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Everything posted by yingampyang

  1. Yes it would seem crazy to you , but there are some other schools that would think your crazy lol , all schools are different.
  2. Both your view points are interesting , but we carn't say if one person is wrong becuase its your opinion and your opinion is never wrong.
  3. Well ive done many style , im a master at 16 styles , but have done over 110 styles(bits and piceces) i would like to go ova seas and train with the real tradional people of the isloated towns, becuase i think they would have the strongest forms.
  4. Yes, and why wouldn't you love it, it is a great style!
  5. Yes 30 mins is fine but an hour and more isn't in my opinion.
  6. lol good point , well if she does fight better than me , then i guess i will have to treat it like a real fight. If she wants a real fight then she will get one.
  7. Yes too long in once stance does not do any good.
  8. Well hand presure points , there are approx. 112 , that i counted.
  9. Yes this is ture , its all about the way the instructor teachers.
  10. That was a very interesting article, thankyou for sharing. And if you can could you put it on blackbelt mag. aswell im sure the boys over there would love to hear this. thankyou.
  11. That was great , if you have anymore information please share.
  12. Thankyou for letting us know.
  13. Congrats on the people , and on the site. Keep it up.
  14. Yes very true , and i too would only use a few.
  15. Yes thats right , and it would be great if that was the way we all could end every conflict, but unfortuentlly sometimes you need a little more punch. lol
  16. hahaha thats pritty funny.
  17. I think he did die , not to sure tho.
  18. I think that this soo called "sercret style" should be tourght to everone , becasue it carn tbe that great. lol
  19. Its all about time, time will heal it. For now you need to do as little as possible and in small doses untill you can cope with it.
  20. Thats a good amount of information on persure points , but in fact there are much more than 36 hand size presure points in the body.
  21. Yes this is true , and is why i emphasis the fact that you should continue to develope your minds with information about many styles.
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