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Everything posted by patusai

  1. patusai


    I don't really think so. However, riches doesn't have to be monetary, either. I agree. with my family I am a very rich man.
  2. Congratulations...nice goin'
  3. Sometimes professinal athletes, especially big ones, believe their own press. Indeed that is kinda crazy. Thanks for sharing this
  4. That's awful. It sure does sound pretty bad. Hope you feel better tomorrow even if you do't feel like training.
  5. Ok, thanks
  6. Not me that's for sure
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyHYSSfojlQ Here's a link. I don't know when it's on tv. Excellent. Thank you for sharing this
  8. Yes he is a good linebacker. He possibly has potential to be a great one.
  9. I'd volunteer to get the stuffings kick out of me every so often but after thinking it over...been there done that and I'm too old to continue to do it Seriously though I like traditional (if there is such a thing) heavy bags
  10. Good luck, I hop eyou continue to feel better and better as each moment passes
  11. patusai


    How can you not?
  12. I agree with those that suggested that it is up to the individual
  13. I do not believe that there can be a perfect style. One person's perfect would be seen as a flaw (light or large) by another. People, especially recently, have been creating their own styles and bringing together what key know and feel is best from other systems and still it is not seen as perfect. It may be perfect for them, individually, but not as a all round style for the masses. I say this knowing my own knowledge limitations in Martial Arts. That said, whatever would be developed, so that it can reach a high point near perfection, would need to incorporate a little bit of everything from the various Martial Arts such as Aikido, Judo, Weapons, other grapling styles as well and development of techiques that is both traditional but lends a major eye to working in real life applications. A monumental task indeed. It will be interesting to see what others come up with specifically. Specifically speaking I am not in a position to answer that. Good luck in your search
  14. The Green Bay Packers
  15. That was interesting and brings up another point. I started assisting in classes when i was a 1st kyu (the belt before black belt) and a 14 year old. I led streatching and warm ups with 4-7 year olds, and then helped them in class. Now I assist in 8-13 year old green through black belt classes. I do not teach alone, but i run warm-ups and sometimes we split up the group and I work kata with some of them. My sensei believes my kata is good enough to be able to help other students. When there are no older black belts in class and my Sensei has a private to teach, or a parent to deal with or something, he has me lead class until he is ready. He has also let me teach a few privates, and help the adult white-green belts, and teach them kata. The author of the artical seems to think that I shouldn't be teaching because of my age, yet almost all of the assistant instructors are below 18. I could be because we don't have jobs and such. But we are also all black belts, all talented, and all know what we are doing. There is also an aspect that some kids feel they can be friends with a teenager, it gives them someone to ask for help when they are scared to ask a grown up. All I am saying is, I think, and my Senseis think that I am qualified to be a black belt and teach a class. Teaching is about how much you know, and how well you can share your knowledge with others. Not age. It is true that some people don't take kids seriously, but if the kid is a good teacher, they should be able to change that. I totally agree that some Jr BB can teach well especially if they are into what they are teaching. I agree with Bushido Man that, unfortunately, some adults will not be receptive to being taught by a child. The ability might be there to teach but with the resistance, I am not sure how effective it would be for the adult. Of course, as ninjanurse said the humility training would be there.
  16. In Chicago at least Brian Urlacker of the Chicago Bears is considered a linebacker god. Already in his young career people are rating him up their with Dick Butkus. Since KF has members all over the country and world I am hoping to get an idea as to what the world thinks of Brian Urlacker's abilityies. Thank you for your opinions.
  17. I think that you are right about Grossman. He can either be really good or awful. I believe that the last time he was stringing together a number of bad games when he got over it he put 3 good ones together (I think it was). If he can get the fans out of his head and play well and get another 3 game streak going... Frankly Bear fans always seem to have a problem with their quarterbacks. Unless then are always winning they get jumped all over. I kinda think, to that end, the Bears need a quarterback coach (like a real good one) one that can develop quarterback talent. Far to many of the Bear QBs (even McManon) played and did well based on their own natural ability. Well, it is a few hours before game time. This Packer fan is at work (which, considering, is probably the best place for me. May the best team win.
  18. Herculeas (my daughter was 5)
  19. We have always had Cable but we now have Dish Network When we moved we had a cable company scheduled but they never showed and the guy said that he came buy but nobody was home. The cable company would not get their for a number of days later so we called the Dish. They came out a lot faster so we went with them
  20. St Joseph College Pumas logo
  21. If I am on a computer or the computer is on I use the computer. If not I will seek out a hand held
  22. It varies...Outlook Express and Eudora and Juno
  23. I like Pizza! I also like Italian food Shell fish such as Lobster, crab (don't get it much) Sea Food such as Scallops, Orange Roughy, Salmon, or any other white fish. If I had to name one it would be pizza...with everthing and anything but anchovies...thin crust but I do like stuffed and pan as well
  24. Snickers or anything with chocolate
  25. I want to someday be able to retire. That does not look that it will happen now. My wife was really sick a few years back (she is better now) and it pretty much wiped us out (I had insurance too...but)
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