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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. Here is an interview that may be of interest to Seido people, taken off a Shotokan blog that I follow. JR, I'm sure will find it of interest. http://andrebertel.blogspot.co.nz/2012/01/interview-hanshi-renzie-hanham-8th-dan.html The Andy he talks of is the other New Zealand Hanshi, Hanshi Andy Barber, both are based in the South Is of New Zealand. The blogger, Andre Bertel had a successful international tournament career I believe, signature move, Kakato Otoshi (Axe kick).
  2. I understand the problem, kids grow so fast that Gi only last them a year and then they outgrow them. We have a recycling system where if we see the need, a gi is given to a student under the comprehension that once it is out grown, it is to be returned to be lent out again and again and again, ditto with belts. Seems to work well. I also anonamously sponsor a child's lessons and am thinking to propose that adults that can afford it and are interested may want to consider doing it also. I consider Karate a pretty cheap activity financially, so why not, everybody wins. And it give at risk kids some direction as well as positive role models.
  3. Congratulations Titanium. You may or may not enjoy this: I hope that you do.
  4. Wow Sensei, Congratulations and thanks for sharing your knowledge!
  5. Yes, I have read that Kaicho prefers Green belt and up to spar. I have heard it said that Seido is the "gentle karate", not sure where that came from, probably just because of the spiritual and meditational side of things. I would defy anyone to call it "gentle" after a round or two with pretty much any of the senior students around here! Kumite is part of my next grading............. A typical night in our dojo is 1- 1 1/2 hrs conditioning, then syllabus or sparring. Our CI takes it literally when they say "treat every session like its a grading".. Yes, a big part of the split was the full contact, strongest guy mentality of Oyama I believe. Yes Kaicho is coming to Christchurch, New Zealand to celebrate 50 years of the Christchurch Seido dojo, it went with him when he split. Unfortunately I will be in Russia while he is here. Gutted I'll miss him!!
  6. HHHmmmm, Bit different down here, sparring a lot earlier on, I already have 2 Yakusokus on board, SDs to 1-10, Kihons I have the first few sorted. Kihons here start at 8th Kyu. Going to Russia next week for business and will train at a Seido dojo in Moscow, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they do things, my guess is sparring from the start, I'll let you know when I get back with pics, subject to the CI's approval.
  7. Got that, subscribed, thanks man!
  8. One of my old instructors used to have the kids bring blindfolds for kata class at times. Even the most simple ones become difficult as people end up on the other side of the room, lol. I'm pretty sure it's for kata and other solo stuff. Making it so you can't cheat by copying others if you forget something. Our sensei has us close our eyes and do stuff every now and then. Sometimes I end up in the right spot. Other times I've ended up facing about 90 degrees the wrong way. Here also, with eyes closed, also reverse kata and opposite side. The reverse kata really frys the brain!
  9. Same, Seido 2. Enjoy Pinan 2 Had an intro to Pinan 3 last night. Noticing the workload increase significantly in prep for next grading. 3 new katas plus all the rest.......................................
  10. Hey Ranger, How is that kata going? Did you get a name for it? How is the training going?
  11. All white gis here, you would not be allowed to wear other colours in our dojo. Badges and flags, i.e. patches are not allowed. Only the official patches indicating the style, one on shoulder and one on left breast. Just the way it's done in our style I guess, Other MAs like TKD seem to embrace that sort of thing.
  12. I enjoyed your post Dave, has made me think, "Sport" karate and traditional karate, are they mutually exclusive, can someone who practises traditional karate be competitive in Open tournaments....... One mindset says beat the other guy any way possible and the other says you are competing against yourself. Interesting topic.
  13. Great post Hawkmoon, Congratulations!!
  14. I'm with Sensei8 on this one also, speak with your Sensei. This "Guest" instructor seems to have a different moral compass than what I would suggest most Karatekas would prefer to see in our sport/lifestyle. Sounds like he needs a lesson from Master Ken!
  15. A few more training sessions and you'll have it all sorted!! I'm in the same place as you at the moment, new kata and trying to remember the sequence. Just got off Youtube, where I could only find IMHO, poor examples of this particular kata. I just don't understand why so many people rush when they do kata!! Training tonight, so will get some good practice in!!!
  16. Sorry, can't help with the name, but check out this link, some helpful tips for learning new kata. http://www.karatebyjesse.com/learn-new-kata-quick-fast/ Good luck!
  17. You might enjoy Planetside 2 then, similar, but way bigger. MMOFPS. And it's free to play. The PC version is best.
  18. That's awesome mate!! Big congratulations!
  19. It's your journey mate, if you are getting bored then respectfully explain why you feel you need more than the other students and see what your sensei says. If you have a physical dojo and Sensei, then I would seriously recommend that you not use youtube and the internet to "learn" new syllabus, rather use it to reinforce what you have learnt, I.E. katas, kihons etc. Good luck in your MA journey!
  20. I understand what you are saying, you are keen to "get going". There's a saying in karate "it takes 3 years to learn how to make a fist". Trust me when I and others say to practice at home what you learn in the dojo. Use Youtube and manuals if you have forgotten or are unsure of something in a kata that you have been taught at the dojo for example. No hurry mate, enjoy the ride
  21. Your Sensei should notice when you are ready for more, but if there are a lot of beginners he may want everyone to move forward to new things together. White belts, in our dojo you start with no belt, just t shirt and track pants, maybe gi pants if you have them. If you pass your first grading then you become white belt 10th Kyu.
  22. It's not this one is it?
  23. Definitely keep us posted on your progress please!
  24. There's a few guys that use these in our dojo, but they have to be reminded to wash the bloody things, they get pretty rank, pretty quick if they do not.
  25. Just checked out the website, wow, somebody has thrown a lot of $$$ at setting it up. One would assume, not a bank..............
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