained in various martial arts through his life and came to Seido later on. Still incredible to watch, esp his flexibility....
  11. We go along very similar lines, our club is run by a 5th dan, but since he is over 80 years old, he has been given the title of Seishi by our Kaicho.
  12. On my 50th birthday my wife gave me a card, in it she wrote "Try to remember that you are now 50 and not 18" . You're as young or as old as you want to be, it's the recovery time afterwards that you notice the most. Good luck with the grading!
  13. I would assume the 1 Kancho is essential, but the 5 regents, could you in the short to medium term operate this team with less than 5? 3 for example, is it a question of workload or voting rights for example? If, something similar happened in an MA organization that I was a part of, and Kaicho delegated all new positions, to my mind I would accept without question! You, that are left to steer the ship, are charged with making the big decisions and will do so with the well being of SKKA paramount in your heart. That is what one would hope, that all members will see and understand. It is an extraordinary situation and sometimes committees are not the best option, until perhaps when the stability returns with time. In the interim, representatives or a single individual making the decisions is the question. From the little I know based on this forum, you have the mandate to decide as you see fit, and if your charter insists on a certain number of appointments, then this can happen with time.
  14. I just watched "True Legend", a Wuxia film with a bit of David Carradine in it. A bit like "Fearless" which I consider one of the best ever Wushu films, but with a lot more wire flying etc. Not a bad watch tho.
  15. Welcome Phil, heaps of experience and sound advice around here.
  16. Welcome back to KF..........
  18. Ask them when they think they will give up lying on the couch watch TV......................
  19. Thanks, I'm also thinking of starting her in some very light sparring so she can practice techniques outside of the constraints of formal training, (Kata, Kihon etc).
  20. A slight sideways move of the thread and I apologize, but it's in the same vein as the original question. My daughter is 11, slight and pretty reserved type of kid, I'm wondering when her techniques will start to gain some power, speed etc, I'm sure anyone who has taught kids will know what I'm trying to say, effective technique rather than just doing the moves........ When might this happen?
  21. Congratulations there. Great job!!
  22. Welcome David, looking forward to your input....
  23. Very sorry to hear of such a huge loss to families and to the SKKA. Difficult to know what to say, we have a saying here, "Kia Kaha" also "Arohanui" are appropriate at this time.
  24. I just watched it last night, enjoyed it. Plot wasn't something new, but there was a bit of a intro to Bruce Lee to see if you knew. Some nice big fight scenes with minimal wire work. 7 or maybe 8/10 for me!
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