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Everything posted by yingampyang

  1. All teachers should wait untill they see that the student is ready and then test them. Like your teacher.
  2. mmmhh sounds like an interesting book , i might just have to read it lol.
  3. Well that is my view also.
  4. Yes thats true , in the given situation you should use the most effective part of your body for the job. It might be your mouth, never know.
  5. Yes i agree , western boxing is the top hand style.
  6. Yeh its all about the structure , if you have a good foundation for your busniess you should be fine.
  7. I think that everyone has a different outlook on martial arts in general. But im sure everyone will agree that it all comes down to respect and selfdefence.
  8. Are you saying that there is another axe kick other than the axe kick that I listed? Well sort of i kinda invented it lol , It has a lower and more forcfull aproach.
  9. Well i could only list them if i had some type of situation.
  10. mmmmhhh, well i think personally that wouldn't happen to me. But it is very possible to someone who is less experienced.
  11. Hahaah that would be funny
  12. Well ive done two types of karate for 23 years , and i say it will definitly help all your problems above.
  13. Yes you have a good poitn and sure for many martial artist this is the case. But when you train enough and fight enough you will soon learn the way of predicting what your oppoent is going to do , and after a while it will become certian.
  14. mmmmm interesting style , no i dont do you?
  15. I think that all that has been said here is really good stuff. Control is very important for everything not just martial arts.
  16. Yea true , well its the same with any move once you learn it and program it into your head it will become easy to do.
  17. Congrats on the black belt. It sounds like your teacher is doing a good job, thats what i like to see.
  18. Good point but if your in a situation with more than one oppoent then the ground moves are out of the question.
  19. Yea the tornado's can be very frightening ive been in 3.
  20. lol, yes a win win situation very good.
  21. When you side kick a soccer ball, or try to roundhouse it lol
  22. hahahah thats cool!
  23. at the dinner table. During a movie. On the toliet. In an important metting. In court. In class. In the back of a cop car. Sorry if they have lready been mentioed i just said wat was on my mind lol.
  24. No you shouldn't stop kicking. Maybe try some pading.
  25. I strongly believe that there as no tricks when it comes to martial arts , and that the more skillful won will have the victoy.
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