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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. A season release date should be announced soon, last year it aired in March so, assuming a similar start date for 2019.
  2. Merry Christmas everybody, and here's to a new year of training, learning and challenges!
  3. Indeed you have found it. Welcome.
  4. Congrats Tallgeese, I bet that 10 years has flown!!!!!
  5. That's great! Congratulations, hard work pays off!!
  6. Yes, Thanks very much Patrick. Happy birthday to US!
  7. I have recently ripped and stacked a japanese maple trunk with good heart wood center once it's dried enough sometime next year I will make a few sets of Nunchaku out of it. I have a good friend who is a carpenter and has a great workshop and advice to get me going. I'll post pics etc when it's done. Wanted to make a set of sai out of damascus, but near impossible, so am considering colour case hardened instead.
  8. I have found that the 3 Gi's , 3 different brands, that I have worn have all shrunk, there is an initial period when new, where the gi will do most of it's shrinking, seems most brands will mention what percentage you should expect on their sizing page. Then there is the slow shrink over time, lot's of washes etc, I line dry mine always. Depends on the fabric also, I imagine that a synthetic/natural blend will shrink a lot less than a 100 % cotton canvas one.
  9. Their website doesn't mention shrinkage. any indication of % shrinkage. I like that you can do a split size order.... Your unboxing was nice to see, maybe add first fitting and then after washing several times to assess the shrinkage. Glad to see a Gi that is not ashamed to print in english that it's made in Pakistan. Please give an update after some months use. It is a brand that I am unfamiliar with, but as I am not a "made in Japan" purist, I would be open to purchasing one like this in the future.
  10. I know one thing, around here, even in these days of "Equal rights" etc, if a woman starts on you and you finish it, unless there are witnesses to co-oberate your story, you will be charged with Assault male on female and society/social media will string you up so to speak. Maybe blocking her attack is acceptable, but fighting back and winning will give all sorts of trouble.
  11. My last gi, (the Ronin one) the jacket shrank perfectly, but the pants kept shrinking in length, maybe 4 or 5 inches. Bought the next size up from my actual. 18 months later it's still that beautiful bright blue/white colour.
  12. hahahahaha me too, but you can turn your phone side on and zoom it with 2 fingers, then you have to slide it back and forth a bit to read the whole line, but it can be done!!
  13. Welcome to the forum luv2flyjrn.
  14. OK, so I'm a karate guy, but love all MA, any advice on what to see in Shanghai? I have the Wushu museum on the top of my list. Also I am a huge Wuxia fan. Thanks for any help/advice.
  15. Sorry I can't find it right now, but there is a thread around here somewhere with a pic of some guy's knuckle where he damaged it on the makiwara and then posted asking how to use it basically. Sensei8 is 110% correct in his advise!
  16. Welcome back Aurik!
  17. Great book! Essential reading IMHO, as it covers the history of MA in Okinawa before Funakoshi, whose contribution to karate history was to take karate to Japan and mainstream it, for better or worse......
  18. HHeyeyyy Happy birthday Bob, I hope you have a great day!!!!
  19. I'm with JR on this one too. Being a guy we were raised to not hit women, even today in society we are still told it's wrong. Physical beef between 2 guys or 2 girls and it's pretty accepted, but the moment a guy hits a woman, regardless of the provocation society deems him to be a thug, we even have the charge in law "Male assaults female" . So please understand that in his mind he is being respectful and obliviously has not made the adjustment from life outside to training inside the dojo. Took me a while to adjust myself and I'm still not completely comfortable with it. Look at it as an opportunity to help him make the adjustment.
  20. Welcome. Yeap, there is no such thing as too old to start in MA. Slow promotions? Look at it this way, you will be invited to test when you are competent in what you have been taught. Not slow, nor fast.......
  21. Yes, the rules seem to be evolving, firstly there were no kicks below the belt. I think they are trying to get more action by encouraging lots of striking rather than wearing down by a lot of grappling and thigh smashes. It's getting better, but I would like to see much more fighters that aren't straight from the WKF......
  22. No, below the knee and above the belt only. Refs are sourced from the ISKA, which is I believe a US based JKA offshoot. They are getting there tho, I'd love to see a few Kyokushin style fighters added to the roster. to mix things up a bit.....
  23. OK, so I watched the NYC fight night on you tube. Must say it's evolving and was a bit more interesting to watch than in the past. Definitely a heavy sport shotokan influence, but it was a lot better to watch than in the past. Now if they can tweak those rules again to include uppercuts, hijis etc as legal moves......
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