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Red J

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Everything posted by Red J

  1. Everyone knows the universal symbol of the Yin Yang. Kind of simular to the "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" theory. I also realize that it has roots in Chinese philosopy. The philosophy is applied to the seasons, space, nature, nutrition, health, birth, death, wealth, farming, and MA. For me personally it is a reminder to have balance in my life. I know this is kind of basic, but I will join in with more as this thread develops. What are your thoughts on this subject?
  2. I'm still thinking about it. I went last night to look at some designs. I saw a cool yin yang inside a fireburst. We'll see.
  3. Red J

    Gi color

    Beginners wear white, advanced wear white or black, blackbelts can mix or match white and black. Upper blackbelts can also work red into their wardrobe... Since we also grapple, I prefer black as it is easier to keep clean. White really shows the grime. I have been happy with the 8.5 oz Macho brand.
  4. Welcome Fionn.
  5. Welcome.
  6. Greetings and good luck!
  7. Welcome. What do you wear in no-gi bjj? How has it complemented your kenpo? Do you incorporate it when you teach? I look forward to your participation in the forums.
  8. Patrick, was that a chat day or just an internet phenomenon?
  9. Normal ten year old? Not! It looks like a little exploitation to me with his pics all over the net pitching himself. I hope he has a chance at a normal life one day and doesn't get caught up in the hype. 5th degree black belt? He can start his own system soon, be the grandmaster, call it Kid-Fu. Open his own studio and invite other kids. His line could be "I want to pump....you up!" (Sorry that was an obvious ripoff from SNL.) Seriously, he is talented but at ten he does not have the mental and emotional capacity to know what he is doing. His parents should, and I hope they are not using him to make a quick buck. A childhood can never be replaced.
  10. Welcome back!
  11. Great line...It's true, you need two super people to have a healthy marriage.
  12. Also known as the "Dragon Circle". Excellent drill when you've got a few people to work with.
  13. KT81, what did you end up doing? How about an update? Good luck at the University.
  14. For balance, try working some front, back, and side kicks from a flamingo position. Make up kicking combinations and do as many as you can without touching down. Also try it with your eyes closed. Good luck!
  15. Good upgrade to the profiles, Patrick.
  16. It's some good stuff, Patrick.
  17. It sounds like you need to talk to him, not us! Good luck.
  18. I could see someone trying to open a drive through "Shoalin Burger" joint right next to the temple, lol. In business nothing is sacred, thus the monks have to go legal and trademark to protect the sanctity of their name.
  19. Why don't you post what is available to you where you live and tell us what you are looking to get out of a martial art. It would be easier to help you. Oh, and don't feed into the body type garbage, focus on the positive. Good luck.
  20. Have you ever done a circuit? You could do the treadmill for 5 minutes, then go to the bag for 5, then do some calestenics for 5, jump rope for 5, do a kata or forms, etc. It will break up the boredom of just doing the treadmill. You can really do anything that you want as long as you keep your heart going. I like to do countdowns. You start by doing 15 jumping jacks, 15 pushups, 15 situps, and start again by doing 14 of each, until you get down to one. I then do basic punches and kicks, and move into forms. Sometimes I add the jump rope. I used to have a bag which really made it fun. I'm thinking about getting one soon. Other days I ride my bike outside on a 15 mile loop or do the stair climber while I watch an interesting TV show. I hope this helps.
  21. ...and practice some more.
  22. Hi Mutated Kid. Welcome to the forums. Interesting ID.
  23. I squeeze a ball and work some fingertip pushups into my exercise routine. If you are going to do the pushups start easy, maybe even on your knees just to get your fingers and hands conditioned. I saw a guy the other day doing what he called "eagle talon" pushups which utilize the first two fingers and the thumb. Very difficult and not for beginners.
  24. The biggest problem that I have seen with these rolls is that some people approach them like a somersault. Try to angle yourself more when you start so that you roll on your shoulder instead of your head/neck. If this isn't the problem then keep working on them going slowly until you have mastered the motion and then build up speed. I hope this helps.
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