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Everything posted by yingampyang

  1. I said that he should start off with one style untill he knows it well enough to use as a basis to then develop his skill. Noone should ever start off with 2 or more styles that is a foolish thing to do.
  2. The tests proceduse , is different in all styles. Mostly there is a fighting and a kata techniques.
  3. A man should never hit a woman in my view and if he does i loss complete respect for him , and i would give him the option to take me on instead. If a woman were to come at me , i would block and then restrain her untill she calms down.
  4. Deoends sometimes it is , all depends on the style. I like gold.
  5. Well you will have to get her use to it , slowly she will overcome her fear.
  6. mmmmmhh i have heard of it before but never had experience with it , i didn't like the sound of it.
  7. Well to me it sounds like you need to have balance , your life is very unblanced. Martial arts is not all about punching someone in the face , it really applies to life and helps you blance everything and lower stress.
  8. Well it doesn't really matter wat rank he is in other styles , because every style is different in it own way , so i would just treat him like a white belt.
  9. If the judges are good, then they will see that the person with the strongest form and does not mess up once will be the highest ranked. I have been a judge before and i see so many judges that dont really look at the form and style , so it all dpends on the judges you get.
  10. Well you have come to the right place i have done shotokan for 23 years and it is the best form of karate in my opinion. It has alot of good stong stances and blocking technquies. A great style for a first time martial artist.
  11. You write alot lol , no i dont think you should do anything untill you have praticed in the dojo for a while.
  12. Welcome to the forums and the martial arts. I do have experience in this style and you have chosen a good first style.
  13. This is because they have much more body fat than heavy weight fighters.
  14. well you should go over your moves , and strebghten your technique. Also workout get your body moving , and then in april ull be already to kick some butt. lol
  15. anti-grappling is a very good approach to grapping , and this site explains that pritty well.
  16. I think that if you have the time you should invest in as many styles as you can. They will come in usefull later. But you should concentrate on your karate at the moment.
  17. Yes that is coorect Bruce lee would say that the style is very flexabable , and that u should make it something of your own.
  18. No sorry , why do you want to do Bujinkan?
  19. There are many styles that will do one move or a set of moves over and over agian , in that video they show western boxing as being a very repeative style. That is the type of style bruce lee liked , for example i have done wing chun for many years and it keeps reapeatin its self all the time, these are the styles bruce lee liked and thats what was in the video.
  20. Yes the bleep test is a great way to test your VO2 max. my bleep test score is 16.5
  21. Thats good, i hope it works out for you.
  22. You should first start off with one style as your foundation , and then build on it later say 6-8 months after you have started the first style.
  23. they fight from that stance because that is a gud stance to attact striaght away.
  24. lol , i was hooked to them movies when i was younger , gud movies.
  25. Im sorry to hear about thoese people, you should be always greatfull of what you have
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