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Red J

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Everything posted by Red J

  1. I heard that the clean up effort was estimated at 4 years. Geez.....
  2. Spicy Nacho Doritos and M&Ms, any color will do!
  3. Chin Na is the Chinese art of seizing and controlling an opponent. It has influenced many Japanese arts, so I would guess that the techniques are used in many different systems. It is associated with Kung Fu systems. It is part of my training and has helped me become a decent grappler. I also rely on some wrestling experience as well. If you are really interested in finding out more do a search on the internet and you will get a decent resume on how it has influenced other arts including jujutsu.
  4. Shaolin, ask your instructor if he teaches Chin Na. It may be exactly what you are looking for.
  5. G95, What will you do with him once you have him? LOL! Did you mean regular justice or Sensei Justice? Either way, he would get what he deserves.
  6. Kensai, I would not mistake your heightened sense of awareness for fear. It sounds like you were in a potential situation and you handled it well. You should be proud that your love for your grandparent is so strong and protective.
  7. Another thought if you do not have katas or forms. Try working the various combinations that you routinely use (or think up a couple), again without the strikes and kicks, focusing on your feet.
  8. Try doing your katas and forms without the kicks and strikes, ie footwork only. This will help ingrain the often "overlooked" importance of good footwork. If you really work this hard, you will feel the difference in a short amount of time.
  9. Here's a thought. What would happen if you practiced really hard and showed up more often? Do you think that your instructor might notice and say, "You have really impressed me, I'm going to move your test up"? It could happen. Maybe he's looking for your reaction to his disappointing news and this is his way of getting you motivated.
  10. The first night that we did grappling I got a submission with a simple front neck choke. My experience with wrestling really gave me an advantage. The tough part is applying the moves that are "illegal" in wrestling.
  11. Kenpo123 Welcome. I share in your optimistic outlook on life. Enjoy the forums.
  12. The truth is finally revealed! Well, maybe revealed is not a good choice in words.
  13. I would like to get a wavemaster heavy bag in my stocking. I better get a big stocking! LOL.
  14. Guarddog I think you will enjoy this style. I do Shoalin Kempo which shares many premises. Why don't you post the sites that you found? Good luck.
  15. What's up dog? Welcome to the forums.
  16. Nice to have you Ironberg. Welcome.
  17. Hello and welcome.
  18. I think that the dojos that go that extra step should be commended for really contributing to the welfare of their students and communities. Kids that feel valued and are held accountable make for productive citizens.
  19. On the AMC special I watched on Bruce Lee, they said that he was the originator of the concept for the show, but that America was not ethnically ready for a show that stared an Asian man. To increase the appeal they came up with the Anglo character.
  20. I have the Nokia 3360, with the vibrate feature. It comes in handy when I go to meetings. The phone is real convenient when you have a family and career going. Even better now because my work pays the bill. I can get a lot done in what was previously "down" time. It also is great with all the dance classes, baseball games, MA practice, etc. that goes on. My pet peave however, is people that have cells or Nextels and yell into them so that you can hear everyword they are saying. With the Nextels you can hear both ends of the conversation. I prefer to be a little more discreet and private.
  21. I have been using one for about a month now. I never thought that I would like it as much as I do. I use it for my scheduling and address book and to do stuff (I got rid of the old book portfolio planner). I can sync it to my computer and enter data from there as well. I don't put any docs on it because I thought that reading from a screen that small would make me crazy. A really cool thing is that you can zap data from one machine to another, so at work one person can enter an event and then beam it to everybody else.
  22. I wear them and have never had a problem. I even got one in the eye the other night and just blinked a few times and viola, back to normal. Luckily this is not a regular occurance.
  23. For self defense, effective is what's best. Fancy techniques are nice for training purposes.
  24. Balance and footwork mostly, where I can take my time and really feel it. I also do some physical training with calistenics and running.
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