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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. Welcome to KF Fat Cobra, from Fat Kiwi......
  2. I would be questioning what you are actually paying your subs for. Doesn't sound like much of a "school" to me. Is there a CI? Speak with him, but from what you have said I would be looking for another school.
  3. Welcome DauntlessDruid, good to see you here.
  4. Formal greet, in and out, acknowledge dan grades if they walk past you while training (warm up etc). Gis all the same, bow in and out to the floor if you leave for any reason. Plenty of etiquette and you will get plenty of press ups if you forget!! Not good and not bad, I like the etiiquette part considering it's a traditional school. Maybe a bit less Osu'ing of everything wouldn't hurt tho.... Osu!
  5. Those that know me, know that I have an admiration for this karateka. However I have never met him in person. The link provides a bit more information about him that may be of interest. https://olliwaa.com/andre-bertels-karate/#more-675
  6. I love the Mae geri, I'm not a high kicker, especially side and mawashis, so I work a lot on my mae geris. Mine have some power, and speed, I'm happy that they and ushiro geris are my best kicks. Beautiful example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhkoqvXMd9k
  7. I think that the writers have done a good thing there, turning the tables a bit, makes it less predictable and not just a re-hash like they usually do..... I actually like Johnny better than Daniel ATM...... And Creese arriving at the end of the series is of course a sure sign that season 2 is on the way, I'm sure it's already been written and pre-production is well advanced by now. Good show I thought...
  8. I'm picking that the series will resonate with a lot of youth and that there will be an increase in young people taking up martial arts. Albeit, not as many as did after the original movies. Thoroughly enjoyable mini series, they didn't need the foul language tho, mild annoyance while watching it with my 12 year old.
  9. Maybe he trained under Count Dante??? Well, as long as he believes it...............
  10. I'm still in love with wonder woman (Gal).....
  11. Oh to be young and supple! (Young I once was, supple , never!) We also learn to pivot only to 90 degrees to the target. Deep stance also, don't think I would get there from such a deep stance.
  12. Facebook seems to be the go these days, posting links on community group pages will definitely get your name out there. And it's free......
  13. Looks like mainly Point fighters going full contact, didn't see any Kyokushin at all, mainly Shotokan karatekas which surprised me.
  14. Just watched the Miami fight night. You can watch it here for free: https://www.karate.com/ Interesting set location. Fights were OK, I imagine they will have to tweak the rules a bit, but pretty good really. Good showcase of kicks etc. Thoughts?
  15. I know exactly what you mean, some of the stuff that came out thru the 60s to 80s was, well incredulous, thinking of all the bull killing springs to mind.......... There are some good reads out there tho, " Moving zen" by CW Nichol is a good one from the 60's....
  16. I use the "no cross over" at the back technique. Started with cross over, but liked the no cross over, so learnt it. Seems that there is no "official" stance either way in our organization. JR may be able to correct me on this tho... Around here anyway...
  17. My Club founder and CI Seishi John passed away while I was in the US in January, he was still practising and instructing right up to his passing at 84 years of age. First night back at training for me was very surreal, he was there I am sure, and I strived to train hard as we always had done. He was my mentor and friend, he has been added to our "greet" list and will always be in our hearts. Pretty tough going moving forward, but move forward we must!! As that is as he would want!
  18. Hi Mushy and One Kick, Yes, actually I have had some physio and xrays to see why I had some discomfort. All related to my core, so true about everything coming from the hips, everything! Ok, so prolapsed disc L4-L5 removed 25 years ago = incredibly inflexible core...... now I'm trying to loosen it up and get it bending again........Lumbar roll to start..... Untreated abdominal hernia, sit ups and leg raises are terrible for this, so my physio has shown me how to engage my adductors........... And to top it all off, arthritis in my hips and knees thanks to a great life of outdoor adventure and military service! Flexible, I am not. However, after warming up I can make it down to my toes and stay there for a short time. I have all but stopped any serious stretching to improve my flex until I have visited with a Orthopedic specialist, appointment in 2 weeks time and then can look at options. I am hoping to manage things, as karate has been an incredible help to my back problems, irrespective of my lack of flexibility. I can't even contemplate the thought of giving karate up!!!!!! Seems a bit weird putting all my medical woes out there, but hey, I must feel comfortable here on KF, just shows the quality of people that reside here!
  19. Keep us posted Jason. Be interesting to see what your first impressions of Karate are after that first nights training. Hope you enjoyed it!
  20. I started by cutting down a 2x4 to 1 1/2 inch square at approx 15 inches long. You can get 2 segments from 1 length. When cutting the corners off it still leaves 1 1/2 square measured from side to side. 2x4s are cheap and you can use a shorter length if you are just testing grip width. The white oak I tried is heavy at 1 1/2. I am a total noob to nunchaku, but they seem like they would make a great heavy set for training or as an actual weapon. I understand that lighter ones are preferred for competition due to them being faster. I may be wrong on that. The weight can be altered by choosing a different wood. The spruce from the 2x4 is really light. Also, most people should be able to fit a range of diameters. This would also be a way to change the weight. Did you determine the dimensions of the nunchaku besed on your own dimensions, or did you use a "standard" size. I am thinking mainly on length of the nunchaku and also the cord between them.
  21. OK, my dozey brain is actually being able to visualize most of what you are saying. I'm very keen to make a pair of tapered Octagonal. So starting dimensions would be........????? (average guy here). I am sure that I can find the knot and cord process on the Y tube. Weight wise, I have a number of options, hard light and hard heavier. What opinions are there on weight? I would be keen on your overall finished dimensions and what determined these based on your own dimensions etc.
  22. Congratulations you two, I bet the time has flown! Great effort for a fairly thankless task. Well, thank you both!
  23. Where's the pics please? And tell us about the process if you have time.
  24. Good news Tubby!!!
  25. Be interested to hear of your progress and results. I have been thinking about making a pair myself. Please keep us posted.
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