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Everything posted by patusai

  1. 600 bucks! I don't want to buy the company!
  2. I like car unless I am traveling in the city during rush hour which can be a bit much...or if it is snowing. I take the train to work (easier), I don't care to take ships anymore (bad experience) I do not car for planes at all. I like staying on solid ground. Remember, you can't pull over to a curb at 30,000 feet
  3. I play the guitar...sort of I have played the accordian I would love to play the keyboard
  4. the King Charles is nice, the springer is nice...so many...so many
  5. I worked midnights for a while and had to do this as well. I use to hit the snooze on the first one from bed and, at times, until the snooze exhausted (at that time there was a time limit). Perhaps clocks today are different. I have not checked recently
  6. As some said...it can be whatever it is that you want. Find something that you love and do that. Good luck
  7. Welcome Back!
  8. Most thoughful Sohan! You inspired me a bit. Normally I do resolutions and end up not following through after about a week. Although this is starting late (maybe that's the secret for me) I am: Going to lose some weight...OK, a lot of weight. Spend more time with my family instead of the computer Learn Polish with my daughter somehow (she wants to learn) Don't take things so seriously Laught a lot more There are others that I should include bue I will stop here and concentrate on these for now.
  9. In no particular order here Monopoly us to be my biggest favorite but my family plays it all nice and warm which drives me crazy. Life Stratego (haven't had time to play that one recently. Checkers Chess 3D Chess is kinda fun too
  10. Nice one! My family plays this often. I like this one and Gin
  11. My reading is usually confined to processional manual and books. Presently I am reading "Know IT Security" by James P Litchko.
  12. Considering intermediate kata is what we are talking about... Neon five (as suggest before) could be Pinan Five possibly. Phase three...maybe Passai (but I don't know how the three would come into play...of course there are many versions of this kata and you may have been or may eventually be caught other version thus the number three). As for Tago One, I can't think of one
  13. I know that this may be a short lived topic but.. What are the Chicago Bears chances in their playoff tomorrow evening? What are their chance in getting to the Super Bowl? I would not be offended by any answers since I am a Packer fan but I do have a number of friends who are Bears fans (including my entire family) Thanks
  14. Congratulations!!
  15. My wife thinks that I cheated in answering the questions. She said that my score should have been at least double of what it was. Maybe I should have had her answer the questions for me?
  16. Curling
  17. I learn things every day. Thank you for the information. Good luck to you
  18. Good article. Thanks
  19. Welcome
  20. repeat last move
  21. Golly, I did not know that LA had a soccer team. Now I do. I think that he is getting a lot of money which everyone out there hopes that this will develop soccer to the next level in this country. Personally, I am fine with Basball, Football, basketball and hockey. That pretty much fills me. However, I know that there are a lot of people who love soccer. As for making a difference, I think that the skill level would have to be a Michael Jordan level and there would also need to extrememly carasmatic (sp?). I am not sure that it's there yet.
  22. I always had those thoughts about not wanting to train. Once I got there things were fine. It was everthing before entering the dojo that was the problem.
  23. It would help if you knew why you lost. When I started I was good a blocking but I had difficulty attacking. My instructor pulled me aside and told me that "not even the greatest master can block forever. you need to be able to fight back!"
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