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Red J

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Everything posted by Red J

  1. Welcome back!
  2. I have not heard this. Perhaps you should call your contact lense provider. I would be interested to hear the answer.
  3. Welcome to the forums. You may want to start a topic under the appropriate forum heading. I look forward to your input.
  4. It would be cool to have one when you spar. You might need a kidney belt just to watch the tapes of mountain biking. Your TV might fall of the stand with all the vibration.
  5. Thanks for the comments.
  6. If those products were as good as the claims are, then the manufacturers wouldn't need 30 minute info-mercials to sell them as they would just sell themselves. Remember buyer beware! Good comments G95.
  7. Will, you need to be a little more specific on your goals so that the advice you get fits your situation. Here are a few generic tips. 1. EAT 2. Running is great for endurance. 3. Breaking up strength training over a few days can be beneficial. 4. Always use proper technique to get the most out of each exercise. 5. Get plenty of rest. You may want to repost your age, how much you weight you want to gain, your strength goals, etc. As far as weights/reps goes my advice is to seek out someone who knows what they are doing to help you get started. You can also do a search on this forum to get more ideas. Good luck.
  8. Here's another thought for you Sid, what do you mean by lifting weights? That is a very broad subject. People lift weights for many different reasons. Let's see, there's body building, power lifting, strength training, rehabing, sculpting, circuit training etc, etc. Virtually every professional sport has a trainer and a strength program, from boxers to golfers to swimmers and gymnists. Could a martial artist benefit from a well laid out strength program? You bet, as anyone would. As others have said, time is the major obstacle. For me, I choose to do my strength training at home mostly through calistenics, running, and occasionally some weights. The other part is built into my MA workouts. I hope this helps.
  9. Footwork is the key, IMO. Going "head to head" is not going to work. Try working on some different angles and quick combinations. Outsmart vs. overpower. Good luck.
  10. I have not found one that really does it for me.
  11. ...doing those jumping breaking rolls up and down the dojo. After the first 10 to 15 I get really dizzy. We did so many one night I thought for sure I would get sick.
  12. IMO some people are "naturals". It means that they have a certain aptitude to do certain tasks well with little training.
  13. It looks interesting. Can we get a KarateForums.com group discount?
  14. Yes, there must be compromise. My kids come first, no questions asked. I train 3 to 4 times a week (my class starts at 8:00 which is bedtime) and I make sure that my wife gets to run and workout (right after work and on weekends). We do this around two children and their activities (baseball, dance, school, etc). Our schedules are tight but we are a family first. It is a balancing act.
  15. I really like lobster and snow crab legs...of course a sausage, mushroom, and peperoni pizza is up there...oh, and hot garlic wings...My mouth is starting to water... My favorite colors are red and blue, with yellow being close.
  16. I pay $70 a month and can choose from 14 classes held on six different days in two different locations. I usually get to three or four a week. All classes are taught by blackbelts fourth degree or higher, unless someone is sick. Class sizes range from 5 to 15 students.
  17. Will, welcome to KF. Congratulations on your first grade. Could you tell us more about Gan Teora?
  18. Before weigh in it's called "sucking weight" or "making weight". It's amazing how quickly you put on a few pounds after you replenish your fluids and eat a substantial meal.
  19. It looks good from the website and the instructor has a decent resume. Go take some intro lessons and see what it's like. Talk to a few of the students and make a decision. Good luck.
  20. Welcome to the forums.
  21. Slow motion kicking is great to develop strength and balance. Another point for higher kicks is to use proper technique.
  22. I don't think so! Feedback is such a key element in instruction of any kind. I don't see it from a video tape. Maybe a knowledge of certain skills can be acquired, but not mastery. To answer your question, they would need to be tested in front of a black belt panel and pass or fail. If they passed then more power to them. The odds are stacked against them.
  23. Ven, hang in there. It takes time...
  24. With friends like that who needs enemies, lol. Seriously, always try to be the "big" person in situations like that. Walking away speaks volumes about your character compared to feeding into the BS of a heated situation. Your friend will see the errors of his/her ways.
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