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Red J

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Everything posted by Red J

  1. There is nothing wrong with a well laid out strength program. I don't go to the gym, because of time constraints with MA training taking up a lot of time. I prefer the calistenics because I can do them at any time and I don't need any equipment.
  2. Ven, it's only been a week, give yourself a break. Keep busting your b, and it will get better. You should see improvements as every week passes.
  3. Plus, if you are attacked it's on the attacker's terms, not yours. It's good to know how to "move" someone if they get in close. Also, you need to practice on people who are not wearing a gi because people on the street don't wear them.
  4. I think that you have gained the confidence that comes with overcoming a hurdle. This will not only help you in MA, but IMO, will be of great benefit in life in general. Congratulations on taking a risk and now reaping the benefits. And yes, it sounds like this experience has opened your mind.
  5. Alright Angels!
  6. First of all I didn't say that, but you were disrespectful to all that posted before you. Let's take a poll, I think that you will be surprised. I have also not looked back, but I don't have to insult people to make a point. Many people also strength train using high reps with weights which also can give you the same effect as body weight training and can increase the angles that they can do it from. Now, for someone that can only do 6 handstand pushups the theory does not apply as there is too much weight and maybe, just possibly, the person would be better off doing military presses with 125 pounds and 15 reps. The possibilities are endless with an open mind. I personally prefer bodyweight exercises because it is so much easier to move the equipment when you are done. OK, occasionally I get out the dumbells to do some lateral raises and arm exercises. Busted!
  7. Welcome! It's Molson time...eh? Glad to have you at the forums.
  8. Kirby, glad to hear that you are training. Keep working your left side harder than your right until you get your endurance and strength up. Your control will improve and you will be able to go either way by mixing it up from the right or the left. Good luck.
  9. You also take into account the opponent's size and height, your terrain, your location, what kind of shoes you have on, what you are wearing, etc, etc. There is no standard application of any MA, is there? I totally agree that Karate (or any MA) gives you a base to work from.
  10. Well they arrested two guys and found a weapon. Hopefully the shootings are over and people can get back to their lives, as best they can. When someone loses their feeling of security, it is very hard to get it back.
  11. The purpose for me is a way to stay physically active, reduce stress, and learn self defense. Oh, did I mention that I enjoy it? This really oversimplifies but I think you get the idea. What about you TigerKorea?
  12. Even if it could be done, the enforcement would be a joke. Here's a question for you. Are these original moves, or have you learned them from someone else? Do the techniques have universal names or are you developing your own system? Are you using other's concepts to string together a combination that you thought up? I think at this point the question is not really valid . If someone does decide to copy you, take it as flattery.
  13. I like a sweep called the Iron Broom. It is simular to the first one that you described. You set it up with a block with your left arm, move in close and disrupt balance, right leg behind right leg, extend leg through while you do a Crane's Wing across the chest or a Tiger's Claw into the neck. It is a forceful and effective move for me.
  14. Getting up earlier than you have to is tough. The biggest hurdle is getting out of bed. Good luck.
  15. I think this is a local guy. Basically a real sicko. I believe that a terrorist would take on bigger targets, not just shoot people one at a time and leave messages. And if Bush even thought that Iraq was in on it he would have used it as a reason to bypass the process of Congressional support and would have started paving the way for Bagdad to become the world's largest parking lot. Pardon the paving pun. I hope they get this person soon. Targeting kids is sick.
  16. My experience is very simular to Shotochem's. I used to lift some serious weights. I toned it down after an injury and started in MA. Many years have gone by and I find great benefit from basic exercises such as push ups and situps. I try to do them 4 times a week. I get plenty of power and speed from a simple workout. One thing that got to me once was a guy I knew that was seriously ripped. I asked him where he worked out and he said that he just did 150 pushups,in a row, a night, and the same with situps. That blew me away. If you are strict and go slow, you can get some real benefit from basic movements. I also think that weights will help, but as some have said a powerlifter's workout is not what you need for MA.
  17. I'll go along with KSN Doug on this one. Of course, how many people ever get to that point?
  18. What makes a concept a human concept? Is it one that only applies to humans or is it a concept that allows humans to have understanding in dealing with life?
  19. Interesting...it sounds a lot like life! The older I get, the less I know, it's no different in the martial arts. Thanks for the perspective.
  20. Where do you guys find this stuff? AAAHHH!
  21. Thanks for the tip Kyle-san.
  22. If you think that you don't have good coordination then that is just another reason to join a martial art. In time, you will see a major improvement in your coordination and reflexes. Good luck.
  23. Welcome, perhaps this site will spark your interest in MA.
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