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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. I tried a few other sites also and found that they all seemed to be "MMA rules the streets and trad styles suck" type of thing. Respect, in general seemed to be a rare thing indeed. KF has what I want in a forum, helpful advice and positive, repectful discussions. Me likey!
  2. Surely mental maturity also comes into it. Can a ten year comprehend the other aspects and not just the physical routine of Kata, Kihons etc. Also curious about Kumite, just how this would work for a 10 yr old? Especially in a shodan grading.
  3. Same as Seido, which has it's origins in your style. Congratulations!!
  4. Please forgive my ignorance. Blue belt is 8th Kyu in Kyukoshin????
  5. Currently a hunting guide (21 years so far), previously horse wrangler, shepherd and military amongst other things.
  6. It used to annoy me too, me with a pool of sweat on the floor and a few kids just going through the motions. Now I just ignore their slack training ethos and try and stay focused on my own training. Everyone knows who the "slackers" are in any club. The results . or lack of at the next grading will be obvious for all to see.................... Then we have some amazing kids that take their training very seriously, this is one of the things I most enjoy out of being in a club, seeing kids get focused and apply themselves to being serious about their karate.
  7. OK thanks. Short cardio warm up then stretching. Hold for 12 seconds each stretch. Will up my activity a bit........................
  8. Title says it all really. Classes 2 days a week and at the moment stretching 2 other days a week. Should I increase or keep the rest/recovery days? Been doing the Ginjaninjatricker basic stretching program off Youtube. plus a few other bits and pieces.
  9. Just an observation of myself. I am 50 in 1 months time, had a prolapsed disc remove back when I was 24 years old [blew it doing some pretty hard core non-MA training] Now I don't know if your problem is muscular or spinal, but until I started back at MA, I was very stiff in the back, pain and lacked mobility. Now I can "touch my toes" again, have heaps more flexibility, in short, I'm very happy with the state of my back and have no doubt it is all thanks to MA. Core strengthening and flexing is what has done it for me. Go see a Doc, find out whats going on, because MA should be helping, not creating problems. I chose Karate, partly because it is more stand up, with less throwing etc. Good luck!
  10. New Zealand here. No licensing or paperwork at all. I just bought a pair of Sai on the internet last month, arrived at my doorstep in 2 days.
  11. I'm of the Bruce Lee generation, but my all time favourite would have to be "Fearless" with Jet Li. Simple story line, well told.
  12. Bulltahr

    My Seisan

    While not qualified to comment on technique or anything , I would say thanks for putting yourself out there in Youtube land. I enjoy watching training and serious non-MMA stuff. Good for you!
  13. Try quizlet, it's a great way to learn in your own time. http://quizlet.com/5847315/seido-karate-blue-belt-syllabus-flash-cards/
  14. At my dojo we pay $10 per week for 2 x 2 hour lessons or $15 per family, no limit on number of family members. Gradings $25 Probably pretty typical of New Zealand dojos. I believe there are very, very few (if any) "commercial" dojos in New Zealand. There are commercial MMA/kickboxing gyms tho.
  15. Hi All, 50 yr old from New Zealand here, background in Shotokan waayyyyyy back. Been back at it for about a year (Seido Juku). My dojo is 5 mins from my house, CI has an "old school" style, just what I love. Training about 6 hrs a week, need the rest of the week to recover! All good. Osu!
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