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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. I'm with you there, they could have split into 4 and had a HBO type mini series. That was the feel I got from it.
  2. I have met none, but would love to hang out with Mark Hunt (UFC) for a while. Also like to chat with Jet Li, I know he considers "Fearless" one of his best, as do I.
  3. It was OK, I would watch a 2nd series, which I believe has just been sign off.
  4. Watched Sword of destiny last night, personally, I was very dissapointed. Felt that it was a non-Chinese production, most of the actors were not chinese. (Original dialogue in english), very much a "made for TV" flick and not a chinese epic. Production values were OK, just the accents and the plot were pretty generic.
  5. http://moosin.com/2014/05/willie-nelson-awarded-black-belt/ Korean style based on the flag on his dogi.
  6. I imagine that anywhere in the world , throughout the ages, where more then 1 human gathered to live together, there would have been Martial art instruction of some type or another. Most, likely died out over time. But I am sure that if history was more accurately documented, or more able to be documented at that time, pre-eqyptian times etc, it would be possible to follow backwards from Karate to where ever. Who knows tho, human have existed in the Indian region a very, very long time, so perhaps our Karate has it's absolute roots in that area. Be neat to be able to find out for sure. [Goes back out to shed and continues building his time machine]
  7. Hi Dicho, I hope you are having a mild winter/spring.
  8. It looks a bit like that "Best in the world" championship that basically is an "in-house" tournament, the one that popped up in another sub, the one where you had to buy all your sparring gear from them. Looks like it anyway.....
  9. Welcome mate, gotta tell you that at 29 your still a young fella , don't worry!
  10. My 9 year old (at the time) got me back into it and she loves karate and loves it even more that we do it together. I purposely did not push her at all, until she started complaining that I didn't show enough interest in her karate! Now we do pad work at home, she shows me how high she can get her mawashi at random time during the week. The bonding is awesome and I never have had to push it at all. It's all come from her, I just had to put the gi back on.
  11. Welcome Bombon.
  12. I saw somewhere that someone was claiming Frank Dux was actually Frank Clark, who fought in the first World Open Karate Championship (aka the tournament in Fighting Black Kings/Strongest Karate). Talk about misguided clowns. I love the Frank Dux stories. My favorite Dux claim has to be his 150 wins in a tournament (or something like that). Someone did the math and calculated that in a single elimination tournament, it would take about 1.5 million people entering it. Can't get enough of Frank Dux! He managed to fool Hollywood for a while...............But maybe JCVD could be considered as influencial, there has to be a whole generation that went out and signed up for MA classes after watching "Bloodsport".....
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. No Frank Dux??????? (Just kidding!!)
  15. I play Planetside 2 a lot. Dont stream, but watch NUCelusive1 youtube montages. Enjoy Angry Joe's game reviews also.
  16. Not much i can say mate. It's such a magic thing to share it all with our kids. Especially father-daughter. I know what you have there. Love her taking it home to practice on!!
  17. Not much i can say mate. It's such a magic thing to share it all with our kids. Especially father-daughter. I know what you have there. Love her taking it home to practice on!!
  18. The above Chris, so very important on so many levels......
  19. Interesting clip, Thanks for posting it.
  20. Hi there Hayleigh.
  21. Thanks for sharing that with us Skull, something so inspirational and something that he, his family and the whole dojo can treasure!! Osu!!
  22. Basically, once any device is connected to your computer, treat it like any other hard drive, and the videos and photos just like any other files, you can copy, cut move them around. move or copy them to our "My videos" folder for a start then you can look at uploading them to the internet. Youtube is pretty straight forward for this. Embedding etc is a bit more complicated, so work first on opening a youtube account and perhaps an official Shindokan channel ( If that is your intention). Try and record in as high a quality as possible on your video camera as video quality suffers each time you render your video clips ( basically making a copy in a different format).
  23. Wow, Thank you very much Patrick!! University of life helps in some ways! The respect and genuine replies are what makes this site the great place it is. Osu!
  24. I wouldn't worry Little foot, we have all been where you are, in 12 months time look back and see how far you have progressed, it will be alot. Your sensai is telling you that it's your journey, to take in your own time. No-one will force you to grade if you feel you are not ready. But, in saying that, one of the main things I enjoy about Karate, is how it pushes me out of my comfort zone. Embrace it and be happy that you have found something like karate to challenge you, both physically and spiritually. Enjoy the ride.......................
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