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Everything posted by yingampyang

  1. But we are too very different people, and by the sound of it you buckel under prseure , were i say very clam. So i will not be having any high heart rates, because i have had many life or death situations.
  2. You should look at both the postive and negative aspects of the two choices and then make a educated decision.
  3. Sounds like you learnt alot from that seminar, thats what its all about, getting information from all sources.
  4. not exactly gonna work like that in a life or death situation my friend... in a situation like that, your conscience is long gone... Well that is your choice , i wouldn't forget my conscience and i would not lie.
  5. Yes true throwdown.
  6. You both dont understand what i am saying. Sport and Martial arts are very different , you are not going to kill someone in say soccer. My opinion is that Martial arts and sports should not be put in the same field , and im sure that all the masters and founders of the styles we use today would agree when i say its disrespectfull to put self defence in the olympics.
  7. Because i train to fight , either death or hospitalise. And even if the man who is twice the size of you, can fight im very confident that i will beat him.
  8. The best thing for you guys would be light weight training , to get more speed in them legs and arms.
  9. Yes i think that it is a great way of training, and everyone should do it some time during their MA experience.
  10. Yes thats great , congrats on the good class.
  11. lol yes i like to read a good debate aswell.
  12. They dont use it in mma because its not much of a submission hold, and also like someone said they dont wear cloths near there head in mma.
  13. Yes that is right , they do emphsis more on belt throwning than normal.
  14. Yes the statment made by "MMA_Jim" , is true and i agree with it.
  15. Yes thats true , and in that situation you will have to apply some different skills.
  16. Because TKD is a martial arts right? lol and i dont think that MA should be in the same field as sports.
  17. I work out with people from two different Isshin Ryu schools. Both say the information given here is not accurate. Johnlogic121, where are you getting your information? Yea thats true John it doesn't make sense.
  18. lol , so you dont really follow your conscience.
  19. Lol thanks boys , because now i know all your weaknesses. In my opinion and in most serious professional martial artists , you should never throw the first punch. And you dont have to have great reaction time. Ive never lost a fight , not yet anyway lol , and thats because most of the time the fight is over in the first few moves due to the fact that the other person makes to first move.
  20. Yes i do but i run a school and get paid to teach them , so unless you pay lol i wont say anything.
  21. mmhhh true , but then agian it depends on the fighter, and what works for them.
  22. Yes you could , but my advantage would be much higher than say a man who is twice the size of you.
  23. Thats way to quick , and a complete waste of time. Everybody wants things now and they want it quickly , well with martial arts you need time to grow your skill, and if you dont like that then you shouldn't be doing martial arts.
  24. I think that it depends on the bone that gets broken , if its a wrist , i would still be able to fight at around 88% of my full. But say a broken foot or leg , then that would be much worse say 55%. It depends if you have done a style were you need to ignor pain. i.e. Kung-Fu
  25. I think that there will be hiden techniques in every style. But this does not mean they will all be effective.
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